
Why is Sup Forums so revolted by gays. Are you insecure about your sexuality that you hide it by pretending to be straight and afraid of gays. IMO gays are better than straights because they overcome the need for woman affection and are no longer tied to the shackles of evolution. And if a gay couple wants to have kids, just get a woman to be a surrogate and conceive a baby with a donated egg.

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I'm gay, like, super gay
and OP is still a faggot
>Iv'e been /pol since 2006
>get the fuck off my board

Sup Forums is a gay friendly board sweetie :^)

boipucci acceptance board

Good post. I am man. I want equals. Not child support mentalities

Go back to your special shit sandwich of a board

ill let my gay uncle tell you way its ok to be gay.
oh wait he died of aids

Kys you disgusting faggot.

fag here

just shut the fuck up about it

aint no gives two shit about you and your fag boyfriend parading around downtown celebrating AIDS

stop asking me to christen your fucking faggotry

and stop sliding threads

Thats too sad. Hiv is preventable and easily treatable with modern medicine. btw straights can get it too.

You guys need Jesus. My goodness the delusions. You'd think you just walked from a cave. Must be all that vaginal cuckery

Liar here. Pagan here. Thrown in the garbage here

It's not their sexuality that irks me, it's their character. I've yet to run across a homosexual that doesn't have a slew of borderline mental health issues. I haven't met a single one that isn't a raging leftist either. And I've run into plenty, especially down near Vancouver.

Every single one seems to be either preoccupied with their own faggotry or pushing for more of it. If I met a "regular" homosexual that wasn't a narcissistic, pseudo-marxist degenerate perhaps I'd change my mind.

But, no, I'm not disgusted by them because they suck cock. I couldn't care less.

In my opinion, your sexuality should be kept to yourself. I care not what you do behind closed doors. Think of it this way, your sexuality is a part of you, like your penis. It's ok to be proud of it, just don't go waving it in front of my face or try to shove it down my throat.

Jesus didn't like fags either.

Dont forget zika. You know what straights also get more than gays? Throat cancer from disgusting vaginas and new things like super gonorrhea. Aids was invented in a lab and when Charlie Sheen got it I gave up on the aids is for faggots meme

Gays are fine but you fucks make it an intolerant religion shoving it into peoples faces then pretend to be a victim about it.

Incoherent post desu
You have met them, we just don't fucking talk about it. Cause we don't want to be associated with fag/LGBT/AIDS culture

Got any quotes of His on this? I'll wait because you'll never find one
There are 7 billion fallen men now. Because they are all whores. And because of Eve. Done and done

you're the reason you're hated

It was very simple sentences. Stupid nigger. American average IQ is about 26

Sup Forums doesn't hate gays.

Just faggots.

>insecure meme
That shit don't work anymore hole chaser


>a fucking leaf
it was nonsensical

Nice anecdotes for Bibi. Divide and conquer. Righties are the biggest whiners and self loathers there are. Nobody changes my views on you. Nobody changes his

Millennial Woes pls go

I don't care the age old lies you claim. You cant debate worth a little girl's first period
The alt right created the third temple and are reverse sjws for Zionald

Why aren't you more vocal with your opposition to the current status quo?
Surely there's more of you.

Or is it more like "I don't want to be labelled an uncle tom" sort of thing?

Stupid boomer cuck why don't you just hide the threads. Boot licker

Agreed they are so anti gay I think a large number of them may just be secretly GAY

Homosexuality will always exist as an alternate lifestyle or fetish. The only harm is its allowance as a normalized thing, something that can form the basis for marriage and "child rearing." Children should not be told that its okay to be a homosexual because that would greatly magnify the people who become gay.

That dude behind is dreamy desu man.


No I want to abuse faggot leaf cucks


...said the leaf with a claim and no proof to back it up

I don't think that kind of gay would tell you that he is gay or you would even notice. You may probably know a few and don't know about it.

Yep imma wear a chastity device just for you. It's the xq28 gene and hormones. No animals discipline for faggotry. God makes differences. Im not doing this tonite. The more you cry the more special i feel

I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay. It's like being born with severe autism - you can't help it. It's a mental illness that unfortunate people are affected with.

With that said, the government needs to start treating it as such and stop pandering to their special snowflake dick on dick attitude for shitty votes. They need to stop encouraging these gay pride parades and the like. Ever seen an autism parade? Didn't think so.



Because it's fucking gross and men fucking other men is shameful and humiliating. Any man who puts himself willing as the bitchhole to another man is no man at all.

To be fucked by someone, is to be a servant. Gays are the ultimate cucks, and no amount of gym work and muscle gains will make them not fucking cuck fags

He told me himself. Go ask him, fagmeier.

Look politics.

reported for furry shit

>Why is Sup Forums so revolted by gays.
because they were scammed by the hetero-normie meme and now want a scapegoat to take out their own stupidity on

The vast majority of homosexuality is a mental illness created by external forces and a willingness to accept this.

Women are fucking stupid and you subserve and grovel to the weaker sex. A man grovelling to a man is worse than a man who tries to get his masculinity from alien fish wounds. Why not be happy with yourself and fuck off. How many straight hate threads or "why am i hated for being straight" threads are there? Not one
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar no matter how much you wanna suck it behind a dumpster. Rape. And be a pedo

>Got any quotes of His on this

Who? Marx?

Seriously. The 'insecure' yam yam is the fag version of libs and racism. All they're doing with that 'argument' is turning the tables and attempting to insult you without even realizing what they're doing. Anyone who uses that argument is trying to attack you and say that youre a closeted penis tickler, inadvertently implying that being straight is the right thing to be. Its the same concept when southerners come to the north(east) and claim that racism in the north is far worse than it is down south. Fags are merely fashion accessories/ toys to straight people these days. Its why youll never catch straight people at gay pride parades unless theyre there for the entertainment/shock value.

Mostly because we don't make faggotry our identify. I wake up, work out make a good breakfast. I go to work and take pleasure in what I do. I watch and play sports in my free time. I read a good novel before bed and sleep like a baby.

Sexual attraction plays such a small role in my life I rarely even think about it. I don't even consider it an "orientation" since I'm not so deluded I think I could build a family with another dude or get him pregnant. That's ridiculous. Man/man is not a "relationship," it's just a fetish, like feet or latex.

Also, my total sexual partner count is

Oh yeah for sure. The sky is brown and green
Sacrilege. He would have put it in the Bible. He didn't. Who in the fuck do you think you are. I don't listen to religious advice from this board for pic related reasons
>an apple from eve a day stupid goy
Women are nothing but problems

I hope we perfect the same sex genetic procreation and create artificial wombs and completely destroy the old institution just because it would be funny.

I mean single mothers, unmarried people with or without kids, childless couples have already got a head start but I really think this would fuck up the traditionalist shackles of "nuclear family".

Wanna meet up for a drink n dance ? Cmon you know you want it

Huh, we'll I'm totally open to being wrong. Keep on keeping on user.

Because gay culture is pretty toxic and used to be even worse than it is today. If gays today acted like middle-class straight dudes and kept their shit behind closed doors, I think Muslims would be the only ones who had a serious problem with them.

Not that Western women are much better.

Is this the same as mine?

No that's Trump after his speech event in Zootopia.

Oops my bad. I was wrong. Good post

>Why is Sup Forums so revolted by gays.
Why do people always wander in here and ask the dumbest fucking questions?

Why is the sky pink? Why are bunnies blue? Why do we fart air freshener and piss toilet water?

Sup Forums is the gayest board on the gayest burmese noodle-making website on the entire innertubes. Get out!

Dude, disgust is just a natural emotion too.

I'm just disgusted by fags, that's all. Mostly I don't care, but obviously I have the right to my feelings.

im fine with you existing
im fine with you fucking each other in the ass
im even fine with you living in my city

im not fine with you reproducing or adopting
and i think youre gross and mentally ill
i think you spread diseases
and i think you are stupid for choosing a lifestyle that reduces your median life expectancy by over 30 years
but most of all i fucking hate the way you fucking constantly talk about how gay you are
fucking nonstop attention whoring
>gay gay gay gay im so fucking gay lets talk about how im gay all day every day gay gay gay
jesus fucking christ get over yourself
maybe if you had a personality outside of being a faggot people wouldnt hate you so much

>what the fuck is a condom
>i am a virgin of only women so my jehovah religion will let me be raptured in the 144,000 LIKE THE GAYS WILL AND YOU WON'T

I'm not revolted by gay at all.
Why do you people think every one that posts here holds the exact same views?

You first

>faggots attack strawmen and reveal their mental illness rather than ever looking at statistics
>no arguments other than you're gay, you're a christcuck, you're cucked by women

Comorbidity, Senpai. It's present with homos because homosexuality is a mental illness. Vice President Pence will fix it.



This is a dark disgusting place aided and abetted by electricity and special snowflake ZIONIST shit cunt asshole lying hypocrite right wingers. They get off on beating down anybody and anything who wasn't born as them. There is no accountability here so they memed armageddon and im sure their confusion and hatred will save them then

Most of us don't give a shit, write better narratives.


why waste yer time here?

why do you wish for 4clam approval?

>most of us don't care
RQing homosex facts dump, on mobile so I don't have access to most of my files.

Nah, faggots are just fucking gross.

Haha raghead faggot

i know gay men are so unattractive im into straight men no homo

that picture, one day ill be the one being hugged by a big guy for me, except im white and cute and not gay no homo again

anybody else wanna do a double-killshot right thru these two men's hearts?

I can't stand faggots.

(cops no bully pls)

sounds like a revenge fantasy from a jilted lover desu senpai but if u stop thinking of gay buttsex it makes life easier i think

>anyone who doesn't like me must be gay
Wew lad.

i think hes referencing the study where all the guys who had bad feelings about gays got a boner during gay sex videos, n all the guys who were neutral about gays were flaccid

>if you hate something, then you are that thing

link the ((study))

Nice sauce

This kills the history of man

why r u so upset by that i wasnt trying to hurt ur feelings. i dont have the study but u can find it if you want its kinda interestin

>gays ruin white birth rate
>somehow this is acceptable

kill yourself

did I seem upset? you shouldn't project so hard

also you were the first one to bring up the buttsex fantasy lol

yes u did but if ur not u shouldnt be upset if i thought you were. well i didnt say it was a fantasy i said u thought about it because if u didnt y would u care about gays if ur not into buttsex thats cool it shouldnt bother u

Is this your first day on Sup Forums?

Or are you such a faggot that you just make posts without giving a shit about the place you are at?

The rule of thumb on Sup Forums is two full years of lurking before you ever post let alone start a fucking thread

>if ur not into buttsex thats cool it shouldnt bother u

gays are abhorrent in general, not just because of their buttsex habit. They are hedonistic, selfish, and obnoxious to the maximum degree. They represent everything wrong with western society. They also try to spread their degeneracy to impressionable young people.

Quality b8.

Most guys don't like whiners. Who whines more and who makes more sense. One cries about the nose. Shit tier economy. Big brother society. And a bit of consensual "activities". The rest is lies. The other side? Now think about this for a second. Tries to have MEN. Tell. MEN. What to do with their dicks. To bleach their skin. To support all usury and etc. Which one sounds plausible. I don't mind lunatic sjws. It's you guys with your edgy secret (used to be) club who come home from a long day of shitty right wing society. See that you have no woman. And make threads about the little dicked god emperor and the shitty mohawk-wearing twink with his own life and possessions. Muh thieving commies. Muh occupy wall street are unwashed uncut goyim. REEEEEEE RABBLE RABBLE DEY TOOK UHR JERBS LET'S KILL OURSELVES AND EACHOTHER

yea thats why straight guys are cuter desu senpai no homo

i remember that show but i was a baby when it was on


But lets be real here, the LGBT community are the most outspoken, not only about Trump but every fucking issue involving kikery agendas.

The problem is they love attention, and what better way to get it than non-stop virtue signaling and forcing themselves into an oppressed role constantly. They have basically won, they are a recognized, protected minority, they can get married and they can hold parades in the streets without mass oppression like in the days of McCarthyism. But of course, its not enough for them, they still have to "keep fighting" and be the constant victim.

This election gives them a new way to become a martyr, by claiming Trump is going to genocide the LGBT community despite him being in support of them throughout his whole campaign. Look at every negative tweet in response to Trump winning person of the year, its all gay people.

I am fine with homosexuality, they can do whatever they want, but if they can't just stop while they're ahead then fuck them, I hope they lose it all. Fucking attention seeking dipshits.

>less than 5 percent of the population is ruining birth rates
Don't be a retard

gays biologicly love attention bcuz such a small percent of the population is a potental mate so they need to be getting attention to find a mate unless theyre the slut kind which any prson who cannot commit is gross but im mor like a monogamous bisexual person no homo

From what I've seen some of them are legit fearing for their lives, so maybe they're just that stupid, and not attention whoring.

I bet you think we don't hate blacks too, just niggers.
kys blue pilled coward.

anybody remember when gays were 1 or 2 percent of the population? those were the days

actuly blacks and mexicans r more likely to be gay than whites so gayness hurts them more and is good for whites kinda makes u think