What happens when we die, Sup Forums? I've always been a Christian, but sometimes I have doubts. I'm curious to see what the rest of you think. Also, do you have any evidence to support your belief?
What happens when we die, Sup Forums? I've always been a Christian, but sometimes I have doubts...
Only one way to find out
The same thing that happens when an animal dies, or your computer breaks. Your consciousness simply ceases to exist, like the way things were before you were born
On it. I'll report back with my findings.
Where you dead forever before you were born?
Then how are you conscious now?
>not sure
Then if you were to not exist for eternity after you die, how are you conscious for any amount of time?
I think we go through an infinite return of being conscious and not conscious but because we only experience consciousness, it's like being alive for eternity but you forget your past consciousness. So like reincarnation without that Karma bs.
Also I just smoked 2 blunts and a bowl
>What happens when we die
Decomposition. Your death serves to sustain other life just as other deaths sustained your life.
How come you guys are only talkin about what happens to the physical body? Everyone knows what happens to a decomposing body you autists, he wants to know what happens to us conciously when we die
You just die.
>were you dead forever before you were born
Technically no you can't be dead if you had never lived yet
>How are you conscious now
How did consciousness start or life at all? No one knows
>Then if you were to not exist for eternity after you die, how are you conscious for any amount of time?
What do you mean by this?
was talking to a disenchanted man the other day and I said: Ah, well, maybe when you die you'll get all the answers to earth's mysteries in heaven. He said: "Nah, I don't believe in that."
>oh. Well that's shitty then
> le before you were born meme
Bullshit "theory" peddled by people who think they'll have an existential crisis by thinking about it.
Before I was born, I did not exist. Before I die, I do exist. Big difference between pre-birth and post-death
lots, just none of it involves you anymore
Kek wills it, user.
It's your time.
No one truly knows.
Heaven is a possibility, though statistically less likely. It is a logically-provable, potential outcome though.
There is a pretty high probability that your existence or a copy of your existence will continue to traipse through some variant of our current reality.
It all boils down to faith / probability in the end.
there's just no reason to believe in anything else, unless some sort of evidence is presented.
>How come you guys are only talkin about what happens to the physical body
What else do you think there is?
Also, this, plenty of things happen after you die just without you doing them.
Being dead and not being conscious are the same thing that's just semantics. how about a Lego statue that's in pieces that has yet to be built vs a Lego statue that's been broken apart into pieces? Both are the same thing.
If you don't believe that the mind (not as in the brain) is seperate from the body then continue to think so
If you do then why not try to figure out something to believe in
We'll burn that bridge when we get there.
What happened to the mind of the squirrel who spent weeks finding nuts then stored them in a winter cache to come back to once food became scarce, but was hit by car and died? The mind disappears because it was a product of the brain, which is made up of organic parts that have failed.
you realize that life is a joke. you realize that you never existed.
your ego dies and you become everything.
you are the alpha and the omega.
you may think i'm talking out of my ass, but this is something that everyone will realize one day.
Pure rationalism vs empiricism. Empiricism said that there was nothing else besides the Milky Way Galaxy before the early 1900s. Empiricism is dog shit in understanding anything about the universe with our primitive human instruments atm.
Rationalism, I think, is saying that linear time is cyclical.
Idk, It's up to you
Did the duck make it?
I must know this.
I would like to believe the mind is seperate from the body, but I just have no reason to think that. Is this fedora tier? I hope not. And I am not hating on spiritual people, I'm just explaining a lot of people's reasoning.
What happens to all matter when the universe cools down to a standstill and movement is impossible? Hmm? An eternity of nothing moving? How about before the Big Bang? An eternity of nothing aswell? If both of these are true, then how can we experience any amount of time?
Who cares? Use the time you are given to your advantage. I will use mine to establish the Fourth Reich, I decided today.
Close your eyes really fast. Imagine that forever.
Quantum immortality, bro, we never die and live in the weirdest parallel universes that force our consciousness to survive. Right now you're dying from heart failure somewhere but you're here instead, shitposting forever and ever.
No one knows. It still isn't evidence for an afterlife. Even if a god for example was shown to exist, it still doesn't mean there is an afterlife.
>What happens when we die, Sup Forums?
The same as what happens before you are born. What was it like when George Washington was president? It wasn't like anything, it was nothing for you. Just because now you've gotten a taste of being a living being doesn't mean that grants you a perk of being conscious forever. Religion is the ultimate blue pill. Your brain is the only thing that keeps what you imagine yourself to be going and once that marvelous glob of meat peters out, so do you.
Guy 2: Sure, I know a place near.. When u wana meet up?
Guy 1: How about an ETERNITY FROM NOW!
Not if time in linear
actually goes like this
Before I was born, I was disassembled matter, I did not exist. Before I die, I do exist. After I die, I am again disassembled matter, I no longer exist.
Reborn into the Earth, become spirit in a certain spiritual dimension amongst the gods.
Eternal life in Heaven, Hell, or you haunt the world in purgatory
Reborn into a form of life depending on status/ enlightenment
You live amongst others in one of several spiritual realms, or you haunt the Earth.
Ahirman takes you because of covenant of destruction between life and death between God and him
Debate me faggots. I think we live on in the spiritual realm, but have no opinion on what happens to us afterwards. Spirits ore objectively correct, though.
The first thing that made me doubt the existence of a deity that allows you to enter a paradise is that my parents told me that paradise was just for humans.
Why couldn't my little lovely dead dog go to paradise?
I was just a 3 y/o.
That's a sexy ship you have there user
>he doesn't believe in ghosts
T. blue pilled cuck
I dont get this reasoning. It just seems like wishful thinking. Anything is possible, but i feel like i need some sort of reason to believe in it, other than feels. If metaphysical things were proven or heavily evidenced, i wouldnt mind making the leap that an afterlife exists. It would still be a leap though.
I-is that anzu? that's the lewdest pic I've ever seen of her
even if ghosts exist in some form it doesnt mean shit. you take big leaps.
>he hasn't spent 1 year of his life where lives as though he were in monastery exploring spirituality
Ghosts at least prove a life after death, and while ghosts hold no specific point of origin by culture (you have our concepts of ghosts, then the Gaelic ghosts, the Jinn, demons of all sorts among all cultures. I mean my "encounters" have been pretty minor, but at the very least I believe in an afterlife now.
Sure. Imagine no science involved. You have atleast ONE piece of evidence it's possible to exist after "an eternity of nk. Existence". That is: you exist, right now.
Imagine you were in a prison for eternity. At some point, you broke free and now you exist. Now let's say after you die, you get put back in that jail of non existence.
You cannot say for 100% certainty that what happened last time won't happen again.
In science, and math, even the slightest evidence against something happens bars it from being 100% destine.
Nope and don't even try looking at Anzu lude. That's my future wife. I'm gonna give that albino Turk the whitest kids possible!
Do you die when I sage?
We are being slammed because a major Obama supporter has been outed as a pedophile and because Clinton is losing in multiple states in the recount due to fraud.
How someone hasnt snatched her with green card promises is beyond me. Its probably due to her turbo autismo introvert personality
you dont even know if they are sentient or alive....
Any proof that its logically provable?
>What happens when we die, Sup Forums?
I think what you're really asking is what happens to us after we die, and this is a stupid question. It's like asking 'what happens to a candle's flame after it goes out?'
this is true.
>you get what you expect to get
Pratchett had it right.
>you dont even know if they are sentient or alive....
No they're sentient alright. At least some of them.
People who have been reanimated after longer periods of death (enough time for their minds to completely shut down) have described it as complete nothingness, which is what I believe it will be. It's like going to sleep, but you won't dream and you won't be aware that you're asleep. Forever.
I understand why most people refuse to believe this, though. The thought of moving on to a state non-existence is frightening.
Alright. All I'm saying is you have very little understanding of what they are exactly. But I respect that, and since you have had experiences it's not blind faith.
But there are also people who describe the exact opposite. If you haven't already, look up Eben Alexander. He had a near-death experience even though his brain was totally shut down.
You rejoin the dreaming god main consciousness.
>not brain death
>a "death" you can get better from
I'll believe it when they Frankenstein someone from the point of no return.
Kill yourself and find out. Post results.
Alot of people shit themselves
You know that's not what op meant.
If ur gonna be cheeky, atleast try and be funny.
You simply cease to exist like before you were born. Don't worry about it because you won't know it.
What you should really ponder is that you basically die hundreds of thousands of times in your life and just become born again all the time. Think back to your first kiss, what kind of person you were, where you were, what homework you had that week, etc. That person is long gone and completely out of the picture, the only thing that exists about them is a memory that can be fuzzy at best but when you were then and there you were perfectly conscious of your existence in the same way you are now.
Another example is if you read this post and agree/disagree/unsure with what I'm saying, see if you remember this concept next year and if you do question yourself if you are the same person you were on this very day.
Your consciousness changes all the time, hands over the reigns to new ideas and identities with each new experience and acquisition of knowledge. Who's to say that your grandparent who died 10 years ago has ceased to exist as they have died when the person you were on May 10th 1999 is completely nonexistent even in your memory.
That being said, I've always thought the only cosmic idea for life after death would be that if the universe were indeed infinite in time, then sooner or later MAYBE the atoms and chemicals that constitute your very being could meet up again and decide to shitpost on Sup Forums.
Probably not.
Reminder if you don't have R.I.P on your grave when you die you will be raised for the skeleton war
I've spoken to many people about his before. Interesting stuff.
I honestly think its nothing but pitch black once you give up the ghost, much like sometimes you fall asleep but don't have a dream, when you close your eyes all you see is black and what seems like a few seconds later you open your eyes to find a couple of hours passed. just this time you don't wake up.
You think that because to you
>sleeping=being unconscious
So, what do you remember everyone you sleep( besides dreaming)
>laying still while staring at the inside of your eyelids.
Therefore to you
>being dead=beingunconscious=sleeping-dreaming=looking at the inside of your eyelids
I'm going to dropkick your nerdy ass
The DMT capsule is released in your mind and you are transported to the 4th dimension inhabited by mechanical men.
the "it feels like before you were born" argument is weak too. What if you felt or thought things but it couldnt be recorded in your brain which pretty much didnt exist when your physical life started inside your mother? Weak argument imo.
Death is simply the absence of life.
So what were you before you were born?
What are the circumstances that you are conscious to see these exact words and to live another day in this reality.
Stop thinking and live.
Philosophers are like fish in a lake.
They may see something bright and golden buried in the muck. In their attempts to unearth something that will have no application in their own lives, they muddy the water and become blind to their surroundings.
By default, they become easier to catch and are actually closer to death than other fish.
Get off the goddamn thread and fap.
It's like turning off your computer or television or flipping the circuit breaker off that's it done over darkness
Your conscious simply.. ceases to exist. There's a period when you sleep, where you don't dream, where your mind doesn't "exist" as an entity. What makes you "you" is a vast network of neural connections, memories are neural connections, transmitting endless packets of information. These things simply cease. When you do, you will cease to be a "thinking" entity, and disappear into nothing.
Do not be afraid, you will never know it happened. The worst parts of death, are the moments before it. Afterwards, all your pain, worries, and "sins" will be forgotten.
Stupid photo. The knight should be bringing loot and slaves to his farm and retire a comfy life.
Can you phrase that again?
I think it's a good argument because it's the default position. If I know anything about not existing I know that before I was born I didn't exist in any form, so with that as the basis of what it's like to not exist I think it's a fair call to apply it to after you return to the earth.
Anything contrary to that is an idea that suspends nature. I thought all about this shit long and when I was a faggot teenager reading Dawkins and watching Thunderf00t and I guess this is where I am today with it.
Animism suggests that the "spirit" inside of you will simply find a new vassal.
I should clarify that know should be "Know" it's possible I lived a thousand times without knowing but if we are going by what we know then yeah.
That is animism.
Just playing the devils advocate. I actually agree.
Your descendants live in the world you made, and you are reborn in them if you attained truth because they come to the same conclusions. You are reborn in them in legacy if you made a positive impact (an impact that helps them continue and helps them come to truth). They also carry on your honour.
I'd talk further and discuss any further ideas you have but I'm just about to walk out the door. See ya
When I was an atheist, there were certain days where the reality of Christianity seemed entirely possible and, to my utmost horror, probable. As a Christian there are days when I think the whole thing is a ruse and what's the point.
But this is why Faith is a virtue. Faith is believing in the things your reason once told you to be true in spite of your changing moods and emotional states.
nothing can cease to exist. It can only change form and move from place to place.
What was it like before you were born? Probably like that.
You guys ever consider maybe we're already in the afterlife? Not that nothing we do matters here, but maybe we're already dead and this is some kind of purgatory.
Can you remember the point when you became conscious? The first moment you realized you existed as an entity with all the senses as capacity for thought?
I sure don't. If the appearance of consciousness happened without a exact moment in time there is little reason to doubt that death won't be similar.
Instead of drifting from non-existence to existence you will go backwards into nothingness. Sure someone else can name the exact moment you became conscious or died but you cannot experience the drift yourself. There is no "Well, this is it" after you died just like there was no "Wow, I'm actually thinking" when you were born.
Just ripped a sick dab and this seems more plausible than anything else. I am convinced David Icke is correct based on what i have read of religious texts though. The commonalities are too strange.
The only inspiring post in this whole thread. Thanks user.
no one knows you fucking leaf.
>pretty much everyone ever
they've all asked this question and dont know
but you think you're gonna get a good answer on Sup Forums?
>the void is always represented as a negative; the permanent lack of existence
>not representing the void as a canvas on which you can create your own reality
When you die, you will emerge from a womb crying. You won't know where you are or who you are, you will be clueless having no memory of this life you live now. You will grow up, learning as if for the first time, you might even ask "What happens when we die?" never having known that you already have died a countless number of times.
You exist because you must exist, because you always have existed and always will exist.
The same I that is in me is the same I that is in you, it is the same I that is in all conscious beings.
Personality, individuality, it is an illusion.
>arrow aimed directly at black kid's face
how do you know?
Why would i debate you, you know your shit. What do you make of Jinn/demon phenomena?
Logical deduction and reason
before the big bang, we were all one unified field of energy. Only through the big bang were we given this illusion of individuality. When I say "I'm me" and you say "I'm me" well, how can we both be "Me"
we are the same still, just as we were before the big bang.
Bullshit guy.
that doesn't imply reincarnation. I see what you mean though. You'd be better off saying you become part of the soil or some shit.
If you believe in kek, you will go to hell.
OP You should try Calvinism. God chose to save you, and there was nothing you could do to otherwise. Saul was on the road to Damascus, on his way to murder Christians, and God struck him blind and converted him on the spot. I'm under the impression that all real Christians were chosen by God, rather that us choosing him. That wasn't by any merit of our own, but by His perfect plan whatever that may be.
Since I started looking at the afterlife through that lens, I've been much more secure in myself with whatever may happen after I die. God chose me and no one can pluck me from His hand.