I just had an ephiphany

After talking with some black, and when I say blacks I mean the trouser sagging face tattoo and gold grillz kind, I realise that they are no number than you and I.

I was talking to one and the told me about how when he was younger and would always get into fights and always getting kicked out of school, but the thing is he got straight A's and B's. The only reason why he didn't succeed was because of his surroundings and the fact that he was hanging around with the wrong crowd. He tried his best to make his mother proud but just couldn't get over his emotional and habitual side which was further reinforced by those who he was associating with.

He was a good kid but just a victim of the black culture which is being pushed by the Jews (And if you don't believe me just look it up just own the rap industry.)

So in summary black are no different to you or I, well at least not all. The stats about 50% of all homicides are done by blacks are true but what if we gentrified some obviously some will still do crime you will see a lot more good black.

Any way just wanted to let that one out.

Other urls found in this thread:


>He was a good kid but just a victim of the black culture

>He he dindu nuffin.

white people thrive in times of adversity

Well yeah but I better phrased it but he did do something and should be held accountable..


>Was because of his surroundings
Who was he surrounded by?

Ibe lived with inner city niggers for about 6 months in military school and can confirm op is a tremendos faggot. Everything they do is subpar to whites be it hygene, education, or just their general demeanor/attitude

>The outliers should be the reason for legislation and change in culture instead of the majority
If you have black people you get black culture. Just because some black people work fine in our society doesn't mean all black people should be here.
Also, he is the only one responsible for his own actions. Blaming Jews because "he wuz a gud boy" is not the reason you should hate Jews.
You should dislike them based on Jews actions and not that of nogs.

Some nigger tells you he had straight A's and B's and you believe him, just like that.

Let me guess you bought his mixtape because you felt bad for him.


Ok I get what you;re saying but if it werent for those other blacks he wouldn't have ended up like that those others even if they were given everything would have ended up just the same.

Also not all blacks like to be associated with them.