How do I become like Rothschild in this day and age?
How do I become like Rothschild in this day and age?
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Circumsize your dick for starters...
Being born into the Rothschild family is a good start
in this day and age you simply cannot.
you either move laterally in society or down, unless you win one of (((their))) contests.
tell me more about the contests.
JEsus look at that old ass wrinkled face that jew been eating too many babies
Who's the guy on the right
Make billions of dollars somehow.
nah that cunts fucking reptilian for sure
David Rockefeller
Props on organizing against them nord bro
the lottery was started by the jews for starters.
also look at anyone whos famous today, 90% of them are from some other rich or famous family lineage or they win one of these talent,singing etc. competitions for their 5 seconds of fame.
refer to..
Bill Gates is richer than the Rothschilds and Soros but together.
>It is estimated that the Rothschild family controls more than $2 trillion worth of assets.
>Bill Gates net worth is 83,3 Billion
>more assets than world GDP
I can't even tell if this is b8 anymore.
You're retarded. All of the billions of dollars that Bill Gates has are still OWNED by Rothschilds.
Yes, a family that has insane levels of power and that has had their throbbing cock in the world economy for centuries can, infact, have more assets amassed over that period of time than the worlds GDP in 2 years.
You are also owned by the Rothschilds.
explain please
Bill Gates is the wealthiest INDIVIDUAL in the world.
You lie, cheat, steal, kill, betray, and flee
Blacks make good music, but their English is fucking HORRID. Copulas exist, you know.
Fair enough.
Nah, I don't have any money.
rape and sacrifice children
Is Rockefeller a Jew? Unless it's only in reference to his role as head of the Rockefeller family and being in Bildeberg and Trilateral Commission
they wuz banks n shieeet
buy some lotto tickets
>able to view his trachea formation
how the fuck is this man still alive. jesus fucking christ
>b-b-but da joooos
>da joos own da banks
Why are conspiritards allowed to vote?
They own almost the entire world's currency
What you gotta do is finance a war that cripples 3/4 of the continent, kill millions of people regardless of ethnicity. Then once you have the entire world on the brink of eating each other you get your pawns to sign a peace treaty. After that its just a matter of securing the entirety of construction contracts to rebuild Europe. Launching you and your family to elevations of untold wealth and influence. Not that hard bud, I think you can do it
That's all of them combined but the richest individual Rothschilds is worth $5 billion, forgot his name though
>Is Rockefeller a Jew?
Tracing his family back...
>Johannes Rockenfeller
>Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
>The league of ShUM-cities in the later Rhineland-Palatinate comprised the Jewish communities of Mainz, Speyer and Worms which became the center of Jewish life during Medieval times.
You can't, they have compounded generational wealth & power, and are integrated into an underlying global ancient power clique.
You could become something like a Bill Gates of Bezos, if you're smart and competitive enough, I guess... but to get Rothschild level would be far too out of reach -- you missed the boat.
world gdp is about $70 trillion burger
John D Rockenfeller, the guy who started the family fortune, was a very devout Baptist iirc
That sounds fucking easy, mate! I'm gonna start tomorrow!
Get a PhD in mathematics.
>Rich WASPs are giving away their billions
>Kikes are hoarding theirs
>It is estimated that the Rothschild family controls more than $2 trillion worth of assets.
This is bullshit.
This, not to mention the Fed has to kick back their profits to the US Treasury.
Clearly a total fraud. Jewery is in the family.
They're owned by 13 banks including 53% from the Rothschilds bank
1. have 5 sons
2. have them create 5 banking dynasties in 5 different countries
3. support both sides of every war for centuries
4. ?????????????
5. profit
This is the answer. Every white man must have 6 white children. We must breed and supersede the mechanisms of power with our great influence and network
After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive fortunes of the world’s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.
The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic systems throughout the world.
Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to bilk money from both private and public funds.
During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of “insider trading,” which led to the Rothschild family robbing a whole nation blind. In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication like we have today so messengers were used for communication in times of war. The Rothschild’s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military.
When the British won the war, Nathan Rothschild, was of course, the first to know, and he immediately went to the stock exchange and started selling stocks while putting out the rumor that the French had won the war. This created a panic on the floor of the stock exchange and investors all over England began frantically selling their stocks. With the price of all stocks plummeting Rothschild was able to buy out the whole English market for a fraction of its cost. When word returned that the English had actually been victorious, the value of the market soared, and overnight Nathan Rothschild expanded his family’s wealth, and cemented their position as one of the richest families in the world.
- wait for Galactic Era
- discover spice melange
- hold spacing guild by the balls by having monopoly on the spice
- collect galactic moneys.
>tfw there is literally nothing we can do to stop them
This means they have 2 trillion to play around with.
This is including other peoples' money in their banks and companies.
The 2 trillion may not be all theirs... just 2 trillion they can fuck around with.
What happens if the entire bloodlines was put in austwitz?
And those singing and talent contests are staged. If you go on one and haven't been chosen before hand you won't win.
Why would you want to? They have lost their souls.