What does Sup Forums think about the Austrian school of Economics?

What does Sup Forums think about the Austrian school of Economics?

best economic school

you should post about Hoppe too

Chicago is better, but very little is different. Fuck keynes

Jewish corruption of classically liberal ideas

Bretty good. But I guess the school of Salamanca is even better

Breddy gud in theory, however in practice everyone has been doing it wrong so far.

>What does Sup Forums think about the Austrian school of Economics?

autism incarnate. pure ideology with zero pragmatic thought and no basis in reality. a running joke in academic circles, even among classical liberals.

Nihilistic Kikes Pushing lolbertarian greed

I've read Econ in one lesson, road to serfdom, currently reading wealth of nations. Have Human action to read next, think it's going to be a tough read.
