
it's a war between our intelligence agencies.
cia vs. nsa and fbi.
we have to let it play out.

Other urls found in this thread:


what are the interests of each side?

>Muh pizzagate

It's funny when ppl see evidence and are just like "yeah that's interesting, but it can't be true" even though it's proven to have occurred in multiple countries.

come here little strawman


has any outlet had an excuse for the pizza map email and any of the IG pics? even if you don't believe it, any rational person would want some sort of explanation for those things

The mentally ill shouldn't play with matches

Shut up India

>make claims with no evidence
>it's dismissed because the people making the fucking claims have provided no evidence
>OMG fucking lugenpresse why won't they investigate every asinine thing conspiracy theorists come up with? fucking liberal MSM!!!

I want to walk into a Comet Ping Pong and blow myself up.

remember when you could hold people hostage at gunpoint in a country's capital and not be called a terrorist?

me neither.

Fucking Muslims, I thought you faggots were into kids? Why would you want to blow it up?
Also, why is the solution to all problems Islam is strapping on a suicide vest?

i think comet is a false flag.
why else would everything involving pizzagate be focused on it?
think about it. let's say there was a pizzaria with some kind of child-sex-trafficking-satanic-ritual-beelzebub thing going on in the back, but someone pointing it out mentioned the wrong place.
wouldn't they say "oh, yeah, check out that one place that you mentioned, look how horrible you treat these guys, stop looking into it you evil people!"
meanwhile, child-sex-trafficking-beelzebub continues at some other establishment

i'm going to love the ctr chair-level employees trying to argue "it was only a job; just dong what we were paid to" in court.
i hope the treason executions are public.
I want to see the faces of those executed for a $10/hr. wage-slave job that they knew was wrong.
>it was for a good cause

>No one cared to look into it because why would they? It's fake.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
The MSM pissing their pants about this is just bringing more people to look into it. No one is for pedophilia. People from all sides are coming out against pizzagate and it shows. It's huge. It's a movement. We just have to keep digging and keep memeing.

pls check


>Hasn't looked at the evidence
>Assumes there is no evidence
>Wonders why so many people on Sup Forums believes shit without evidence

cool mspaint, amed!
want to bring your strawman argument to the whitehouse?

I think so too. I also noticed they used their trigger word "Assault Rifle" When dealing with the suspect's weapon. Which got me thinking. What are the gun laws in DC? That's where comet ping pong is. How did the suspect manage to own an AR-15 in DC?

"Fake News" is the new "Truther" which went along the lines of "Conspiracy Theorist".

While we use memes to get our points across, how (((they))) operate is to use news-think labels.

Which is why if you are ever associated with the "Alt-right", deny it vehemently,

The cat is out of the bag now. Been there in the first threads and was suprised that this exploded so hard on the whole web after the election. We need to meme on and kek will take care of the rest. Praise him and salvation will be ours.



there are places outside of DC, where the suspect lived, that sell AR-15s

It would be easy enough to bring a Big Mac into a Burger King. It doesn't mean BK sells them or supports eating them in their chain.

desu i am not ctr and i think this whole pizzagate thing is retarded

Says the mythical d u b s Jew.

the guy went in and found nothing, don't you think that if he found evidence of underground caves or trapped children he would have killed everyone in the place?

>Walks in
>"I'm here to investigate fake news about Hillary Rodham Clinton (PBUH)"
>"But guns are bad"
>"Oh no what have I done let me just put my assault weapon down and step out slowly to surrender to the police who are here now"

people are stupid

>if they didn't kill him it must be a false flag

>if they killed him he had to be silenced because of what he found out

if you were willing to believe both it doesn't matter what the truth is, you just want to believe it no matter what

>if they killed him he had to be silenced because of what he found out
No, that would actually lend credence to the story that a dude who was legitimately unhinged enough to go to a PIZZA PLACE WITH A FUCKING RIFLE was behaving consistently, instead of being talked down

proof? this sounds interesting

Cheese Pizza = CP = Child Porn

I can't believe this guy is getting his own segments. He's the most unbearable CNN anchor, and that's saying something.

We have created a database of memes. Spam this shit out on twatter. Use their hashtags like #standwithcomet against them. Mock the fake news narrative. Drive this counterattack into the ground and bury it.

We brought down Clinton with round the clock shitposting, we can do it again to the MSM.

Millstone about the neck, baby. And that's if they cut a plea deal.