A Case for Ancient Giants

I've seen a lot of posts lately regarding big tree stumps turning into rock. But the case for human giants is even more fringey and exciting. We all know a long time ago, many animals, insects and plants have been much bigger than they are today due to a higher oxygen concentration in our atmosphere.

Lately, I've been looking at the case of giant humans that once walked to earth, the evidence that support this theory is fascinating.
You have many cultures from around the world who talked of ancient giants that brought forth both wisdom and destruction to their peoples. It's been said that giant humans bred with earth women in the Bible to produce mighty men.
I'll post a few pictures to make you question your reality even further..

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They were real leaf. This world is a lie. Christ is truth.

But cant imagine a giang fucking a human
Or woman gives birth without dying

I know they were real, burger. This "christian" board needs to know

Why can't people understand that most art is symbolic in the way that novels are too.

bottom picture.

what material is that bar/stick made of you think?