Was ancient Rome the most redpilled society?
>literally a patriarchy
>no circumcision
>conquered Judaea
>unapologetically conquered and enslaved everyone
Was ancient Rome the most redpilled society?
Other urls found in this thread:
>didn't gas the kikes
They didn't have zyklon B in those days, but they did have swords and crosses.
wives were allowed to have sex with slaves and it wasn't considered cheating because slaves have no will of their own
we destroyed their temple.
I know you can't understand what having a heritage or culture to be proud of feels like, but please don't make a fool of yourself user.
Yes because they became Roman Catholics too
Italia fags acting like they are Romans are worse then the English acting like they are British.
>tfw my grandfather was a second generation Italian who moved to new York just to come back in World War II to kick your ass an Italy.