What's Sup Forums's opinion on tranis serving in the military and women in combat roles?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on tranis serving in the military and women in combat roles?
no thanks
Women: GOD NO
gays: I dont see why not
Trans: Thats a pvt. Pile waiting to happen
Meant trannies
General Mattis want them to man the fuck up. Because he is goddamned General Mattis.
Why do they always group in trannies with LGB people?
If they can go through the same training as men do and pass, then yes.
I'd bet that he suggested that it was openly out LGBT people that weakened the military not LGBT personnel.
If you like suckin dick whatever man this is America, just don't ruin group cohesion by talking about it
Mattis proving his worth once again.
Is there remotely bad about this guy. Check his wikipedia page out. Man is a legend. Marines love him and muzzies hate him.
Fags are okay just as long as they don't act like pansies.
Women and deformed freaks are not.
*anything remotely bad
He likes the Marines a lot and was big on getting the Marines maximum PR.
He's literally the reason normies think Marines are special forces.
Openly gay men can ruin crew cohesion in the exact same way women do. You can't have open sexual tension in a tight knit squad element.
/pol doesn't like girls OP, most haven't seen one in rl n if they have they tend to shit themselves n run away screaming girls smell,.
Am ok with girls serving in military since they have been for thousands of years already! But /pol doesn't like to think this little Vietcong hottie could cut he's nuts off
To create a protestor bloc obviously. On their own trannies are less than .5% of the population, far too minor to be relevant. There's no reason anyone would or should listen to such a nice group. This is true for many of the other letters in the LGBTBBQWTF alliance, individually they're statistically irrelevant and no politician would ever deign give them anything because there's no reason to pander to such a tiny handful of irrelevant people.
So they band together to create a mass just barely large enough to matter.
Good. We need a good strong Biblical leader who understands the war strategies of the Bible. WIPE THEM THE FUCK OUT.
If they meet the right physical standards
See above
People with mental illnesses should not be allowed in the military.
I fucking hate it. They're terrible soldiers.
If you're someone that pulls the "well if they're fit enough! just make sure they pass all the tests and they're a-OK Swell in my books!" then you're a complete fucking idiot
1. Potential Fitness
2. Long Term Fitness
3. Physiological differences (hemoglobin in blood, bone density, injury rates, dehydration etc).
Trannies are why I'm resigning from my commission desu.
Trannies: fuck no
Women: in support roles unless they have the physical standards of men
Gays: sure why not, the army makes everyone a little bit gay anyway
To add to this point.
No openly anything should be in the infantry. "openly" something implies sexuality.
Soldiers don't have sexuality when they're on exercise. Shut the fuck up and do your job. I should never come close to knowing their leanings
Yeah, I know
>muh muhreens
But I saw a few anons whom had apparently met him in real life, saying he was a great guy. Story about this fat general's kid. Meeting mattis and mattis basically saying he's a fat fuck lose some pounds. Hate me now, thank me later. His men suck his cock constantly. And not to mention his autism when it comes to literature. Seems like a great pick desu
Non combat roles only AT BEST
Not even an issue. At most a gay will try to come one to someone and get floored.
Their freak shows do not meet grooming standard in my US military. Kick them out.
Male on male sexual assault has been an increasing issue in the military that no one has been bringing up.
He is not wrong.
Because of the existence in an ethereal sense? Could you be more specific?
>mental illnesses
>supporting jewish psychoanalysis
no one in the military is a tranny until tried for treason
I know I watched the videos...
I mean by accident. I was looking for straight porn.
>supporting jewish psychoanalysis
Jewish psychoanalysts are the ones pushing that it's totally normal and healthy for people to be trannies you absolute plebian
>As his division prepared to ship out, Mattis called in experts on the Middle East for cultural sensitivity training.
rly makes me think
Listen to all the alpha Rambos in here!
You walk into the battlefield just you and her(pic), she's walks out carrying your nuts in her pretty small hands as a fucking Trophy
people that literally fall for jew propaganda
triggered gruntfags.
I don't "walk" anywhere, cuck, I'm Air Force. And I'm not afraid of some commie cockroach woman either.
This. Don't ask, don't tell. That should be the fucking policy for the entire goddamn country.
Cmon you don't need to be fucking stupid!
Are you denying she existed? Or just that she killed so many?
Well he's not wrong by any means.
They're called faggots for a reason
She's the exception, not the rule.
>Make Trannies and faggots sign up for the draft.
>Put 'em in the front lines.
If only
Legitimizing the concept of "mental illness" legitimizes them as a whole as a means of control. You're not mentally ill you're just a fag. If you say they're demonically possessed I'll give you a pass.
Nearly stopped the roman army from conquering britian, but I guess she fail coz she was a girl huh?
>Mattis told U.S. Marines in May 2007 that "Whenever you show anger or disgust toward civilians, it's a victory for al-Qaeda and other insurgents." Reflecting an understanding of the need for restraint in war as key to defeating an insurgency, he added that "Every time you wave at an Iraqi civilian, al-Qaeda rolls over in its grave."[16]
I'm not going to tell you how to run your military, but sometimes, discretion is needed. And sometimes force is also needed:
>In May 2004, Mattis ordered the 3 a.m. bombing of a suspected enemy safe house near the Syrian border, which later came to be known as the Mukaradeeb wedding party massacre, and which resulted in the locally-reported deaths of 42 civilian men, women and children who were attending a wedding celebration.
>Mattis stated that it had taken him 30 seconds to deliberate on bombing the location.
>Because of the existence in an ethereal sense? Could you be more specific?
Specifically, DoD Instruction 1300.28 is what made me decide on my resignation.
In their own units on bomb detail sure.
Only US 8% of military women want to be in combat.
But if those 8% want to gut and kill ragheads then let them gut and kill em.
I think trannies should all go to hell in general so let them fight.
We have medication that make people stronger so if we need them we can probably beef them up quick enough
what's my opinion on retards being allowed to post on Sup Forums
Better question: Why do they keep grouping LGBTs in with people?
>What's Sup Forums's opinion on tranis serving in the military and women in combat roles?
Prior service here in Ranger, Airborne, and a stint in Mechanized infantry.
Females make EVERY unit worse due to the simple fact that normal men and women view each other as potential sexual partners, which means that females CAN NOT bond with a male team the way a normal male can. This impacts the cohesion of the unit and creates, essentially, 3 roles in the male team: 1) The horndogs that want to fuck the bitches. 2) The whiteknights that want to defend the bitches 3) The disciplined professional that resents the bitches for fucking up their team. Combine this negative impact with the fact that females are slower and weaker than men, and they offer ONLY disadvantages to the team. Period. Females should be reserved for intelligence, as honey pots, and for clerical and medical tasks at division level and above.
Trannies should just be straight up kicked the fuck out, as they are mental cases, and nobody has time to put up with their shit.
Faggots and dikes that want to serve should just keep that shit in the closet. I refuse to work with faggots, and wouldn't want a faggot boss. They discuss me, and I view them as biological defects, like retards. Just because a faggot is working with a bunch of normal dudes, doesn't mean he doesn't want to fuck them, and combat units have NO place for sexual relationships, and faggot leaders that try to fuck their dudes absolutely destroys cohesion and morale.
The military is a place for NORMAL men to train and prepare for killing the enemies of our nation. It's not a fucking liberal arts campus, and there is no place for faggots or female favoritism in any of our armed forces.
Mattis needs to stop the faggotry, kick out the trannies, AND put the bitches back in combat service and support, out of combat support and combat jobs.
Mr tom cruise,How does it feel to have to salute female pilots,
I knew all that shit was coming, and got out before it happened.
When I saw senior NCO's trying to tell me that faggots and women were a part of the "team", I knew it was time to go, as I REFUSE to serve under bitches and faggots.
Yeah, Mattis is credited with creating the COIN (Counter-Insurgency) strategy, and if you beat up and kill civilians, that's not going to work. Turn the enemies allies against them. Convince the civilians that we're the good guys.
>Gays: sure why not, the army makes everyone a little bit gay anyway
Maybe in your piece of shit support unit, but not on the line, faggot.
Implying he wasn't right
There is a reason most liberals liked his pick of Mattis. Despite being known as a "Mad Dog", he's kind of a bleeding heart fag lover. Trump didn't see past his name.
Mattis is a fag himself, never married, no kids, of course he wants this.
Secretary of Fudgepackibg
All you fags are the same in the eyes of normal people
Military here it's just going to make them uppity and waste a lot of money on "treating" them with free sex change surgery.
If it was up to me I'd ban them from my command.
>What's pol's separate and monolithic opinion on
I guarantee your dick isn't getting hard on the battle field! And if they fuck off it who cares
Roman male only army were fighting and fucking and it worked for them
It's true.
It's called don't ask don't tell
The opinion of my Navy and Marine work buddies are that the female recruits are fucking awful, skanky, and get catered to due physical limitations and fear of frivilous legal suits costing them their job/rank.
Nothing quite like getting hit for sexual harassment when you push a girl down and lay ontop of her in the ditches after she fucked up the live grenade test.
>Commie propaganda.
Sure buddy.
Fraternization negatively affects combat readiness. This is a big reason why women were support-role only, far from yhe front lines, men are wired to protect the thing they want to fuck and will neglect the objective to help the sex object, and will do this with unacceptable reliability.
Instead of trying to change the hearts and minds of fighting men, for generations people have wisely organized their militaries in a fashion that avoids this problem.
This is primarily achieved in the modern era by berthing men and women separately, which fslls apart with homos in the mix. You have EO issues or you have SH issues, unless you give everyone staterooms and end up with funding issues.
Fags, dykes, and trannies don't belong in a military.
This should've been a quad post
>this white knight eunuch
Oh well if your friends says so it most be true then ! If only we had Historical records of females fighting en.m.wikipedia.org
Maybe you friend was jealous cos he wasn't getting any! Hahah
Soldiers fight battles, not genders
thats not me arsehole !
This is me! Deal with it princess
People with severe, debilitating mental illnesses should not be allowed to serve in the military.
It's not rocket science.
Don't be so obvious.
I agree with this man
>comparing tough slavs with sissy liberal Americans
They aren't fit enough. That is why they slide the scale down continually.
>Trans: Thats a pvt. Pile waiting to happen
Donna why you Americans have hard time with women fighting they have been doing it beside men since the dawn of time!
we need to keep pushing the limits of social experiments if we ever want a platoon of genetically engineered cat girls
just like in my japanese aanime's
its the right direction
Places the mission into unnecessary danger. I think people would white-knight too hard to protect female soldiers, at the expense of everything else. And I think if one of the women got hurt/maimed/killed/committed suicide it would have a far worse effect on morale than if a male did it in combat scenarios. I think women could and can be great pilots, even fighter pilots, just don't see them doing well in infantry roles without compromising the rest of the unit. Possibly an all female unit? Doing those, if proven effective in combat engagements, could then work on integration afterwards I would say
Question what's your idea male soldier then?
Funny fact about women fighting alongside men in history. They were almost always on the losing team.
Woman can be successful on the battlefield but not when integrated into male units.
Men can be successful on the battlefield but not when integrated into female units.
Read up on warfare and you will find there is a unique formula to creating a tight unit of successful fighting soldiers.
It comes down to bonding according to people far more educated than myself. Once each member of a unit is willing to die for everything within their unit....you have a very effective unit on the battlefield
That bonding just doesnt seem to take plce amongst mixed gender units. It causes deep infighting within the unit for several reasons.
Mixed gender units are rarely successful in a wartime operation that almost always requires long periods of boredom mixed with short periods of extreme chaos
If by "fighting" you mean "getting raped by the victors," sure.
functional and efficient
Given that Trannies are mentally ill, taking hormones and unpredictable at the best of times in non-stressful settings? No.
If you allow trannies, you will see friendly fire rise by degrees.
Give me link to that historic fact please or is that something else your friend told you
Tbqh dont ask dont tell worked out fine, we should have never fucked with that
They'll make good cannon fodder
>"I dont care if you're gay or straight, I only care if you can shoot straight" - Barry Goldwater
So maybe blacks should only be soldiers,since the are most always psychological fitter and stronger the white males? Is that what your trying to tell me? Awh I see
He's not wrong.
Leave it to a faggot to expect 98% of the society to placate the ego of the defective 2%.
The fact that faggots don't give a shit about the rest of us, just demonstrates the fact that they are not suited for professions that require team work and self sacrifice, as they are not team players, and only care about themselves.
>implying it doesn't matter if you're mentally ill
Gay men can be very effective soldiers. Once you feel the need to identify yourself as *insert personal beliefs or stance* then you are no longer part of a unit. You are trying to be a individual and have already failed at the unit.
You are a soldier and nothing more...that is how you win a fight
If you feel the need to identify as something beyond a solider than you do not belong.
No females, no males, no gays, no trans.....soldier period