HAHAHA WHAT? This is wikipedia? what the fuck

HAHAHA WHAT? This is wikipedia? what the fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


>no sources
look at the talk page

>Sup Forums is this obsessed with fake news

seriously guys? Why would you go through all this trouble when there's LITERALLY NO FUCKING EVIDENCE that anything happened at all.

>[citation needed]


Yeah, it's all pure coincidenceâ„¢ goy, stop investigating. pls.

why is it suddenly fake news now? why werent fema death camps fake news? why wasnt obamas birth conspiracy fake news? why is there a buzzword now that can be used to completely shut down your mind?

did conspiracy theories not roll off the tongue well enough?

I don't understand why they're being so blatant about this.

Why can't they be subtle?

>pic related?


Isn't imaginary child sex just as illegal?

So how was it debunked exactly? I mean apart from saying that it was a conspiracy theory?

Shouldn't be "alleged" or something? No one claimed they were trafficking these children across alternate planes via their mind. The pedos don't have enough melanin for that.

Fake news is the trendy buzzword of the season

This FAKE conspiracy theory is totally NOT REAL so just give up and let those 100% IMAGINARY child sex slaves suffer in peace.

It's fake news, every reputable news source said so.


No children are molested and killed by wealthy pedophile predators who buy security from politicians. Nothing to see here

I added the [citation needed] meme

Was there ever any evidence, though? As far as I saw there were only speculations and (((coincidences))) and without those the whole conspiracy falls apart

These scum are being very careful with their word choices. 'Imaginary' suggests that the claims have absolutely no basis and can therefore be ignored, which is what normies will think if they read the page.

It's insidious.

They were the same with Hillary's health and the "Conspiracies of the 2016 election" page.
"A debunked conspiracy theory spread by far-right conspiracy theorists that is not backed by any reliable sources or data and has been debunked many times, and here are the two MSM articles stating it's fake, therefore it's fake and debunked."

Only in Canada.
Australia has a cups being considered CP

What? I see no problem here.

Wiki is trash with it comes to recent events.

The salt is real. The roaches are scurrying.


it just scares me is all. whats going to happen when "fake speech" comes along? when our cellphones mics pick up "non-government approved opinions" and you get put on a list?

i really dont want the internet to end like this. with a facebook/youtube/wikipedia only whimper. sad

in their minds, anything but an all out assault means admitting defeat

do they post why it is debunked? or rather how it was debunked? They are making it too obvious if they have not shown how it is false. Jesus christ, I didn't want to believe at first, but this is like Trump all over again. Media and shill trying to cover up something without facts.

>werent fema death camps fake news?
Yes, FEMA death camps were fake news.

both of those things were fake news, and we were laughing about them then, too

Because it hasn't been proved beyond a reasonable doubt and aren't innocent because of that.

we can stop it now by creating a counternarrative to political correctness, and encouraging the trump regime to defend freedom of speech

[Citation Needed]

we have gotten so powerful that we created a entire new political ideology, elected a president, and now have the MSM panicking and doing entire segments on cartoon frogs

Sup Forums did habbo hotel raids
now Sup Forums put someone in the white house

There should also be a citation on the "started by an alt-right Twitter account" part, which should also further be edited down to remove the editorializing "alt-right" and just say "Twitter user _____," with possible a parenthetical note on content (such as you would note if it were a satirical account or a bot).

It's almost as if a bunch of old people talking about pizza doesn't actually mean they're involved with a satanic cult practicing ritualised child abuse.

Just the powers-that-be protecting their interests. Nothing to see here.

Too many coincidences for it to be a coincidence really

Bad joke aside, I am pretty sure they are looking for hard evidence if they havent found it yet. Circumstantial evidence is valid in a court though

>(conspiracy theory)
>debunked conspiracy theory
The top of the page on Holocaust Denial is more neutral than this. Wikipedia takes a more aggressive stance on people harassing a pizzeria than they do on people denying the holocaust happened.

>FEMA camps
>fake news

You assholes do realize that FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, do have sites which could be labeled as "camps" right? They set these places up to act as temporary housing in the event of a catastrophic natural disaster or a disease outbreak that reaches epidemic infection levels.

I mean sure they're not "Death Camps" but to say FEMA Camps aren't real is like saying CIA Black Sites aren't real. Get a fucking clue.

circumstantial evidence of what you retarded fucking monkey?

you newfag redditards are so incredibly stupid to be manipulated by this pizzagate bullshit. there's no fucking evidence. everything you retarded niggers have shown me has had misleading or flat out wrong info



>On December 4, 2016, a man walked into the restaurant with an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle

Someone needs to update this as

>On December 4, 2016, an actor named Edgar Maddison Welch[imdb link], walked into the restaurant with an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle

This whole "fake news" bs was way too obvious that it is a pushed narrative.

In one week:
Google announced out of the blue that they will stop showing results for fake news sites

Facebook announced suddenly that fake news will be blocked from feeds

The news starts warning of the dangers of fake news BEFORE they start talking about pizzagate

Now a well armed gunman goes to a public pizza place and kills nobody

Latest revision as of 14:40, 7 December 2016 (edit) (undo)
Fyddlestix (talk | contribs)
(Uh, ALL media discount it as false - any source that doesn't is obviously not a RS on the matter.)

Hello, I'm Fyddlestix! If you have any issues or questions about my edits, friendly advice, or just want to say hello please visit my Talk Page

Technically, my main areas of interest on Wikipedia are American history, CHILDREN'S music and literature, and academic biographies - but I've found that I easily get "sucked into" other articles and disputes, particularly when I see evidence of non-neutral content, POV-pushing, and promotional editing.

Um, I said FEMA death camps aren't real. I don't even understand how you could fail that hard.

"A false and untrue conspiracy theory that no one believes about an imaginary child sex ring that doesnt exist." Well goys, looks like theres nothing to see here. Move along.


I hate this man already.


So many buzzwords

Yeah and the addition of "death" in the name doesn't make a useful distinction. FEMA Camps are real. "Death" in this instance is being used as a vague adjective for the purpose that the camp exists, and if a FEMA Camp is ever activated for its intended purpose then it's not going to be a pleasant place to live by any means.

To say FEMA Death Camps aren't real implies that there are no FEMA Camps. There are FEMA Camps. The word "death" only exists in this context to create a buffer against the concept of a FEMA Camp so that the idea is dismissed in passing conversation. Literally Psy Op 101 here people, come on.


link for when it was debunked? snopes posted it as false but didn't debunk it at all

It's amusing how little self-awareness they seem to have.

[citation needed]

The idea is that they would usher you into that safe camp under false pretenses and not let you leave.

I don't know what these fucks expected to happen. The one thing keeping these sick fucks safe was people being to disgusted to even entertain the idea. But now we have dudes with inside out dicks and gimps serving food on the street. People have been desensitized enough that they are willing to talk about this, but have shown their breaking point by electing Trump. These sick fucks wanted to normalize every hedonistic act, ultimately leading to normalizing pedophilia but realized a normal person can only accept so much.


i was with you until the blow black was so fucking heavy. i dont know how right all this is but people the reactions are borderline absurd.

Wow they really are trying to cover this shit up aren't they?

>still using wikipedia


Really is sad, but eventually people will come around, you just need to hit them harder with the truth and have them look into the shit that is going on by asking questions to them about what do they think is behind this bullshit of political correctness, dumbing down of media, state involvement in child rearing, etc, and slowly open them up to it.

Then you bring up the 11 point plan once they have curiosity as to what is going on. You just need them to piece together things, once people put 2 and 2 together they will figure it out, you have to give them small pieces to work with.

Because someone who types like this fucking mongoloid certainly deserves to be anywhere near the edit button on an encyclopedia.

Lets hope i attached the right image and not a webm of me having sex with a double decker bus.

You wot m8?

actually, reading the snopes article, i think it more proves our point than it does showing it's false. They're really really struggling to disprove it and don't bring up ANY valid points. "it was actually just an innocent game". my ass it was, taping a fucking child to a table is an innocent game?
they really can't justify any of it.

When they use "conspiracy theory" and "alt-right" in the same sentence, you know they're trying to manipulate your opinions.

>Sup Forums is alternative
>gets more views daily than any mainstream media channel in the USA
>gets more global attention
>represents the mainstream view of most of the world, that happens to fly contrary to the minority of people in the USA


check the edit page and research the IPs

They asked Alefantis if he molested kids and he said "no." He couldn't have said "no" if it weren't true!


(Never mind that no news outlets brought up instagram pics, or the Podesta/Madeleine McCann connection.)

You seem frusterated, I wonder why

So what does it mean? What does

>Should I play dominoes on cheese or pasta?

actually mean? If we're accepting it at face value, it's an unintelligible word salad. If we accept the tentative glossary that's being reverse engineered, it makes sense as "Should I [perform sex act] on [a young girl] or [a young boy]?" If you don't accept that, then please, put that sentence into context for us.

It doesn't matter that they don't explain how it was debunked; most people won't question or look further anyway.

The guy writing the wiki article is 100% Jewish. Bet he even works in the MSM. The style of writing is typical of some Jewish ""journalists".""
>"Stupid dumb goy lier John Smith was found out..."

the blow back was heavy because a bunch of manipulated schizo fuck heads were harassing and giving death threats to innocent people and ruining reputations. the entire thing is literally fake news, created by the ones trying to push this fake news garbage. this entire thing is legitimately the work of ctr

Make it so


>this entire thing is legitimately the work of ctr

please explain.

>a bunch of old people talking about pizza

More like, a bunch of old, and incredibly powerful people who pal around with convicted pedophiles, convicted human traffickers and weirdos who post cp on their social media and communicate using known pedo symbols and lingo

>doesn't actually mean they're involved with a satanic cult

Except, you know, they said in their emails that they were planning to attend a ritualistic dinner event hosted by a self-proclaimed satanist

We know for a fact that this pedophile slaving business is huge. The problem has been to identify suspects. It's still a massive problem and I don't blame some people that latch on to something that has to do with it.

And as the previous poster said, why would they be so extremely defensive about this if nothing was wrong?

please don't insult us. that guy is clearly a knock off. genuine Jews are more subtle in our manipulations.

It is worth remembering how we ended up here.
Most people (including Info wars and videos on youtube) are only looking at the restaurant and not getting the bigger picture.

>the hacked emails pointing to a music booker at comet ping pong
>pizza references leading to another look at the podesta emails

We got the restaurant and have since found strange coincidences. But the pivot point is the hacked email account, that gave us an actual insight behind the curtains. The rest is just what is out in the open. If we could go back and find more information from the Skipman emails then we would most likely dig at other places. We are not even talking about (((Hollywood))) yet.

So just because the restaurant may be a dead end, you are ignorant if you treat it as the whole story.

It wasn't there, i added it again but was swiftly removed
good to see the last bastion of nonpartisan informative websites in action

>>gets more views daily than any mainstream media channel in the USA
That's not even remotely true, reddit clocks about as many unique IPs in a day we do in our average month, and reddit is only credited to be the world's 27th largest site.

>a bunch of old people with fantastic taste in art


>thinking wikipedia is not under total SJW control

Probably something like "Should I play dominoes after having consumed large quantities of cheese or pasta" as an (admittedly, stupid, but we're talking about a bunch of old yuppies here) play on how one is "on" various drugs.

there's nothing there, move along. there is no conspiracy.

That's the quality of journalists you get when you hire based in race and kinship and not merit.


Its easy to get bogged down in the shit especially when this community has been thrust into the spot light.
We need to bring it back to the lulz

and calling everyone and thier mother a nigger

It's gamergoys all over again.

Sup Forums alone gets over 700k views a day

FOX gets 400k

>Guilty until proven innocent

That's not how Justice works user.

>harassing and giving death threats

I've been following this debacle since the beginning and I've not seen anyone on any online forum so much as suggest harassing or threatening anyone. That's something that the media one day began pushing.

And reddit banned the topic and subreddit and tanked their little credibility in a bid to [shut it down]. The coordinated pushback came right after Hillary lost the election and they realized their influence in the political sphere would be gone. This is the closest thing to a scorched earth policy in politics as you will get.

* and by dead end i mean that there is no physical evidence at the location. It might just have been a place to exchange notes/invitations. The stupid goys posting strange things on instagram are obviously not the ones that designed this fucking thing.

...in the court of law.
Does that mean investigators stop before the investigation is over?

I didn't say they were guilty. They're not innocent if there's a reasonable doubt. Stop trying to pull SJW argument tactics.

What about the gunman?

ctr offices are literally right down the street from comet ping pong

before more of you autismos waste your time, the silver padlock in the top right means that any edit you make won't show up to the average reader until it's approved (which it won't be)

You mean the proven actor who tried his hardest to hit all the talking points and harmed no one?
>assault rifles/guns
>fake news
>white men are the problem not minorities
>nothing's going on goy, I checked :^)