Who /buzzcut/ here?

Who /buzzcut/ here?

>weird looks from people
>sometimes cold in the winter

>cheap and easy to do
>comfy as hell
>doesn't look like shit after 2 days because it's getting greasy and shit
>don't have to worry about styling it or whatever, always the same
>that godlike feeling when showering, when you can feel the water touch the skin on your scalp

How about no hair?

How about no head?

I hate growing out a buzzcut, because my hair just sticks straight out, but otherwise it's pretty comfy sometimes

Only true patricians get buzzcuts

Its a nationally approved polish haircut bros.

Just shave it, faggot.

Who /growhairout/ here?

>mfw no haircuts
>mfw dont bother doing anything with my hair cuz chicks dig the "messy" look

come to think of it, every pole i've met here really has had a buzzcut..

My head shape isn't suitable for a buzzcut.

>tfw egghead

hair is really useless and annoying, but shaving it away is obviously degenerate
i'm not very conflicted though, everything else i do is degenerate too

Shaving will buy you three extra days. It grows into buzzcut. :^)

This, everyone thinks i'm some relaxed surfer or something.

> recedding hairline at age 23
> Buzzcut makes it that much more obvious

I'm going to buzzcut and hope I maintain at least some semblance of a hairline, don't like straight bald look but I'm thinning pretty hard at the temples and it's going way back when I look at it in direct light...


Buzzed my head a few months back. Im full blown white and live in southern california. West LA exactly. The reactions I got were priceless... especially going to class with a couple of landwhale lefties.

Funny enough is that chicks digged it.

It's important to state that buzzcuts do NOT work on skellies. If you're a skelly, keep your hair. The rugged jarhead look doesn't work if the girl looking at you can lift more than you.

It's winter in New Jersey, I grew out sideburns and my hair is wavy and medium length.

It's a very comfy time of year for those who weren't cucked by genetics and have non-generic buzzcut hair, because face it, if you don't have any hair that's your only haircut.

I tried that once, my scalp was covered in red splotches and dandruff so it looked awful and embarrassing
Now I just use a hair clipper to give myself undercuts because it's the new generic popular style and it's easy to do yourself

My hair is exactly this
How redpilled is it?

High T


Had long hairs started receceding, buzzed it of , now look like an aggressive as fuck Slav.
Dem mudshits are giving me looks.
Bring it on fuckers.

I shave my hair twice a week. Feels extremely good.

Almost there

I could achieve that if I knew how to handle my hair.

>Being afraid of a German

Sorry Hans, you had your brief heyday in the 40s. Now all youre known for is being a Sweden-tier cuck who ruins Europe for some vague, never ending guilt.

>unironically cutting your hair
Haven't done it in 3 years, I look like Finnish Jesus Christ

>doesn't look like shit after 2 days because it's getting greasy and shit
That's what showers are for user

>Funny enough is that chicks digged it.
They do. I bet their dads are bald.

Jesus Christ was also asian. That's two things you have in common.

i do the opposite but for similar reasons...let hair grow...cut myself every year or so so it dosent look shabby...no styling just washing

>tfw balding
I guess it's sort of like a really short buzzcut, eh? Heh...

thats what i do...ive always had longer hair...only disadvantage is being mistaken for a /lefty/ but im /fit so that dosent happen as often

You're right, this is the original Jesus Christ. You're not going to hear it from white people though, we are the original Jesus.

We also had ancient Empire, Rurik was Finnish and he visited America before Columbus, and one of Founding Fathers was Finnish. WE are the original Romans, Greeks and Germans.

>always get a buzzcut
>suddenly realise my hair is thinning out and looks like pic related


my hair is so thicc it grows about 2cm each month will never have my hair get thinner.

I do a buzz BECAUSE my hair sticks straight out. If my hair is under 3" it sticks straight out in every direction. Longer and it's just poofy as fuck.
Only time my hair laid flat was when I had it slightly below shoulder length when I was 19.

>New Zealand
>Implying someone gives a fuck
