Why are liberals such fucking morons?
Why are liberals such fucking morons?
He's literally comparing the pope and himself ("You" were person of the year like three years ago) What a dumb fuck.
>and himself
It's "herself", shouldn't be a surprise.
also why are you talking in english and not poo?
>that random like
>liking your own post
>pajeet joseph watson liked your post
>not knowing how Facebook works
>also why are you talking in english and not poo?
You're from UK you faggot. Answer the question yourself
Hey if the the country of Dell Customer Service Specialists want to get behind trump, I'm all for it.
We live in a society that still has a protective ideology towards women where we don't expect them to be fully rational, but where feminism has also taken hold to the point where women participate in politics (are looked to for their political opinions etc.).
We simultaneously live in an era where men are not compelled to face challenges that make them hardheaded.
The result is a bunch of non-male "men" and empowered women who are not checked the way men are when they broadcast a stupid opinion.
Women score high for a psychological trait called 'openness', which is basically a willingness to see things from others' perspective. It produces a child-adopting mentality whereby the world becomes divided into innocent children (the imagined majority) and monsters who are attacking them ("racists" etc.). (See Peterson's video on what makes SJWs.)
When women set the tone, they will produce a retarded, emotion-driven liberalism which the men will tell themselves they agree with in an attempt not to alienate the women.
I agree, but all these even apply to men, sadly.
>having a facebook account
>Getting sucked by a gay while shitposting
chekt and wrekt
>you will never have luxurious hair and a sick moustache like him
>i rate martin looter kang
But is it a she or a >she ?
shouldn't she be stoned to death for answering back to a man?
Absolutely imperial
stop sucking up to him, it wasn't funny
i know he's an ethnic minority but no need to patronize
Fuck off m8 and answer his question. Why aren't you speaking hindi or terrorist.
a salaam alaikum, brother
dont generalize us. yes most of us are fucking idiots but some are allright. me forexample
oh shit. pakistan btfo.
Unfortunately today, the sides are really polarized. You're either a complete commie socialistic liberal, or full conservative. The middle ground doesn't stand a chance.
Liberals are emotionally children. They cannot comprehend how figures they're told to love such as Gandhi and MLK could ever be grouped together in some fashion to figures they're told to hate such as literally Hitler.
Wtf I love India now
You're the massive retard
Is this a sign?
holy shit
its too late, stop trying to save him, he GOT EM
looks like I'm a #poomissile now
That's just the reality of the media and especially internet comment sections.
Somewhere, deep down I have a seed of doubt left most people are pretty alright, don't like to play the race card, don't want to genocide anyone or seize the means of production and gulag half the population, don't want to manipulate or kill anyone and just want to live a happy, comfy life with a good family and raise their children well.
Best bern
Shots fired and with a double get!
Yes, of you're autism
I hope this post gets put into the screenshot too It's great seeing people that get BTFO try to say "i-i-its not funny guys.. stop it"
Ya it's pretty funny. If you looks at the past winners of person of the year. The US president always wins it the year he won the election. Then ones like Obama, Bush, and Clinton all won it a second time when they were re-elected
wtf i love indians now
he's right. dirgits confirms even he's a poo in loo
get a life nigga
India bringing the curry bantz. Too spicy for the delicate British palette.
man you fucked up, in india they speak both english and indi
Shit out of luck Mohammed
Angela Merkel is chancellor of Germany
But Hitler was also chancellor of Germany
Does that mean... that Merkel is literally Hitler?
Uhh. . . I think Mr Poo meant is that Brits conquered India and that's why they speak English
>wow really made me think
These people are fucking retards if they think this is an argument
According to liberals, every white person is literally HITLER
>facebook is life
pretty sure that's OP's comment
>memeing irl
What about Modi and his party?
Because we're English. There was that so hard.
Good one Rajesh
Yes, according to Indian liberals, he is a fascist Islamophobic "LITERALLY HITLER" too.
it's not their fault
it's a disease/mental disorder
early alzheimers, dementia, schizophrenia, hiv/aids, syphyllus etc
are all liberalism related
They're still pissed off that they don't get to tell everyone else what to do now.
oooooooooh boooooooiiii
Makes sense I suppose
Sup Forumslacks defending (((Time))) magazine on kikebook because of an insult to Trump. This is the autism of this board.
>he's just getting sharted
Isn't the joke supposed to be that the Brits forced them to speak their language when they colonized them
I thought it was another generic "ha ur a mohammad!" joke at first but it seems that's more likely.
that liberal is right, though
Just tell them that they are just like Hitler too.
I apologize for saving this but his id was poo
Malformed frontal lobe. Also
Bongs on suicide watch
What did kek mean by this? Does it mean all those things will be acceptable to do in Swedenistan?
Kek is with you fellow pajeet
bong status: rekt
they only understand feelings and arguments of morality, their feeble minds are incapable of critical thought
For posterity m8's
>for once I get to be on one of these
same, thank you user
That's nice.
thanks, saved.
All the POOs and POO sympathisers must be crushed.
>censoring the names
You're fucking shit and your thread is full of gay