Daily remainder that pizzagate it 100% real

Daily remainder that pizzagate it 100% real

Also why are they attacking this guy so much?



Other urls found in this thread:



Also what is their end game. Are they not aware of Streisand Effect?

I'm starting to get it

Jew end game is always the same. Ruling over the planet as 'God's Chosen'.

It's weird the Wikipedia page for Pizza Gate straight up says it's debunked, and provides no context or detailed explanation of how they got to that conclusion.

Even if this isn't true at all, and it's just weird stuff we shouldn't bother investigating... the reaction is abnormal and huge at the least. They are very incline on defending Comet Pizza. More so than they ever did with 9/11.

So apparently the owner of Comet Ping Pong is the ex gay boyfriend of Correct The Record CEO David Brock.



The reaction is what finally convinced me it has to be true.

Make not mistake, they are scarred shitless. They rolled the anti-Pope out to talk about eating shit.

James Alefantis caught in love triangle with chief of Media Matters, David Brock; Allegations of blackmail and a payout amounting to $850,000. Brock and Alefantis were co-defendents in a suit filed by William Gray
Media Matters chief David Brock paid a former domestic partner $850,000 after being threatened with damaging information involving the organization’s donors and the IRS – a deal that Brock later characterized as a blackmail payment, according to legal documents obtained by FoxNews.com.

In late 2013 Brock founded Correct the Record, described by the New York Times as Hillary Clinton's “own personal media watchdog”,

Koons worked with American pop performer Lady Gaga on her 2013 studio album Artpop, including the creation of its cover artwork featuring a sculpture he made of Lady Gaga
Koons donated $50,000 to Correct the Record, a Super PAC which supports Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign in June 2016.
Koons is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction.[130] In 2007, Koons, along with his wife Justine, founded the ICMEC Koons Family Institute on International Law and Policy.[131] It is the International Centre's research arm




To discredit him and his validity. Doing their best to keep this under wraps and covered up.

You have to go back

I am an attorney representing James Alefantis, you are now being served with legal papers concerning a lawsuit being brought against you in the District Court of Columbia.

The lawsuit alleges you have defamed the character of my client by falsely stating that he is a pedophile running a child sex slave operation out of his restaurant Comet Pizza. The suit seeks $10,000,000 dollars in damages.

You are expected to be in court at 1pm on 12/12/2016 for an initial hearing. Failure to appear in court will result in a summary judgement.

I sense a Catholic Church full of Dennis Hasterts being revealed real soon.


Don't blame me blame the NYTimes for writing this story. Sue the NYTimes for spreading fake news.


Also, nice try Alex Jones.

hoping january
Trump will unleash the fbi into clinton foundation


You have no power here. The monastery of NEET has embraced poverty on the path to maximum personal power.

Back to work wagecuck. Someone's gotta pay for my tendies.

Oh noes anons u Better be there

should have been 6 million

This is all very reminiscent of the Catholic pedo scandal back in the day.

Of course, internet was shit then. That took about a year of rumors before blowing up.

We're going to learn how much faster information moves about these days.


it directly cites 3 different articles debunking the theory

the fbi has provided 0 insight to this, and they're incredibly anti-hillary

wearing an 18th-century costume that involved slaughtering and roasting pigs.
podesta slaughters pigs

I don't understand, when did debating someone's opinion become attacking them? It it just me or is this da sha vu all over again? I remember debating SJWs on the other side about this very topic.
Here is some sauce for ya!



Its not about not liking Seaman. I am sure Seaman is a very nice guy. But when it comes down to it its all about making sure Seaman dosn't make a mess of things. There was already an attempt by a guy to shoot up Comet pizza. Innocent people could have been hurt or killed. None of the evdince you have shown us could ever be used in coart because its all hearsay. They only ones that will ever be effects buy this are, not anyone the scandel has mentioned, but the Occultist next door, because he is an easier scapegoat then the "high elites". And the fundamental Christians will push this agenda because its all the same to them. It will be another 1980's hysteria. Luckily we have the Internets this time to even the playing filed.

i don't think pizzagate is totally fake, but someone explain this

if you are an active pedophile and you have private conversations with your pedo ring friends, why do you have to use code? was podesta anticipating someone finding his emails? i just don't see the point. if it was me i would be saying things like "hey wanna go fuck some kids?" "hey i found the child sex map" stuff like that. but since they're sneaky about it for some reason, i see how that creates doubt.

"A black and white handkerchief with a map on it, seems puzza related."

Thisis the single most puzzling email in this entire thing. this doesnt make sense in any context, which makes me believe that its 100 percent code for nefarious shit.

Also the email about "denny" Hastert retiring to an undisclosed island in japan.

If it were drugs I could understand that train of thought. Yeah its bad, but people openly talk about getting high all the time. This isnt drugs.

I have a feeling this censorship is all just a distraction so they can shutdown their operations for a few years. They will allow the investigators to investigate right after they shut everything down and make this investigation go away. We need to start pushing Pizzagate a lot harder on social media platforms so these places can start getting raided before they can remove all the evidence. I fear we won't be able to incriminate everyone involved as well, they will most likely just use a fallback guy if things get too heated and bail them out immediately after.

Go fuck yourself loser!

so they're ok with fucking kids but they're too ashamed to talk about it directly? i'm not saying that's impossible, idk anything about pedo psychology, but it still seems weird

Enjoy that autsim, you aut-rightist

I believe Podesta and his goonies are just surface level newbies. Their are inexperienced and generally terrible at hiding their operations. If the whole ring is massive enough there can be hundreds of rich elite who are much better at staying in the shadows. All this Corporate Propaganda backlash is because they want to shutdown the investigation before we are able to find anything that incriminates the real people in power.

It's also not a very good code, so they might as well be speaking openly about it

because its so deniable.

"Can i play dominos on the cheese?"

the way these sentences are engineered...

Its specifically designed to give plausible deniability.
We live in america, where drugs are semi normalized and pedos would get lynched by their intestines.

Because they know it can be leaked. Their devices can contain viruses, someone can spy on them etc. Your server host can be compromised. Quite obvious isn't it. You just don't send compromising material on you so easily, that's it.

Reminder: Can't start a thread. Tonight could be happening! There coming after me pic related"do it yourself" find that post If you are interested but I have some options for tonight and know I can take action so might be a HAPPENING

A similar and more effective way of controlling the investigation would be to simply not mention it, and certainly not mention it by name. Now people are searching the internet for it, freely accessing the images explaining it, increasing the risk of redpilling the masses. Stephen Colbert literally just did a segment on it, btw. I'm surprised no one is talking about that.

he should really take this shit to court since they deleted his video?
i mean can he?
it could actually get pizzagate out in the court of law

Hardcore Satanists do this shit all the time. They legit believe the uninitiated are all stupid mindless plebs. They get off on the magic of it.

The thing about the Comet Pizza Shooter is that all he did was fire to rounds at nothing inside the shop and immediately hands himself over to the police. This reeks of a False Flag to discredit Pizzagate. Most likely he was hired to do this. And the media stories about this incident immediately exploded and they all sensationalize it to be on the same level of a school shooting. They can't disprove of the "coincidences" we find so they resort to discrediting the investigators not the investigation.

plausible deniability
while he'd never expect his emails to be released, it makes sense to never outright state criminal activity, not when the NSA is always snooping around and wikileaks is searching for more politician blood to spill

>Pizzagate is a debunked[1][2][3] conspiracy theory started by a Twitter user described as a white supremacist and spread by Sup Forums users and /r/The_Donald forum on Reddit, which alleged that John Podesta's emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, tied a number of pizzerias (notably Comet Ping Pong in Washington, D.C.) and members of the Democratic Party to a child-sex ring. The theory has been discredited by the District of Columbia Police Department who characterized it as a "fictitious conspiracy theory,"[1] and determined to be fake by multiple organizations including Snopes.com, The New York Times, and Fox News.[1][4][5][2]

*simpler, not similar

it`s quite odd that no-one pulled out a camera during this event until he`s out in the srteet

Yeah, but you would have to assume the elites understand how the Streisand Effect works. Trump won precisely because of the fact that they don't understand it. If Trump didn't get media exposure for the controversial things he said, most likely he wouldn't have won.

keep spreading your crazy talk mr. tinfoil hat man

I think this whole
things been blown out of proportion.
Seriously, none of this shit is adding up.

Retards like you shouldn't be
ever allowed to post online,
and if you think you'll change anything
like some sort of sekurat klub, you're wrong.


>why do you have to use code? was podesta anticipating someone finding his emails? i just don't see the point
Even a basic marijuana transaction uses code and because marijuana use is so common I bet you even know the codewords.

it's also protected from editing until March
gotta keep this shit alive past then

I would explain to you how all this shilling is extremely ineffective, but that would allow you to try to change tactics. So, keep doing what you are doing.

Are you implying Trump is not an elite?

>I t S R e a l

Haha we intelligent conservatives use you conspiracy nuts as pawns in our eternal war against the libtards. You guys are usual idiots, and we thank you for your service.

That's the thing though. This is basic marijuana drug code. If you were going to use a code for illegal activity, using what are essentially euphemisms is not going to get you very far, assuming you are actually trying to hide it. Considering how much these people stand to lose, it seems they would put more effort into it.

>and if you think you'll change anything
>like some sort of sekurat klub, you're wrong.
Why do you say this?
You tilted your hand and showed that you are a shitty person.
"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
Good men stay vigilant and look for evil wherever it shows signs of presenting itself.
You're either completely self-absorbed, stupid, or worse.

He's an outlier. He also isn't at the top of the food chain. Most likely, he's just been ignored before the election due to the fact that he doesn't hurt what they do. Right now though, I've become skeptical whether Trump is involved in this scandal or not. He just recently fired Michael G. Flynn's son because of Pizzagate.

it's real, bro.

>I am an attorney representing James Alefantis, you are now being served with legal papers concerning a lawsuit being brought against you in the District Court of Columbia.The lawsuit alleges you have defamed the character of my client by falsely stating that he is a pedophile running a child sex slave operation out of his restaurant Comet Pizza

Pretty sure not happening. You can't prove our opinion is objectively false.

poo in it


Are you seriously arguing with me by asking me the same question I answered for you?

It might help if you learn how to interpret information rather than thinking about it?

>spread by Sup Forums users
that's the first two sentences
the desperation is amazing

imagine if the rest of wikipedia was this autistic


I see no reason they couldn't sue for defamation of character unless the allegations can be proven true.

They sure as fuck can't be proven true

I assume you mean hubris. Which I could buy, if there weren't, supposedly, a LOT of power players involved. Someone's going to pipe up and say "Hey, shouldn't we keep symbols of our highly illegal operation off public signage? Maybe we should just play it safe." One of the few things the people at the top are known to have in common is they don't take unnecessary risks.

Just waiting for another Sup Forumsster to take the law into his own hands because everybody is saying that Pizzagate is a complete fabrication.

I'm saying the marijuana code is basic and simple. I'm not sure it even qualifies as a code at all. We're talking about the most powerful people in the world doing one of the most horrific things imaginable here. That they would hide their intent using a method designed by stoner high school students is laughable.
>It might help if you learn how to interpret information rather than thinking about it?

Thx so much this dudes awesome

What that faggot gets for raiding our board for a whole year straight. Hang the sick fucks..

How are you going to wring all that guap out of a bunch of anonymous basement dwelling neets?

Does anybody of the PICTURES. from comet ping pong instagram? The ones of children duct tape to table. Please post

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company. I understand the desire to smear Democrats, but the cost is filling Sup Forums with the stupidest people on the Internet, and believe me, there are plenty of people dumber than Sup Forums users.

This is about way more than smearing democrats. This is about finally getting g the public to realize that there is a global elite secret society that does horrible atrocities. It has been known for a while as a possibility and now it's coming into the public eye.

Didn't he just pick the elder Michael flynn for national security adviser? Starting off on the right foot?

Just come in tomorrow for questioning. Investigation will be called off if we clear you of the child pornography we have linked too your computer.

Pizzagate is real. Of course, they removed all the physical proofs by now, but we will find new proofs!

really corrected my record

We can share some cocoa and answers in the hospital, arrive anytime this week after you receive one of our calls. "Your name" will want a "Drink with the officers"

>tfw this guy gets assassinated




let me know when the sentencing hearing happens, faggots

literally nothing but a bunch of autists inferring things that aren't there

The "dominoes on pizza or pasta" tidbit is extremely suspicious as well. That's not normal lingo by any means.

thanks for correcting the record

You are seriously retarded.

How do you find it so unbelievable that paedophiles use codewords? Implying there smarter than that. Implying there smarter than every single other group of criminals. My point with the marijuana is with some exceptions that it is largely a misdemeanour and a harmless crime common among even law abiding citizens. But even such a minor crime, even by a regular law abiding citizen that hasn't been indoctrinated into the world of crime and the common use of codewords when talking about crime. Even that person knows what "Mary Jane" means or "King Henry VIII" means. Because the crime of marijuana use is so widespread, everyone knows to use codewords! And your literally saying you reckon the use of codewords is rubbish because you can't understand why they would incriminate themselves!!! LMFAO YOU ARE RETARDED. Can't continue to reply to you because I can't get through to you.

Reminder: You think they wouldn't use codewords because you think if they do that they would be incriminating themselves!




Sup Forums MEAN BY THIS???????????

What's funny about all of this is, for a while, I was over the whole PizzaGate thing when there was little new info coming out, figuring it was at a dead end, and it would fade away.

THEN, the fucking media and the liberals had to go all-in with their talk of "fake news" and the obvious hard effort to try and discredit PizzaGate entirely.

I mean, if it's all bullshit, they could have just shut the fuck up and let things run their course, leaving just a handful of autists to obsess over it. But, no, they resurrected it, and ANY time the left goes that far all-in to say "IT'S LIES, DO NOT BELIEVE IT, GOYIM!!!", the more my radar detects some serious shit that they're working to keep covered.

As others have said, it may not be exactly what we're all thinking, but whatever it is, it's illegal, unethical, immoral, and will be the final nail in the coffin of leftism's credibility, so please, dear autists, uncover new evidence and keep PizzaGate being talked about for months to come. It's tearing the left apart trying to undo the damage, and it's lovely.

Look at the satanic pizza

Let's say you have a tight-knit ring of friends, and you are all related through a common, highly illegal and damning activity. This activity must be supplied since you only ever have access to a finite number of your particular indulgence, and for a limited amount of time before you have to go back into the public eye. Inevitably, you would need outside suppliers to help provide you with whatever it is that you and your friends enjoy. You would therefore need to communicate to people outside of your group at some point. Some of your associates get busted from time to time, so you don't want to be outed. Further, because you're all having to talk to people outside of this group, you'll be using the common language for it anyways.


Today an Obama donor was outed as a pedophile.

A pizza party is just a pizza party!

underrated post

And I swear that I have had to retake the screen shot so its a different file otherwise I couldn't upload it as if it was banned. It said "duplicate file already exists" pic related

It's funny because that is very obviously symbolic of children being sacrificed to moloch.

Oven = moloch
Cheese pizza = little children.
Pyramid over Earth = occult

Adam (((Rubin)))


Reminder this happened on a post that at the same time had this ad "do it yourself" and it was a gif file with an animated rope being tied into a nose!!

Pic related and this is also a "duplicate file" now.

It occurs to me that Corporate Propaganda could be another CP synonym.

I believe you guys are defiantly on to something but here's where I think everyone is getting it all wrong. The Podestas, David Brock and he'll maybe even Comets owner Jimmy are all pedos and def run a ring BUT.. All of the focus should be squarely on Podestas, I mean for God sake they even admitted to having a under ground bunker for "art". I can't figure out if it was all trolls pushing everyone to swear fucking Comet Pizza had kids chained in their walk-in or if we really are that short sighted. By focusing on a god damn pizza place instead of the Podestas theirselves we made ourselves out to be idiots. I mean even if at some point Comet did have kid orgies did the fucking gun man honestly think after all the press they still were. That was flat out ridiculous going there. If he were to catch a charge that serious.. Why not just break in to either Podestas house and look for evidence

But they are also spreading the "Fake News" phrase since conspiracy theorists seems to have lost its impact. They are going to use pizzagate to push censorship.


here's a good summary you can use for normies