Google doesn't care about Pearl Harbor

75 years ago today, the Japanese attacked the U.S. at Pearl Harbor, "a date which will live in infamy." Unless you work for Google, in which case, it's a date just like any other.

Fuck those unpatriotic bastards.


Shit was like 50 years ago. Get over it granpa.

knowing the American educational system they probably don't know what an Pearl Harbor is.

Also stop making anything US so damn epically important. its not dude.
sure, its bad enough but not something to get upset about after such a long time. shit happens, we move on.

and it's why you're not goose stepping around faggot

Google is just redpilled.
Pearl Harbor was a false flag.

I don't either

And yet, there exists a shit ton of meme doodles almost every other day of the year

Fuck off cunt. It started our biggest war ever.

Holocaust was like 60 years ago.
Get over it, Schlomo

when will google recognize the USS Liberty

To be fair, it was an attack provoked and goaded by FDR who was desperate to get us into war. I'm not going to get all super patriotic over propaganda. Face it. Everything we were taught about WW2 was propaganda. It was meant to create a child like black and white good vs evil justification. The sailors who died there were hung out to dry by FDR and sacrificed knowingly.


>their biggest war ever was against a small country with no natural resources, ramshackle carriers, shitty guns and wooden fighters
>still managed to lose early air war until Hellcat was introduced

I would hazard a guess that Google doesn't have any war-related doodles. Nothing about dropping a-bombs on Japan either, or the invasion of Poland, or the burning of the White House in 1814.
Those doodles are meant to be small, happy things.


pearl harbor anniversary is tomorrow, idiot

And yet you still managed to lose to them 40 years before

please don't tell me jews did pearl harbor as well

that's why you use duckduckgo

go back to starbucks you hipster shit

>75 years ago was like 50 years ago
Alright then

and yet, still had a better navy than the russians

The attack on Pearl Harbor was on Dec 7th, 1941. FDR made the Infamy Speech to Congress on Dec 8th, which declared war on the Empire of Japan the same day.


This is what the Empire of Japan looked like in the 1930s and early 1940s.

>mocking another country for losing against Japan
the American victory was inevitable but the Japanese fought hard and well. just like Japan's victory over you in the Russo-Japanese war. so to you I will say иди нaхyй cyкa

Their ships were actually p.damn good for what they could produce. Their biggest problems are best described as
>Army running an island nation
>Overcomplicating everything
>Damage Control Specialists

but considering Russia's record on the high seas, I wouldn't expect you to know that.

>try to get america out of ww2
>get nuked

>toothpaste education

>Ya fuck America! There would be no more wars ever if they just stopped patrolling the oceans with their carriers, didn't have 10,000 paratroopers that can be anywhere in the world in 16 hours, or had all those military bases on every continent!

I honestly think we've made the world retarded with all the unnatural levels of peace thanks to our military.

Pearl Harbor was orchestrated by Mossad.