>California/Nevada/Arizona/New Mexico/Texas feel bro thread
This thread is only for Sup Forumsacks who live in beaner central. Post Pedro related feels and stories.
>California/Nevada/Arizona/New Mexico/Texas feel bro thread
This thread is only for Sup Forumsacks who live in beaner central. Post Pedro related feels and stories.
Other urls found in this thread:
>be pedro
>can call out sjws and white apologist on thier bullshit without being dismissed as a white male
La vida es buena compa
Tucsonfag here.
I've been mugged by beaners 3 times.
But damn those spics can cook. Mmm.
It's digesting seeing California and Texas sharing anything. Fuck off
Seeing them on this map makes me vomit.
you're still going back
then kick out your beaners and you won't have that in common
if you're from texas, your state is even beanery
Beautiful, going to get a completely steel made founding founder figurines. Thanks user.
My Mexican coworkers are all 4th generation legals and are all super dope. I know one of them was pissed off about Trump. Gonna get hammered with them at the Rams game on Sunday.
AZfags here fuck off if you are come Commierina
Gilbert fag here.
Gotta say, the beaners in Gilbert and Mesa are bro-tier. I used to never understand people's problem with this race.
Then I visited Maryvale, then Tucson, and then LA.
Completely changed my perspective on this race.
But I maintain the ones in my neck of the woods are alright.