Red pill me on climate change

Red pill me on climate change

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it's real but we don't have the technology to properly deal with it yet

It happens, but the magnitude is way overblown. Minimal human cause, and even if there was, the US can't stop it.


The climate is changing. Dress accordingly.

Are there steps that can be done to ensure that if, it cannot be stopped, it can be reduced?


>Are there steps that can be done to ensure that if

Not anymore because Trump is eliminating the EPA :^)

Yes, but it would have severe negative consequences on economical growth and personal wealth.

>it's real bu
Yeah, genocide all the third worlders and Chinese. Whoa its almost like white supremacy could solve climate change, someone call Obongo Ive solved the conundrum.

It is real. It is accelerating. There's a reason why Venus is hotter than Mercury, despite being a further away from the sun.

Note how this graph is limited to 1 degree C, we are heading for much more than that.

what are we going to do with all the bodies?

When we get to the same warmth as the medieval warm period or the roman warm period... I'll be happy, because both were apparently times of abundance with mild winters and long growing seasons.


Is it possible we could have those policies in place, only for a limited time, and then reverse them when it's proven effective?

it must be done though. At least if the west becomes less economically prosperous maybe migrants won't come in droves for the gibs.

Also if we don't do anything about it now the equatorial countries will become basically unlivable and there will be even more immigration to the northern white countries

permanent fixture of Earth because it is a dynamic system in space surrounded by dynamic energy sources like the Sun and tidal forces from other bodies in the solar system

Cretaceous saw the highest temperatures on Earth since formation, life fucking everywhere in the form of dinosaurs, absolutely no polar ice coverage- right now we're in the middle of a "cold snap" if you take into account the entire climate history of the Earth

CO2 levels may be creating a perturbation in temperatures but if things go too far its actually likely that the gulf stream will shut off, pretty much causing a fimbulwinter in Europe and then the added albedo is probably going to counteract the additional CO2 to some degree

the Earth itself and the Sun have way, way more to do with climate change than we do and anyone who says otherwise is a fearmongering turd

It's a statist ruse to funnel power and money to the top. We are in a geologically cool period right now. Literally every climate model has been wrong about what our world should look like right now. I doubt humans have much of an effect on the weather, and even if we did the actions of 6 billion brown people would outweigh anything we try to do about it.

It starts with stopping all food exports to china and letting them starve to death. Then bomb whatever chinese investments there are in africa

Sup Forums is too stupid to understand science, try


trump is pulling a full retard on the federal level

why were those janitor application openings held at all?

look at all this crap

signal to noise of threads here isnt even laughable

Getting rid of the EPA is one of the best things a President could do, right up there with abolishing the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Education.

Says (((who)))?

not man-made.

too expensive and harmful to consider fixing up at this point.

should focus on living better today instead of centuries from now.

This shuts down the liberal


Here is the red pill

>polluting your local environment is bad
>fixing this to a reasonably degree is good, and for the betterment of the people in that local environment, and those the national whole.
>federal level of the EPA is literally letting DC control the air you breath and water you drink. And allowing mass pollution be unhindered by corruption.
>we have been in an ice age twice, thus, the earth is warming; polluting it exacerbates it to a certain degree.
>that exasperation does not warrant a level of federal intervention, especially when china and India does not play ball.
>if it is happening, we cant stop it for the above reasons; and worst in 3rd world nations. Therefore, best solution is do not pollute your local environment AND CLOSE ALL BORDERS AND DEPORT TUE NON WHITES.

after all, if it is that dire as the leftists say... We must protect our own.

its real, and usually reduction is halted by stupid communist-style reforms, because hippies lobby for technology standards, and similar reforms rather than market based solutions like increasing taxes or increasing cost of trading permits to useful levels(too low atm)

Says who? The same scientists and computer models that predicted that Manhattan would be under water and the polar ice caps would be gone by 2010. With every failed prediction of disaster the climate apocalypse gets bumped back a decade. The people pushing climate doom are looking more and more like those religious nuts that insist that even though the Rapture didn't come off last Saturday like they said, you better be ready because it's coming next Tuesday. Because they're for real serious this time.

it's real but there's nothing we can do about it and fossil fuels are a net good, so take a chill pill and catch you on the flipside

OP just watched this video:

Refute this hot scientist, /pol.

Humans are a cancer that is ruining the earth. Nothing can stop us except genocide.

I take no prognostications seriously which don't have to do with Milankovitch cycles and the slow expansion/death of the Sun. Predictions relating to future solar cycles are a theory and just as much as guess as anything else.

it's fucking sad that we can't have white christmas on the great plain anymore...

It's only an urgent issue in backwards parts of the world like Africa, east Asia and California. There's still plenty time before we'll see any real catastrophic consequences in most of the world, but even with more time, it's not like there's going to be anything done about it. Chances are we'll run out of fuels to heat the atmosphere before it'll be a major issue for you. The energy crisis will most likely come first.

In short, it's real, but not as imminent as many would have you believe. You'll have to brace for it on your own. Save money for a boat or something. I know I'll have one once the floods come.

Alright Youtube

>Humans are a cancer that is ruining the earth.
If you truly believe this, then you should support the destruction of the environment as that would necessarily mean the destruction of humanity. The Earth can recover from far worse than what is necessary to wipe us out as it has before.

She's doing a shit job of predicting hurricane paths - which I thought was her job, not political arguing.

>Doctors for Disaster Preparedness
>Credible scientific source

kek, here are some of the discussion topics from one of those DPP meetings

"In August 2015 the group held its 33rd annual meeting. While attacks on mainstream climate science are "a staple", the meeting provides a forum to a "broad" range of material. Presentations at the 2015 meeting included a theory about links between John F. Kennedy’s assassination and the deaths of his brother and son; a prediction that the aim of Obamacare was to cause the collapse the U.S. health-care system and a recommendation "that the audience start stockpiling medications and finding doctors who would work for cash"; a sympathetic discussion of the theory that low doses of radiation are "beneficial to human health"; and an argument that the HIV virus does not cause AIDS, but instead was invented by government scientists who wanted to cover up other health risks of “the lifestyle of homosexual men.”"

Those policies would require a broadening of government and a curtailment of personal freedoms on a global scale. History shows that such powers are not given up willingly by the governments who secure them.

It's almost as if Global Wa... I mean, climate change were designed to scare the piss out of everyone and get them on board with a New World Order. It's not like powerful men with designs on power could influence a small group of specialty scientists by threatening to destroy the careers of dissenters exist, right?

the enemies will not trust there will ever be a reversal. what is pushed in is in, need to fight when they first push it in.

Also, if you reverse them global warming continues again. What exactly would this accomplish?

As usual, attack the speaker or, in this case, the organizer rather than the facts presented.

Why the fuck do you care about the earth? Serious question.

It's real. the earth is always going into or coming out of an ice age. Right now we are coming out of one. So it is getting warmer.

However the part man made green house gasses play in this warming is usualy exaggerated. Leading many stupid people to beleive that people are the only reason for the earths warming and that we can fix it by being good to the environment.

It wont fix it, it will happen regardless of our existence Although it certanly can't hurt.

Leftist plot to redistribute wealth from rich industrialized countries to poor agricultural countries.

Why the fuck do you care about humans?

The only real response at the moment is: REDUCE!! STOP burning stuff, STOP driving everywhere, STOP with the emissions!

planting trees is mostly symbolic. There is no CO-2 capture plan


>Can't tell you the weather for next week accurately.

>Tells you the weather 100 years from today.

They're wrong.

The climate is changing like it always does, and we have no affect on it

gutter oil t.b.h.

Winter is coming.

>abolishing the FDA

literally why?

Do you want the pharmaceutical industry flooding the market with products, without having to do any sort of clinical health trials or side effect evaluations?

What about keeping sanitary standards for the meat packing industry so we don't have fucking rat meat in our food?

I don't. That's why I find it weird that you don't care about humans, yet you seem so concerned about this worthless rock in space having a few more trees on it.

Venus looks nice an inhabitable doesn't it?
Oh wait, no it doesn't.

this. Its funny how these retards dont get this.

>Do you want the pharmaceutical industry flooding the market with products, without having to do any sort of clinical health trials or side effect evaluations?

They're doing that WITH the FDA. They pay big money to fast track drugs to market, or ignore severe side effects.

The FDA needs to be shut down, and replaced.


There are multitudes of things that effect the climate - the sun being #1.

We have no control over the sun.

It's real

But liberals make it out to be this thing thats going to end the world, then they tax big oil because they can get more money to the government to fund welfare programs.

Its a problem of course, but not as big as containing ISIS, fixing the economy, the deficit, debt, unemployment rate, GDP, etc

States were already handling food and drug safety before the FDA was created. The FDA serves to protect pharmaceutical monopolies through multi-million dollar, decade long approval processes.

THE FDA thinks a specific number of rat turds and meat is acceptable in your food.

Seriously, don't cheerlead for the FDA. They need to go.

Because of what populates earth outsides of humanity.

Nature > Humanity

>mfw Breitbart is such a terrible excuse for a media outlet they get blown the fuck out by the fucking weather channel

...but the USA is still the #1 emitter. And tons of China's emissions are caused by manufacturing for the West.

Actually, China has been pretty proactive regarding the climate.

>warmest year on record
>on record

when did the record start?

It's a groupthink experiment gone wrong. But it let's a bunch of glorified science fans pretend to understand science why lecturing you for doubting them even if you have an actual degree in science.

I don't see the distinction


because im not watching a 50-minute video of this fucking autist, who's only scientific qualification for the subject is a bachelor's in geology, trying to tell me NASA is manipulating climate data because

>muh globalist NWO agenda

The nature of earth is beautiful.

Humanity is disgusting.

Compare any tropic location on this planet to...the posts on this board.

The planet goes through phases of heating a cooling culminating in a flood and an ice age respectively which wipes out most civilisations.

No, it's not taxing big oil. Big oil gets MASSIVE tax breaks.

The scam is carbon credits. They made up a number, for the amiount of pollution thats acceptable, and you have to buy "credits" to produce x amount of pollution, or you get fined or put out of business.

The problem is, these "credits" can be traded on markets, set up like the stock markets.

And, of course, there are fees attached to buying and selling them.

Guess who's heavily invested in these markets?

Obama. Kerry. Gore. Clinton. Pelosi. Lots and lots of Republican names, too.

They literally invented out of thin air a new way to rob from everyone, to get wealthier. It's one of the biggest scams ever perpetraded on this scale in the history of mankind. They stand to make billions off of it.

It was invented by the Jew to get young males interest in climate, and when they watch the weather girl they spill their gentile seed, so as to not reproduce.


go live in a tropical jungle and tell me how "beautiful" nature is. film it too so I can laugh in your faggot face as you get mauled by a beautiful innocent leopard.

China, India, Africa.

You are a vile person, thank you for proving my point.

Leopards need to eat. That leopard isn't going to go and shoot up a school for fun.

your mentally ill m8

Nature is horrible and teaches us nothing.

Also, why don't you belive in evolution?

>The problem is, these "credits" can be traded on markets

markets are not the problem, in fact a market based mechanism will be the fairest way of accounting for CO2 output

on the other hand, the government could keep giving tax breaks to polluters

>Those policies would require a broadening of government and a curtailment of personal freedoms on a global scale
Not really. Tax dirty energy, incentivize and invest in renewable energy.

>It's not like powerful men with designs on power could influence a small group of specialty scientists by threatening to destroy the careers of dissenters exist, right?
That's right user, the new world order and Big Green have bought out the entire scientific community to oppress the poor defenseless mom and pop oil shops who have no history whatsoever of funding and promoting studies that downplay climate change.

with what, the heartland institute?

>Tax dirty energy, incentivize and invest in renewable energy.
That's the very definition of broadening government and curtailing personal freedoms.

t. chink leaf

All 50 states have their own food and drug safety administrations. No replacement is required, just let the states handle it again.

>Not really. Tax dirty energy, incentivize and invest in renewable energy.

Solar isnt "clean" energy and they already have been investing in "clean" energy for decades and it will never be viable.

It's happening, but as long as every country is out for themselves we have no choice but to burn ALL the coal or get extincted trying.

environmentalists will say that there's always economy problems, and nature comes short because it isn't pressing us personally.

Taxing products with negative externalities and promoting products with positive externalities is something that's already done by every government I know of. It's hardly new. And that guy said
>such powers are not given up willingly by the governments who secure them.
but the government has always had those powers.

It's also not uncommon at all for such legislation to be repealed.

>Solar isnt "clean"
Perfect is the enemy of good. Environmentally, solar is a far sight better than fossil fuels.

>and they already have been investing in "clean" energy for decades and it will never be viable.
Solar has been growing extremely rapidly though. It's already viable, though still not enough to carry our base load.

Climate change is a narrative that has been pushed for quite some time but there isn't enough evidence to prove one way or the other. There will never be enough evidence because its a massive scam by "climate change scientist" in order for them to keep receiving funding.
>1970's - They tell us we're heading into the next iceage and need more money to research how to help avoid it!
>1990's - Still no iceage, "thats because it turns out the world is actually heating up goys! We made the wrong calculations, we need more money!"
>Now - 19 year "pause" in surface temperature change. "Goys, its just taking a break... now is our chance to figure things out, we need more money!"

EU and US governments are also in on it. They willingly fund the scam because they know they can use it to their advantage to compel the populace to give up their rights for proposed safety.
>If you wanna avoid turning the earth into a wasteland, you goys will pay carbon taxes!
>Come on goys, dont you feel bad for causing climate change, pay your taxes the government will surely fix this mess!

Climate change is real in the sense that the earth goes through subtle changes in surface temperature, the causes are unknown or highly opposed because it doesn't fit the proper narrative. Humans have NO effect on climate change. Recorded changes in surface temperature pre-date the industrial revolution, and somehow, in a time where fossil fuels are at an all time high, we have entered a "pause" in surface temperatures.

renewable energy is not viable on the larger scale

It needs tons of batteries and backup power generation to function. Nowadays it's mostly the conventional plants that have to straighten the power line in the networks, for free.

I meant to attach this.
>Time magazine, in the 70's saying leading scientist warn of coming ice age.

Climate change mostly draws attention away from real, tangible issues that we can solve TODAY such as
> reducing industrial waste
> Reducing toxic coal aerosol emissions
> rebuilding environmental damage

Instead we spend billions of dollars on (((climate scientists))) whose only purpose is to fudge numbers and declare something different every 10 years.

>something that's already done by every government I know of
That government already seizes economic power and curtails freedom is not an argument for government doing more of it.

like every leftist cause, they use a tiny pinch of truth to unleash a tsunami of idiotic policies and wasteful spending for the sake of gaining power and nothing else.

they always fight purposely vague problems like "hunger" or "racism" or "poverty" or "climate change" so they can continually blow through tax monies and have neverending excuses to increase taxes and pass horrible laws and regulations since the problems can never be definitively solved.
a perfect example of this is 22trillion dollars being spent to fight poverty which solved nothing yet accomplished leftist political goals perfectly.

the most important thing to understand is that every leftist movement is designed solely for the purpose of attacking political opponents which is typically christianity, conservatives, the private economy, middle class and the military

Kait Parker's a coal burning liar.

She burned the coal, and paid the toll.

I'd face fuck her just to get her to shut up. Meteorologist can barely tell me its currently raining outside, why should I believe the lies she's currently spewing?

jew bullshit to further tax whites and keep us from having money to have large families. they want the nogs to overrun us.

How's Hongcouver this time of year?

Dont even worry about it..if it ever really becomes an issue, we will just whitey that hell out of that shit..we will make some sort of super machine that takes all of the green house gasses out of the atmosphere and most likely convert it into some sort of death ray to test on brown or yellow people...