North Korea

Why haven't Americans and NATO liberated this shithole yet?
What stops you?

>Unified Korea when?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off Best Korea is Best


China doesn't want to deal with North Korean refugees. Also, the last time we went to war with them, China intervened, and are likely to do so again.

No oil. Plus it gives MSM a way to continue controlling people. Every time they run out of shit to instigate fear in people they talk about NK threatening the US or ISIS wanting to bomb some shit

Mexico is a shithole

Because toppling the government would cause a massive clusterfuck in the region that would destabilize SK and China. This is ignoring how China would probably go to war with us over said destabilization and because we killed their only ally, how the war would kill millions, and how the Kims would probably nuke SK and Japan if we invade. Its better to wait it out and let them collapse for all parties involved.


They are kinda cute when they get angry.

>Implying North Korea isn't best Korea.