
Please stop lumping those of us born 80-81 into entitled Millennials. I'm not one.

Born '81 here. Graduating in 1999, I was always told that we were the LAST of Gen X, and the media and news programs like 60 Minutes or Peter jennings Tonight commented on the Millennials, or "Generation Y", the class of 2000 and the first graduating class of the new MILLENNIum. Recent sources like Pew Research, New york times, and Time magazine have gooned it up by lumping 1980-81 in there, even though we graduated BEFORE the millennium turned.

Thank you for your time.

Other urls found in this thread:

>caring about a spook

I'm 87 and despise the idea that I'm a millennial

You posted this same shit yesterday
Are you a feminist or something? You sure love bitching about non-issues



Coastal '87 is full cuck millennial. Midwest '87 is way closer to Gen X.

I agree, I'm in my mid 90s and I'm sick of being lumped in with millenials

How about southern 87? I'm from Georgia

'81, class of '99 here too, bro.
fuck millennials.
we are the Pepsi Generation.
show some pride

94' here

wish i could've been born 10 years earlier desu

Mid 90s are like the prime of millennialness, the "social justice" crowd was largely born around the mid 90s

If mid 90s aren't millennials in your eyes then what the hell do you think a Millennial is?