This is on the front page of the Brooklyn Museum

>This is on the front page of the Brooklyn Museum

Explain yourselves Americucks.

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A museum has a front page?

The art community is being run by people that think that "making a statement" is more important than artistic ability. That's the explanation.

It's a little cringy, but I don't see a problem with attempting to appeal to the young people.


meh don't care
cultural exchange demands interaction
yes it includes cringy meme macros to reach a younger crowd. nothing new, a lot of art places are attempting different ways to reach a larger audience. not very many people visit a given museum in any city (think less than 5%) over the course of it's existence. they want to expose others to art. of course, you could offer them petrol and hand paints, but there are other ways mick

>appeal to young people

They failed

Photography killed painting
Immediately after it was invented, realism died and Impressionism took over. From there, more abstract nothingness until each generation after tried to out edge each other until they plateaued because concurrently with edging out, they became cultral Marxist who support censorship.

So by now our edgy artists still won't say the word nigger. They'll stuff spegetti in their vagina, but would rather die than go against current socially acceptable trends like being "racist".

Arts lame now.

If the really wanted to get more people into museums they would offer lsd at the front door

How the fuck should I know about what the hell a museum in a city in New York is doing? Do you know what a museum on the other side of your Wasteland is doing?