What's goes on in the mind of someone that compares a guy that said some stuff that hurt their feelings with Hitler and Stalin?
What's goes on in the mind of someone that compares a guy that said some stuff that hurt their feelings with Hitler and...
Because Trump is a neo-nazi white supremacist who let his favorite daughter convert to Judaism.
nothing, that is the problem.
They should have known the man who pulled Germany out of a depression was going to be LITERALLY Hitler.
People see a bigoted, loud mouthed populist and the bells start to ring.
Never said he was Hitler, I said he was a bigoted, loud mouthed populist that |reminds| people of Hitler.
trump is a fucking cuck who sold his daughter to the kikes to try and get his foreskin back. he sucked obnongos nigger dick on live television and cannot go one week without proclaiming his love for spics and how he is "the least racist person ever". Fuck this cuck.
I thought lefties loved Stalin