>Japan is the oldest RaceNation in human history >Japan was also the first nation Trump talked to after he won Where were you when you realized who our true "Greatest Ally" is?
Through combat breeds respect. Through respect breeds friendship. Through friendship breeds alliance.
>Japan and russia steam roll china >We BTFO everyone else
Charles Cox
>American boots on the ground removing kebab from Europe
I like this timeline
Gabriel Adams
>Israel demands tens of billions from USA/Obama >Japan gives tens of billions to USA/Trump
Jace Powell
they want big daddy USA to protect them
Kayden Mitchell
They want to fight alongside Big Daddy
Andrew Mitchell
the money return to the US though, from purchasing your weapons. and besides, there are more interest, such as your gun companies, to make such act of transferring money.
Caleb Gonzalez
This pleases me
Charles King
I, for one, welcome our new japanamerican overlords