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So you've finally awoken.

Not all Christian denominations are semitic



Christianity is the ultimate red pill. It's the only one of these religions that tells you about the Jews.

Christianity started in Semitic roots

>>you can mix red and blue and still get purple

t. OP with an IQ of 75

Genetic fallacies and following gods that both died out AND offer nothing in the form of spirituality or philosophy in a vain hope of clinging to "muh ancestors" even though they have been Christian for hundreds of years, if not a thousand or slightly more?

>>t. OP with an IQ of 116

You are the one worshiping a Semitic god or are you worshiping his deity names jesus

Sure, mine would still be higher. Even if you're telling the truth, you're still making fallacies and being overall retarded.

So you're acting like you have an IQ of 75 even then.

Ok Semitic worshiper

The ancient Israelites were White.

That doesn't change Truth, does it?

Do you avoid e=mc2 because it's made by a German?
You write in the Latin alphabet
You use Hindu-Arab numerals

You want to avoid something that is true because of where it came from and cling to something not true because of feeling and your "ancestors" (who followed Christianity for about a thousand years)? And then pretend you're intelligent?

You're not; you're an idiot blinded by your own pride and ego.

>guise, Christanity has ruined Western civilization finally after 1700 to 2000 years
>the only way to restore it.... Is to return to our previous long dead culture and relgion... back when we killed each other like Niggers, had no concept of a "white race", and generally worshiped fertility women gods and Marxists polytheism.... Though we generally only mention the cool warrior gods when larping dead culture, lol

The Romans also worshiped polytheistic gods, and even erected shrines to unknown gods and gods of foreign cultures.

Your entire perspective is a giant misconception pushed by brainwashed Marxist tools.

Mixed and white is not a race you mean European.

t. ad hominem

thor hallows

My arguments aren't based on his character. Insulting someone who's acting stupid.
Not ad hominem. There's a difference.







Paganism is fine, but certainly silly.

Anti-Abrahamism is the important religious position to take, whether it's out of atheism, Eastern faith, traditional paganism, or some other philosophy is all fine so long as you want to put kikes, christcucks, and mudslimes in gas chambers.

i'm not a kike but you're still goyim

agree. christcucks can be dealt with last they really aren't a threat. hell they'd probably wake up when RAHOWA breaks out.

they're really just deluded fools. pretty docile and ignorant. just human shields really

you are right OP, but where are you going with this?

alienating our white brothers and sisters is exactly what we don't need at this critical point of time.

Why do you think you can worship our Gods if there is a big chance of you carrying Amerindian or negro blood?

there is only one group here that is white, its meant to persuade christfaggots. i see no alienation

U wut m8

i'm not op but do you really think whites are that polluted here? want to see my ancestrydna? 100 euro mufugguh

Sadly they are. Not even 60%, or even 50% White. More like 20-35% White? Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity!

christfaggots are still brothers in arms and we need them in times of genocide.

we have to survive first of all and after securing our survival as a people we can solve internal discrepancies.

All murricans are fucking niggers.

they are leading us to genocide fuck face. they are the goyim. wake up goy


Abrahamic, not Semitic. There's a difference. Otherwise you could say whites are Ethiopian, Chinese are Ethiopian and Native American's are Ethiopian. Which is retarded. Like you are.

>Wotan is spelled almost the same as LOTAN


that's a bit too much reading for me at 6 am. lets go with YOU'RE RIGHT.

regardless if that's true, those whites with nigger/indinigger admixture (depending on percentage) who appear and act white will side with whites. any who do not appear to be white (even slightly) are already black panthers. as someone who lives here and lived in a few states this country is 55-60 percent white. yes, white, not hispanic. remember, this country has little mexicos inside of it, and when e-verify is enforced and the bad hombres deported, the rest will self-deport given they will no longer be able to work. this country is 55-60 percent white currently and unless you have lived here you would not believe that. but i do and i promise it is. also check my rad ethnicity (ancestors probably got raped by a jew or something)

Europe was never truly christianized... All our festivals and holidays are Pagan in origin. Renaissance was a REBIRTH of Pagan philosphy, art, architecture, and even values.

The Dark Age was not the product of the fall of Rome, it was the product of Christianized barbarians clashing with Christian Rome, and other tribes littered across Mother Europe some of whom were Pagan and others who were not.

For fuck sake the entire reason Constantinople fell was because they were weakened before the Turk came by various clashes between Catholic and Orthodox.

>Christianity is the ultimate red pill

partially right but they are still the ones we have to awaken and also depend on them genetically.

>festivals and holidays
Big whoop

>Dark Ages

To be fair he has a point. What we need is unity foremost.

The Africans and Middle Easterners hate each other, the only thing that unifies them is their mutual hatred for Europe and its people - all over the world.

We need to stop thinking of Russian, German, French, British as being anything of substance. Those are just nationalities. They are passports.

We are all descendants of the same Indo-European group which over time developed differences, but ultimately based on the SAME culture.

We need to re-embrace each other as brothers and sisters. Settle our internal disputes after we've united against a common enemy.

i'm not saying kill them dude the whole point of this post is to awaken them.

all in all its pretty hopeless but they should be in reeducation camps atleast

Fuck off Abujah.

Shut up Wotan neopaganism achieved nothing in the last two centuries. You are worthless and control nothing even though christianity pretty much collapsed. Gas yourselves. And of course monotheisms are semitic what kind of "pill" is that?


LaVeyan Satanism isn't semitic

underrated poast


and my whole criticism is that this post doesn't awaken anyone and only creates more animosity in an already torn apart ethnic group.
so I consider it to be dysfunctional.

i think we're all on the same page here brother.

the thing is christcucks are in no way shape or form ready for a white awakening or even an awakening at all. they're all awaiting the "end times", the jewish egregore of christian genocide. they sit and wait for jesus the jew to save them. these people are deluded and quite frankly its a waste of time. they will be dealt with last because with all honesty they are not a threat. either a roadblock or a human shield depending on how you look at them. just throw them in reeducation camps.

Don't you have some blacks to fend off?

fair enough.

Just waiting for them but as you know they can't plan for shit and end up scratching each other while I wait.


>Europe was never truly christianized

And whats your arbitrary definition of true christianity and how is it different from a myriad of true christianities out there?

>All our festivals and holidays are Pagan in origin

Wow you have wikipedia. Now what?

>The Dark Age was not the product of the fall of Rome, it was the product of Christianized barbarians clashing with Christian Rome

It was caused by exactly that. Christian byzantium was doing just fine. The "dark ages" were caused by the military and political collapse of Western Rome.

I am not a christian but your arguments are rather lame. If paganism rnthusiasts were capable of doing anything we would have noticed.

try again

>ancestors have been Christian for hundreds or thousands of years!
>Your parents coloured their hair purple, even though your family's had all-natural X color for tens of generations before them
>Returning to just having your natural hair color is impossibru, your parents had purple hair!

This is an analogy of time frames. And genetic dispositions.

Everyone I don't agree with is stupid
>Are you schitzo or have a mental illness?

gee I wonder who can be behind this post?

Lead by example not with words. They shout and scream to get their point across when all you and everyone like us has to do is do "our own thing" and breed.

Europe will never fall. Civilisation may collapse but the welfare leaches are fucked when it all comes falling down.
And like a plague of locusts they will flutter to other regions in search of another State to suckle dry.

Those that stay will be killed off without us having to do a damn thing.
Disease, internal conflict, and even biology itself (which is a huge disadvantage to them in Europe) will resolve it.

Worst case scenario, civilisation collapses. And in 100-200 years Europe will look again what it did... 100-200 years ago lol

>that's if we don't kill them all.. which is, you know, cool too

...technically that's right.

Jesus warns us of the jews. God=Jesus confirmed

Hinduism is the ultimate redpill

>Bible written by dumb jews who can't keep a story straight
Absolute truth, goyim

Yeah, that's not European. We don't care who will side with who. Oh, some 2% Amerindian 1% African """White""" killed nogs during the racial war? Good for him - now he can fuck off from the ethnostate. Race > culture

he forks off a bit here I think

>Unironically Christian in the UK yet laughing at people's IQ

i am totally fine with killing them too.

the only example i can set for the honorary autists is to go full fledged natzi when the time is right. try having a conversation with a christian. YOU CAN'T. fuck em man. just redpill whites and throw shit like all over the internet. as far as i'm concerned they are a loss and any attempt to unshackle their mind is futile and not worthwhile.

tldr; christians are the goyim, the goyim are the christians

>Semitic religion
Dude u retard.....

The real religion

The Jews fear the Satanists...

>The Dark Age was not the product of the fall of Rome, it was the product of Christianized barbarians clashing with Christian Rome

this is Sup Forums's equivalent of fedora tipping

POOism is the ultimate brownpill

Only one prophet has heard my prayers.

Christianity is the ultimate cuck pill. Breeds tolerance as though it were virtuous. hahaha. Immoral. Keep tolerating your demise cuck.
Judaism is greed.
Buddhism is neet.
Islam is retardation.
Atheist left is tooth fairy.
Reality is not giving a fuck about an unfalsifiable claim.


you are in a bad position to be so picky...

less than 5 percent from those regions. WHICH ARE ALL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES.

i'm whiter than you slav.

do me a favor and hang yourself gopnik

Only based religion is Roman paganism.
>Cool Gods who don't give a fuck and will fuck you up
>Actual sacrifice not bullshit praying
>Gods don't give a fuck about you so if they don't answer your calls it's not weird
>religion that built the greatest empire on earth

>For fuck sake the entire reason Constantinople fell was because they were weakened before the Turk came by various clashes between Catholic and Orthodox.
>the christians caused the middle ages

maybe the 480 attacks by the Ottomans had also something to do with it....

>And whats your arbitrary definition of true christianity and how is it different from a myriad of true christianities out there?

Christianity was always the state-sponsored religion as a means of securing power. At the beginning it was a means of unifying different cultures under the umbrella of the conquering nation.
Christianity was never truly adopted by the average European because dissent was met by punishment, attending sermons and mass was mandatory. Pagan rituals and holidays had to be incorporated into Christianity in order for a compromise to be established that would make the 'adoption' of Christianity easier.
Pagan sacred sites were often destroyed and Christian ones built right on top of them.

Practicing Christianity thus became a means to continue practicing Pagan/native cultures and traditions without the State/Church burning you alive. They suppressed Paganism but never destroyed it.

>All our festivals and holidays are Pagan in origin
>Wow you have wikipedia. Now what?

I'm sorry you have nothing else constructive to say regarding that...

>The "dark ages" were caused by the military and political collapse of Western Rome.

Yes, in part. But we conveniently forget that it was Christian barbarians who sacked Rome.. Or we try and ignore that fact.
Christians are no more or no less internally weak and aggressive than Muslims.

Europe's history is littered with religious disputes among CHRISTIANS. Killing each other because of slight variations in their interpretations. Same as Islam.

The point is... The cause of the dark ages was NOT the fall of Rome, that was the catalyst. What secured the Dark Ages was in-fighting among Christian groups. And what held us there, in the Dark Ages, was continued clashes, and suppression of free and critical thinking. Which was actually promoted among the Pagans.

Rome did not become what is was because they were Christians. It was Pagan philosophy, engineering, architecture, and politics that did.

>Russians are Slavs

>untemensch thinks one drop rule is not valued in Europe

Yeah, by time constantinople fell the byzantines were incredibly weak and the Ottomans were only growing in power. All of anatolia had been taken and most of Greece, it was only a matter of time before the byzants were wiped out.

Also, this

see here

lets see your genetic makeup bolshevik

Bavarian and Schwabian as far as last 1000 years. If anything many European nationalists group BAN American and Canadian "Huwhites" from joining

No, this "satanism" is nothing more than the occult side of judaism.
>bloting of goyim children
>wanting to kill christians
>I can contine

Never are the Canaanite gods mentioned by name outside of apocryphical accounts. Thou shalt not worship any God except for thy true god, the LORD... does not exactly disprove that the amalgam derivative of EL-YHWH is not the same entity as the other derivative Ba'al Hammon-Moloch.

They are all exactly the same. Successor deities of the Sumerian Enlil while our Serpent or Satan is a successor of the Sumerian Enki. That the Jews were not always monotheistic is a historical fact (see: God Had a Wife), that they practiced child sacrifice via immolation is also a historical fact (Korban Olah), that somehow the Shoah in English is named after a greek transliteration of this practice (Korban Olah->Holokaustos->Holocaust) is also to say the least suspicious.

>I'll let him explain again, after all the kikes came flooding tfrom the US due to his metal shit

This shit is really weird, I wonder if this is what we see on Epstein's synagoge of Satan.
Note also many kikes say straight out, we worship satan not god.

>Defense for Spiritual Warfare, a Free Online Course The Invocation of Solomon, Part 1

>Defense for Spiritual Warfare, a Free Online Course The Invocation of Solomon, Part 2

>The Pentagram: The Microcosmic Star

>The Conjuration of the Seven Explained

>Alchemy and the Tetragram (1)

So paganism is the red pill? I've always wanted to pray to a bush.

I was 13 once too.

Literally doesn't work

Following something because muh ancestors IS stupid.

Showing not false, actually

Los Malvinas no son Argentinas, negro

>le christcuck maymay.

atheists with an intense hatred towards anything that has to do with religion/tradition are responsible for the mess western europe and north america are in today. they flushed down the toilet everything that keeps a country/nation together.
no tradition, no connection to one's culture, atomization of society, alienation, depression, broken marriages, spoiled children on hardcore psychotropics, gender confusion, self-hatred, lgbt degeneracy, escapism, shallow consumerism, etc. that's the west now. i wouldn't care as much, but your globalist-controlled politicians are trying to shove all of those things down everyone else's throat, they are not satisfied with only ruining your nations, they want total control.

prove it autist


the indogermanic languages are the oldest languages on earth and are really similiar to one another. in sanskrit, an indogermanic language, the meaning of sa tan was a positive one in our earliest ancestors times (eternal truth). it was the time where reincarnation, the oneness of all things and enlightenment trough meditation was teached in pagan religions in Europe, North Africa and of course Asia.

When the jewish culture began to evolve and rise to power, they created their own religion, and in their own newer language, they coined the term satan, that formerly had a positive meaning, into something negative (enemy).

they spread that religion as the "real" truth everywhere they had power (not in asia), and banned all pagan teachings that rely on evolving as a spiritual being as "evil".

the new religion they preached offered no techniques for spiritual development other than the mindless repetition of certain texts and your personal wishes (as if they where to come true through that), called "praying".

it also praises absolute obedience to a higher power. for those who aren't obedient, eternal torture is waiting (how stupid is that, a God that loves you sends you to eternal suffering for something you did in a short lifetime). sounds like the mindset they wished for citizens of the New World Order to have.

According to lore, Kaiser Barbarossa is sleeping under the Kyffhäuser Mountain (south of the Harz mountains). and waiting to be awoken to make Germany great again (yes, really).
Scholars say though, that it's not actually Barbarossa who is meant, but the old God Wotan, because people couldn't say the name without getting in trouble with the church. One of many hints to this is that it's said that there will be ravens (Wotans holy birds and companions) flying around the mountain to indicate the awakening.

let me make this clear to you:
If God created everything and is almighty, he also created Satan, so that he would fulfill Gods will.
Satan is simply an aspect of God, a part of him.

So what did they need him for in the Bible? Why not just admit that God created/is doing all the evil?

The answer:
God and Satan are two sides of the same coin. That coin is the energy and the light of the universe, that created everything, destroys everything and is absolutely emotionless.

True spirituality is about getting in touch with that force, using it in your life to achieve enlightentment and see the true nature of the universe.

The early illuminists didn't want this knowledge to spread, as spiritually advanced people would wake up to the truth of the NWO.

Therefore they twisted the old meaning of the word truth into ememy and created the figure of Satan.

That figure was supposed to scare people into "coming to God"(=join the new hoax religion) and to make them believe that everyone who doesn't believe in God must have been"seperated from him by the Devil" which lead to religious intolerance and the murder of many pagans or atheists.

All part of the plan, divide and conquer.

>getting this butthurt Christcucks worship a Jew

Nice numbers. What did kek mean by this?

Yes but the problem with Heathenism is that ((they)) are working their special brand of shittery all over it now. "My faith has been hijacked by Nazis, Odin is for everyone!!!!"

>Jesus Christ was a jew.
Except he wasn't.
You Styx fan boy niggers are as uneducated as he is.

I don't have to prove anything to a part-semite part-west asian mongrel. Even if I was a fucking nigger, point still stands - one drop rule, American mongrels are not welcome.
>he doesn't like my mongrel ass and my degenerate genetically poisonous kin, so he must be an autist

>The point is... The cause of the dark ages was NOT the fall of Rome, that was the catalyst. What secured the Dark Ages was in-fighting among Christian groups. And what held us there, in the Dark Ages, was continued clashes, and suppression of free and critical thinking. Which was actually promoted among the Pagans.

This. Cults, whether secular and religious are terrible for culture and innovation as they force everyone to believe their world view. The majority of people are at least partially puppets of the various cults. PC is the newest variant of this bullshit.

This is how Western civilization ends:

Joseph gets recucked and Jesus gets a brother called Mohammed or Tyrone.