Conservashits will defend this shit

> Conservashits will defend this shit

>X is bad, therefor Y cannot be.

the same wall street that bet all their money on hillary and that is why we should have voted for her, to give more money to wall street

>these things aren't one and the same
Illegals are the tip of the spear. Wall Street is holding the shaft.

Daily reminder that it was a liberal president that pushed for the wall street bailout.

Anyone who thinks is uneducated. Trading,and banking, is something every person should take part in. Like voting in a democratic society. It's an inherent thing. If you don't do it, stop bitching,

I live off of trading. Not trading is like not voting.

>False Dichotomy
Why no both?

I probably would like getting raped by a billionaire

>being surprised a racist board would defend racism

I've been trying to get into trading for months, but I can never tell who to believe and what first step to actually take because all the startup material I read suggests something different.