Who support based Merkel here?

who support based Merkel here?

Elect Merkel again

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I think she is not that bad.

She made mistake with immigrants, but she did this because polls were saying that 95% of people were for open doors. Even after ficki ficki majority was for open doors.

White germans politic are extremly pragmatical, they think in global terms (whole eu) while some national party is going to crash this eu without survivors.

EU idea is not bad itself, we just need less leftist at power.

Merkel said multiculturalism has failed. Based as fuck.
How can Germans not vote for her?


She even made a rapefugeelet female cry on TV.

In this matter, I support based Martin Schultz. He will make Germany great again. We must vote for him. He is the only one who could fix Merkel's mistakes.

What the fuck is happening?

Oh vey! Germans don't get to elect their politicans, that would be nazi. They can make their cross next to the CDU, because that's as right as you allowed to be there, and the glorious people's party, in it's infinite wisdom, will decide if they have another Merkel term or not.

I would be extremely surprised if she gets another term. She's even starting to alienate the left.

>tfw Merkel will never pay for the horrible crimes she comitted because Germans are cucks
>tfw you will never see a Nürnberg 2.0