"There are three of us parenting him."

>I’m Raising A Child With Social Anxiety, And This Is What It’s Really Like


>“He doesn’t talk in class," his teachers said.


>“He doesn’t talk in class or in group.”

>I turned to Arthur. “Kiddo, you don’t talk at school?," I asked.

>Then Arthur started talking, his little arms wrapped around me. He talked about how he didn’t know the kids and didn’t know what to say around them.

>“That’s the most I’ve ever heard him say,” said one of the teachers.

>Arthur wandered off to play with toys, occasionally coming by to play with me and his dad and his mom. (There are three of us parenting him. I am genderqueer, and he calls me his Baba. He calls my partner, who is a cisgender woman, his mom, and he calls my other partner, who is a cisgender man, his dad.) Together, we realized that Arthur didn't have a speech problem — he had social anxiety, which was making him afraid to speak up in class.

>There are three of us parenting him. I am genderqueer, and he calls me his Baba. He calls my partner, who is a cisgender woman, his mom, and he calls my other partner, who is a cisgender man, his dad.

>There are three of us parenting him.

So, out of all the possible futures, this is the future white people chose for the world?

That's Greek for father, what are these degenerates going on about?

rev up the gas chambers

That kid is going to kill himself

It's also Chinese (爸爸) as well

Kid's actually not half stupid. Baba means bitch in Slovenian.

Just imagine how awful it could have been if we were left in the -stein universe.

That kids gonna have alot more problems than just social anxiety.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

This kid has social anxiety because his parents never leave him alone, I guarantee it.

fuck off. I ain't clickin that shit