>Troll trace becomes active
>Your friends, boss, family, school and literally everyone can see what politically incorrect things you posted on Sup Forums.
How screwed are you?
>Troll trace becomes active
>Your friends, boss, family, school and literally everyone can see what politically incorrect things you posted on Sup Forums.
How screwed are you?
Extremely. I'm deep undercover with the SJWs.
Y tho
they already know my opinion on most things so nothign would really change i guess
Everyone is angry at me for 5 minutes then life goes back tomorrow cause they still think I'm the same asshole I always was.
I'll just tell them that Sup Forums is satire.
Duh. Like, all of us already know that. It's just for fun desu.
It's not trolling if you believe it
>How screwed are you?
I don't do guilt, so 0/10 screwed
They'd be more shocked by my posts on the newgrounds BBS from the early to mid 2000's when I was a liberal teenage pot head. I talk Sup Forums with my friends and family and I made my boss watch "with open gates"
White Noise.
I-I was just kidding judge, I swear! I have a great admiration for the African American community!
would mean pretty much nothing since I can use their shit against them.
South Park has gone downhill
>lots of white coworkers
>say sexist and racist shit all the time
>tell them i can't help it i'm asian
>tell they can't do shit because minority
man I love Asian privilege
Incredibly screwed. Nothing illegal, just really edgy, racist, stupid, weird and offensive.
>having friends
>having a job
>going to school
>going outside
its like you are a normie or something
Oh i'm utterly boned work-wise
friends + family already know
I mean, anyone with half a brain can see that Sup Forums is satire, so I'd be fine
Fairly fucked, I've done some shitposting in my day.
Chink, gook, or nip?
I honestly don't give a fuck
>not undermining and subverting the enemy
just say it was all jokes and satire
They will learn nothing because I play both sides.
I prefer the term banter
>people still don't realize Sup Forums is purely satire and a board of peace
Just realized they'd find out I occasionally jerk off to mlp porn. My life would be fucked.
I'd be arrested for hate speech.
I'm in with a ton of SJW's. So pretty bad.
I go to UCLA, I live in South Central, no one knows me outside my inner circle who know me as a quasi racist comedic Mexican. I'll be ok.
You thought it wasn't? That was just you. I feel bad for you.
yea my friends and senpai would discover that im a pure loli man. not good.
>nobody can get past the panda
it'd be k
Subversion, comrade.
Pretty confused. Half the time I post what I think and the other half I LARP as a leftist.
99.5% of my posts are shitposts or half-assed trolling with no clear pattern. And lots of Touhou because I love Touhou.
Screwed like a nigger in a noose
ou snaps.........
>90% autistic shitposting
>10% political stuff I'd say irl anyway
I dont use emojis so im fine
How would that even work in real life? Aren't most IPs dynamic? I remember those "what you downloaded" sites would always have nothing I download.
I don't give a fuck, everyone who knows me knows what I'm like, zero fucks to give.
they would know i want a trap gf
Probably less screwed than the majority of people I work with. Normies are fucked in the head. I'm pretty sure even the most racist or fucked up thing I've said is no where near what the normies think and propagate on the daily.
I'd probably be accused of being a klan member tbqh
All satire. All of it.
kys OP you normie fuck
your literally the jew
I've already been kicked out of school for one tweet. I can't imagine them finding my history.
>tfw you live in a traditional, conservative society and don't need to worry about libshits
>user why do you spend hours calling people who "fap" to "traps (?)" Faggots?
Fired and disowned by family and friends. I try to redpill them but it's like trying to jackhammer through 10 feet of concrete. The propaganda is strong. I haven't revealed my true power level yet.
>family, boss, friends, school
>like I give a fuck about what any of these idoits think
>some fucked up porn and rude comments throughout the internet
oh well, my mom would be disgusted, big deal i don't give a shit what she thinks,
my dad would probably be proud because he's a filthy pervert too. I went on a trip to vegas with him and my ex, and he paid for everything, he told me that my ex should toss my salad as thanks. So really he probably wouldn't flinch, he also is pretty red pilled and voted trump so anything i said on here is pretty reasonable.
As for 90% of the friends and people i know at school they are all liberal scum and would be shocked
>he thinks Sup Forums is real
i only type friendly things and never say tha n-word like you mean racists
I don't think there's anyone left in my life to upset with it. I'm self-employed so I guess that would be fucked, but I'm alone.
Parents are dead.
Brother's dead.
Wife left me.
Daughter's dead.
Everyone's dead. Maybe my cat would be upset if he found out I called him a nigger.
I'd be prettttttty fucked. Live in the Bay Area and seeing half the shit I've posted to Sup Forums would ruin my life.
If they did this all us basement dwellers on Sup Forums would be forced to group up outside of the internet and maybe actually get something done.
My whole university will find out that the so-called Biggus Dickus that spew hatred on their Facebook page was, in fact, me
I would look schizophrenic because often post the opposite things in different threads because shitposting is fun.
The only people who would care enough to search for me are family members and really close friends and both of these groups of people really don't care. Most of the friends I do have peruse here. Either way, I am pretty much a nobody and no one would be interested in the stupid shit I have said. They would honestly be surprised at my shitposting ability.
How did they die?
Already spilled my opinion of Isreal with my boss when he asked me about what I thought about the election, and eventually the topic went from the election, to what our concerns were with the different candidates. He's pretty laid back though and it sounds like he wants to hire me again in the spring (it's a seasonal forestry research position)
god I love frogposters
>Biggus Dickus
>not Longus Dongus
Mom died in a car crash.
Dad had a heart attack.
Brother overdosed on crack.
Daughter had leukemia.
Everyone who knows me already knows desu, even if I haven't been quite as explicit about my beliefs IRL. You have to outright lie or be good at weaseling out of tough questions to hide your beliefs, and since I don't really need to make money any more I don't bother.
Wouldn't care. I mean nearly everything I say on here unless I'm being ironic and I could probably explain what I meant for the posts that are sort of "out there" I've made. I mostly hide or ignore racist communist and atheist threads and look for the ones with actual conversations and not full of edgy fag lords to contribute to. Contribute to a lot of the politics ones as well so actually most of my posts here aren't that fucked up
Lol, what university page is it? Got any examples?
>friends, school
suicidally dangerous as i hang out with liberal friend in a black school
about as racist as i am
my dad is more racist than i am, so i am good.
honestly, the list of things i'd least like leaked to my normie friends
1. my steam account
2. my porn browsing
11. that i hate niggers, fags and jews.
Kisses and stuff
Never saw the Life of Brian mate ?
I'm sorry for your loss.
I've seen it. I just like Longus Dongus better than Biggus Dickus. It rhymes.
>nothing illegal
Is helping /SG/ coordinate Russian and Syrian airstrikes illegal?
you better hatefuck those SJW whores
We use Jewish tactics. We beat Jews at their own game.
Everyone would be disappointed but they probably had that gut feeling the whole time.
It's the Facebook page of my university, L1-L2-L3 Le Mirail, but it's now under control of feminazis and SJWs, so heavily moderated. Will send a screencap tomorrow if the thread still lives in a few jours, I was about to sleep!
>pregnant porn fetish
I'd be more scared of them seeing all the degenerate porn I've fapped to than the far right views I have.
>destroy our only reason for not actively pursuing what we post about
>dox all of anonymous
>oust us in public
>cause 30 new and powerful skinhead/kkk type organizations to start up
>we have no reason to not drop redpills on an hourly basis
>whole country becomes red pilled
>corruption gets btfod for all eternity
>fall of rome.jpg
>rebirth of the whites
>world power restored
>niggers and spics deported
>jews sent back
>space exploration begins
>white colonies on several planets
>scientific advancement finally starts back up
user, have you ever heard of Pandora's box?
Shit, i forgot what this anime was called, but never finished it. Sauce?
Meant for
I know who you are.
Perfectly fine
I talk publicly about everything here just with less curse words
like i'd have a much harder time justifying 600 hours /played on mount and blade or vids of woman puking on dicks than anything said on Sup Forums
A-and who am I?
I'm looking forward to it.
Also this.
Not as fucked as when then find out the kind of porn I Iook at
It's 6:49 in the morning, expect it in late afternoon once I managed to slip out of bed unnoticed
Same here, balls deep.
South park is gay as AIDS nobody watches anymore. Gimmie the too faggy brainwashing didn't watch.
I kind of want this future. We would make Pepe's name a killing word across ten thousand worlds.
Boku no Pico.
Except on the rare occasions I'm concern trolling or some other psyop.
"Yeah man both candidates suck lol gimme 4 more years of Obama. But didn't they say on TV that Hillary's under investigation again or something? What's that about?"
Surprisingly effective, but it feels like some dirty Jewish trick.