We've had some interesting discussions so far, and people seem interested in the subject so let's launch thread #4.
Why Buddhism?
> Relieve yourself of attachment to the self (which is subject to manipulation by anything and (((anyone)))
> Is several thousands years old knowledge
> Promotes traditional values (respect the elders, wiser, family and community)
> Literally teaches you to control your dreams (the ones you have at night) which you can use to overcome fears and challenges.
> Simple techniques (don't believe the mumbo-jumbo, just sit down, close your eye and breathe, ask if you want specific [FREE] guides).
> Teaches you how to breathe (Why is this not taught since kindergarten level of education?)
> Literally teaches me how to be happy and cope with a seemingly shitty situation.
inb4 "it's pacifying you and teaching you to be obedient to the elites".
> A major part of Buddhism is "enlightened action", basically meaning once you've achieved some sense of calm and self-realization, you will enact on the matter which your inner self (not your (((ego))) deems to be the correct way of going about. I.e not sitting in silence when someone spouts garbage about someone being racist, something being 'fake news', but standing up for sincere beneficial values for humanity as a whole.
>How do I meditate?
OP specializes in Lucid Dreaming and Tibetan Buddhism, feel free to ask questions.