> You have a pistol with only two bullets.
> In front of you, there are three people.
> A kike, a nigger and a mudslime
Which two would you kill?
> You have a pistol with only two bullets.
> In front of you, there are three people.
> A kike, a nigger and a mudslime
Which two would you kill?
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How would it benefit me?
But, if I did it, I would shoot the two strongest, then beat the last one to death.
myself twice
What a thorough, well thought out riddle. Excellent job user.
Why? And can we add a Nazi or two to this scenario? Also, are any of these people extremists? If so, I shoot the extremists. As an extreme centrist, that's probably what i'd do.
Give the gun to the nigger, he kills both of them and then gets arrested.
shoot the kike twice just to be sure
I'd shoot the devil twice.
Winner winner chicken dinner
None of them. Why would I murder people for no reason then got to jail?
The jew twice
I cheated. All of he bullets for the kike
>nigger first
Then see how much the kike will pay to live, before killing him anyways.
Muslims are only a problem because of reckless kikery.
Shoot the Jew twice just to make sure
The nigger, since the Kike and Mudslime will kill each other and if no help comes then shoot myselx
I'd shoot OP.
you stupid wop dago.
Make them all stand one in front of the other- shoot a single bullet through he first ones head. Chances are that bullet will travel through to the second ones head, possibly the third. This of course depends on the pistol.
After that, kill the remaining with the second bullet, or hand it to you, OP so you can fucking kill yourself.
muslime and nigger
chances are it wont be a power jew. 99% of jews are fine.
only like 5%of the others are ok.
This is actually pretty funny coming from a leaf.
>shoot the kike and mudslime
>hand gun to nigger
>wait for cops to show up
Id shoot the mudslime twice.
Dont really care about nighers, dont care about kikes, but man do mudslimes piss me off.
sell the bullets and gun to the kike for a shiny shekel.
kike will shoot muslim, blame it on the nignog, but also encourage witnesses to praise the nignog because he was an innocent dindu. eye-witnesses eat up goyim goldstein's story, and there's a dead mudslime on the floor, but everyone's holding hands
Line them up and kill them with one shot, then shoot myself
>extreme centrist
I'd shoot you twice you fucking reddit faggot.
Take one bullet out of the cylinder and shoot it with the other
JIDF pls go.
The kike and the muslim.
Niggers don't have the same cunning.
Kill the strongest 2 then strangle the weakest one to death.
You're all fools
You kill the kike and the muslim because they're both jews. the nigger isn't human, deal with him later.
Shoot the kike twice to make sure he's dead.
Shoot the nigger and the mudslime, then curb stomp the weaker kike.
Top kek
who gave me the gun?
Kike 8s weakest physically, so shoot nigger and muslim with bullet, then beat kike to death with gun
Shoot the Kang and the Peaceful Muslim
Kill the Kike with my bare hands.
>As an extreme centrist
fucking faggot.
kike twice
you can just pistol whip chaim
They don't know it's loaded with only 2. Tell them if they want to live we must dance. You must form a conga line. Get all 3 with one. Save last for OP. Get free pistol.
Did he just push that rabbits guts out of it's asshole?
Kys twice instead you fucking fag.
Thats a revolver.
The kike, twice
Muslim is harmless without kike influence backing him, and negro deserves to be put out of his misery.
Save the black guy. Hire him to play bass in a band.
if you kill your enemies they win
Kike and muslim but I don't have to deal with niggers
Curve the bullet
I would shoot myself in the back of the head twice because I had information leading to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
revolvers are pistols too, nofuns.
I take that back. I'd save the other one for this guy. Still not giving back the pistol.
shoot the nigger twice
Myself and the nigger. Kike and mudslime would kill each other.
difficult choice, i'd have to think hard, and debate it with the jew.
I suppose the kike and the mudslime, niggers can't help being niggers.
Simple. I'd ask them to form a single file line. Then I'd shoot their midsections
Wow, that went really dark really fast. Has anyone seen Hannibal, good show.
Holy shit this site is fucking doomed
please fuck off to reddit
>who gave me the gun?
Just two deaths serve nothing but as an evidence to be used against me in the future.
Save the bullets, and guide my country toward a brighter future instead.
I'd shoot this user and their firstborn
shoot myself twice
What is the caliber of the gun?
What brand of bullets am I getting?
A .454 Casull with some nice high-powdered rounds might just go right through all 3 individuals in one shot if we make them all stand nice and close to each other, I'm sure at least 2 will go down on the first shot, which still leaves one more to take care of what's left.
Line em up
Just put them in a line, done
shoot nigger and mudslime
beat kike to death with gun
everybody wins
the jew and the mudslime. because fuck semites
I'd shoot the kike, and then the muslim. then Id let the nigger fuck my wife.
I force at gunpoint the nigger and the mud to beat the kike to death and then kill them both. Tada!
Multi track drifting.
>that fucking gif
Step back and let the mudslime take out both of them.
the kike then the nigger.
If any of you have seen police footage of shootouts, you know that niggers are way too stupid to cooperate, even at gunpoint. Can't keep em alive
Let the mudslime and kike fight it out, then shoot the nigger and whoever survives
I'd tell the three to attack each other and that I'd let the last man standing live. Then I'll kill the third and myself.
>kill the nigger and mudslime with the gun
>break the kike's neck
Pretty cut and dry answer if I ever heard one.
Damn that's a quick way to gut a bunny!
Pistols are hand guns, so are revolvers. But they are mutually exclusive.
line them up, shoot all three from the side then op for being le faget
damn it, he wins
If I insult you, will it give you progressive points?
all depends on where they live
>demand all three remove their shoes
>shoot jew
>shoot muslim
>toss empty gun at negro hopefully getting his prints on it
>sprint away while on phone with 911 reporting that I just witnessed a black man sprinting away from two barefoot corpses carrying 2 pairs of air jordans
Not as fast as this one.
Myself, twice.
You mean "Brutally murdered by evil cops"
Otherwise, bravo.
nope. you're wrong, too. educate thineself.
Make sure the mudslime grabs the gun from your lifeless corpse to threaten the others so there's a riot about Not All Muslims and innocent dindu nuffins and we have a reason for racewar now.
>shoot darkie
>give mehmet the gun
Nobody hates jews as much as mehmets
At last I truly see.
i wouldnt kill any of them because im not a fucking barbarian.