Why are people not marrying anymore in their teens and 20s? What are the reasons?

Why are people not marrying anymore in their teens and 20s? What are the reasons?
Continued from → → and → and Common answers:
1. She will take half my shit
2. Ugly/manlet
3. No point
4. Jews
5. Prefer to stay single

>be me
>6'2 god
>fat wallet, great job
>0 interest in women

What if I just really hate women for being the shallow creatures they are

how did you get that picture of me and my gf


quit being so stupid and go find a decent girlfriend. what isnwith this mentality that every woman in the world is against you?

Who is this semon demon?

Do you even realize how much effort it takes to properly train a female?

We'll all suffocate or starve to death in 100 years, who fucking cares

You forgot to mention "faggotsexual" among your attributes.

Is the guy behind her black ??

That would be hot

All women are good for is looking at and fucking, they are completely useless at anything else, even traditionally "feminine" tasks men are better at.

Who the fuck can afford to with these ridiculous taxes


If women are for us, why do they keep voting for Communism.

>Laying in the grass over a buried corpse.

Fucking shit it's just a bunch of rotten meat and bones in a box, dude is long gone. Why do people do this shit?

Then you're part of the problem for not finding the right woman.

Sup Forums has made me hate and despise normal people

Women are unstable, unfaithful, and impossible to deal with. It's 2016.

Sounds like you're just a faggot.

When did Sup Forums turn into /r9k/ with flags?

If you don't marry by 26 your girl is 99% likely to be a complete whore. This mean you must find your woman at ~22. You must get them before they hit their true stride as bar sluts

He was 19. That's probably his mother. Look at her hands.


Now you`re just trying to be edgy.

+1 edge

True, here if you get a backwoods girls they are a better breed than ((uni)) students