The (((SPLC))) hides hate crimes against white children

>At least 2,000 educators around the country reported racist slurs and other derogatory language leveled against white students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn’t publish the results in its report on Trump-related “hate crimes.”

>SPLC’s schools report, along with a broader report on alleged Trump-inspired hate crimes — “Ten Days After: Harassment and Intimidation in the Aftermath of the Election” — sparked breathless coverage in the New York Times, Washington Post and other major media.

>But the SPLC didn’t present the whole story. The Montgomery, Ala.-based nonprofit self-censored results from a key question it asked educators — whether they agree or disagree with the following statement: “I have heard derogatory language or slurs about white students.”

>SPLC initially said it was having a hard time getting the information “from the researchers.” Pressed, SPLC spokeswoman Kirsten Bokenkamp finally revealed that “about 20 percent answered affirmatively to that question.”

>Bokenkamp did not provide an explanation for the absence of such a substantial metric — at least 2,000 bias-related incidents against white students — from the report, which focuses instead on “anti-immigrant sentiment,” “anti-Muslim sentiment” and “slurs about students of color” related to the election.

>“They left that result out because it would not fit their ideological narrative,” former Education Department civil rights attorney Hans Bader said. “It was deemed an inconvenient truth.”

Other urls found in this thread:

>Founded in 1971, SPLC claims to be a nonpartisan civil rights law firm. But it receives funding from leftist groups, including ones controlled by billionaire George Soros. And a review of Federal Election Commission records reveals that its board members have contributed more than $13,400 to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns

>“These flawed SPLC reports will be cited by left-wing special interests to try to block the confirmation of moderate and conservative people to posts such as attorney general by falsely making it look like America’s schools and streets are pervaded by bigotry,” Bader said.

>Last week, SPLC held a press conference in Washington to demand Trump “reconsider” his picks for White House advisers and attorney general, and “disavow” his immigration policies.

>The group won’t use its $315 million in assets to investigate the “hate crimes,” or at least help alleged victims file police reports or provide them counseling or other assistance, but it has offered “sympathy.”

The (((SPLC))) essentially works as an unofficial Jewish organization, in contrast with the (((ADL))) (Anti-Defamation League), which is an official Jewish organization.
>Of the twenty-two(22) Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff members, fifteen(15) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 68%. Of the thirteen(13) Southern Poverty Law Center directors, eight(8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff members by a factor of 34 times(3,400 percent), and over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors by a factor of 31 times(3,100 percent).

it's just a coincidence. It was a problem in the system.

Its a proven fact that only white people can be hateful racists, bigot


Sorry whitey, but racism can't happen to someone who has power + privilege



The SPLC is your typical Jewish "progressive """law""" firm". They declare people racist. Then get them charged with huge fines they cant possibly pay. So they can foreclose on those people's property and sell it for huge profit.

The fact that they are given any credence as a proper source for who is a racist makes it even more dumb.


Reminder that the SPLC unironically said "Drain the Swamp" was a racist slogan, and that rebbit, one of the biggest left-wing hugboxes on the internet, was more racist than Stormfront.

American here,
What do the parenthesis mean?

T. American

Google it, faggot.

It means you installed that "coincidence detector" browser extention too many times.

Reddit trend for identifying Jews.

It caught on here, unfortunately. I'm just glad the googles and skypes shit finally subsided.

Well shit boys, ive just seen everything, this leaf made a good post.

Wouldn't it be easier to hire one of your countrymen to google it for me?

>Reddit trend for identifying Jews.

It started here and on Twitter, kike.


SPLC is an anti-white hate group so deplorable that the FBI stopped even using their "services" because it turns out you can get the exact same info by hiring an elderly jewish woman who shouts OI VEY IT'S ANUDDA SHOAH every few minutes.

SPLC is a Fake Statistics propaganda business.

I don't care. I realize it is giving the advantage to the dumbasses who care about this because enough people do care to give it merit. On the other hand, if less people gave a shit about someone being called a racial slur, it wouldn't be an issue to begin with. If some guy called me names and I could tell he was really being mean spirited about it, I would probably care enough to sling some shit back at him and dare him to do something about it, but not enough to report it to an authority figure. That sort of reaction plays right into the hands of the dipshits.

The main thing you should get away from the article is that a Jewish group funded by George Soros willingly hid hate crimes again white people, and openly said they only cared about “anti-immigrant sentiment,” “anti-Muslim sentiment” and “slurs about students of color”, while they pretend to be an "unbiased group just fighting hate and discrimination against all people".

This highlights yet again the agenda they have, and it further discredits their organizations.

>Founded in 1971, SPLC claims to be a nonpartisan civil rights law firm. But it receives funding from leftist groups, including ones controlled by billionaire George Soros
Wow I'm so shocked if only the internet could see my face painted in astonishment


they probably deserved it
I've never met a trump supporter irl that wasn't an obnoxious STUPID piece of shit
extreme emphasis on the stupid

I already know the media publishes a biased amount of news stories promoting their agenda. This isn't anything new. If they can make something stick or use the information in some sort of regulatory action which truly helps the cause of an unbiased, objective news source, great. Otherwise it's just the same sort of bitching and moaning from the SJWs that makes me tune out.

So you're just a Jew/leftist doing damage control. Got it.

Also this isn't the media, it's a civil rights group that gets quoted by the FBI and Congress.


And everyone knows the ACLU doesn't give a shit about religious rights if you are a conservative Christian.
>disagree with me, must be jew
fucking leafs
I'm saying if they don't have something to make it stick, I don't give a shit.
The ACLU and SPLC do this shit all the time and, given that it's fucking obvious that they won't be turning this into something to actively affect any organization that does this, the only real action that I could see feasible is that it be used as an example of how news sources work to provide biased results.


>used as an example of how news sources work to provide biased results.

It's an example of how Jewish groups that pretend to be an authority on civil rights and "discrimination" only use to this power to undermine the power of whites, and push Jewish interests (mostly pro-immigration, anti-white, pro-Jew).

It's also just another example for people who aren't fully aware just how biased these organizations that we're supposed to take seriously, and that actually get quoted endlessly by the media, and even sometimes organizations like the FBI are.

I'd love to know how the parents of these kids react to it.

I want to be active in any movement to destroy splc
>tfw 'splc' is autocorrected to 'spic'

Thats odd, I never met a leftist that didn't think he was a super genius.

I fucking hate this, I've been homeless, lived out of my car for two months between a loss of my job, and relationship split. And these fucking idiots think we can't be poor or suffer? The only thing that carried me was my car, and what I could to get by. (Labor contracting in the Texas heat)

I've known whites in substantially worse situations, who didn't bitch and moan about it... It's about personal drive, and responsibility. Fucking cucks don't think niggers can be dumb or lazy, it was my hetero-white-male oppression when I was homeless keeping them down.

11/10 raged


>*niggers can can't be dumb, or lazy