Dropping out of college and moving to LA. Red pill me on SoCal
Dropping out of college and moving to LA. Red pill me on SoCal
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What do you want to know?
you might as well save a few steps and head straight to Texas
Im trying to get into modeling because I am a skeleton. Staying skinny is my only real life skill
>Red pill me on SoCal
Don't move to SoCal.
fucking california is just mexico full of cuck'ed liberal
t. i live in san bernardino full of blacks..
it ain't fun bruh
fuck la dont move here
it fucking sucks
It's a hot, dirty, dry Mexican quarantine zone
Stay away
>vapid women (and men)
>you'll hardly hear English when out and about
>no fucking water
>too much traffic
>aggressive homeless people
Why do you want to move there again?
You will not be able to function without a car. You will likely complain about the food. You will be living in an area where the smog is visible. You might stay single for extended periods, unless you look like a model. You will also likely need a model-style photo to include with your resume, regardless of your profession. Everything will cost more, unless you are coming from New York. You will constantly be in contact with people from other races and countries. Crossing the street means taking your life in your own hands. You will learn to hate people. Your mere presence, as one more warm body consuming oxygen and space, will make things slightly worse for the rest of us.
Have fun getting culturally enriched
nice triple double though
Im not good at anything else. I fucking hate academics and I was about to spend $120,000 to go to law school so I can work 9-5 for like 50k/yr and be married to a wife that hates me if im lucky
Don't go to downtown at night. It's when the underbelly of the city rises. Its really bat its not even funny. I recommend learning a little bit of spanish. Traffic is bad.
Why not try modeling in a better city? Honestly even NYC might be better than LA.
You're dumb as a brick. Don't drop out
I hope for your sake you give good dome because that's the only "modeling" that you can do in LA without serious (((connections)))
great city
dirty fucking city
lots of immigrants if you have a issue with that
lots of job opportunity especially construction
building ram stadium is fun even if they aren't my team and I hope they have a losing season for the next 10 years
Terrible idea. Get your degree first. Hollyweird will eat your soul and then youll have nothing to fall back on. Unless you fancy the idea of being homeless.
Im a philosophy major, there isnt shit I can do with that. Im cutting my loses.
NYC is colder and LA is a hub for acting too
I grew up in SoCal, and I don't live there now.
None of my friends live there.
None of my graduating class lives there.
SoCal is a meme filled with failed actors and rejected mexicans. Actual Mexicans are awesome and typically based, but as a real Mexican in Mexico once told me "the mestizos you have in LA are the ones who are too dark to have a good job in their home country so they shovel your shitpipes in front of home depot and traffic drugs on the side"
SoCal is the biggest meme of all time. Even the surfing is shit. Nobody surfs in SoCal. Everyone goes North.
Go hard into debt and pretend to be balling out of control and take advantage of real, hard working artists. Name drop a bunch of celebs and such that will see their work if they just do it for you it's not paid but it's a "good opportunity." Take credit for their work and make a portfolio of work based on their toilings. Rise to the top. Alternatively you can be a good hard working artists and get taken advantage by the person described above. Such is the way of LA.
enjoy male prostitution
Just fucking switch majors you dumb fuck.
holy shit just kill yourself now you'll save a bunch of time
I can always move back home with my parents if it comes to it
Learn data science you fucking bitch. Make 6 figures.
If I go into a STEM discipline it will take me another 4 years and $40k. Im 22 now
LA is a meat grind for actors, and the theater scene is avant gaurde fag shit. NYC is actually where nearly every TV show is filmed now-a-days and has a better theater scene. Most models I know who did small time always talked about NYC as the place every model wants to get to, none ever mentioned LA.
t. Stage actor who has performed in LA and NYC.
Just join the military you dumb fuck.
Sorry im not a good goy
SoCal here. Please don't come for the love of God we are still dealing with spics, kikes, celebrities and libtards. Only shit stains like you will cause more problems here than making it better.
Look, you ain't getting into modeling. Sorry. I swear modeling is maybe the most damaging thing that ever happened to young people, it's like a carrot dangling out in front of the 30% of the population that thinks they could do it. It's WORSE than the NBA is for niggers because at least a young black kid can see at some point they're 5'8" and it really just ain't gonna happen. Literally anyone who looks good can model. It's the lowest entry bar to any profession damn near, with no work. So of course the only way into it is to have MASSIVE connections. Paris Hilton as a 'model' isn't coincidence because she's talented you know.
Go learn a trade you lazy fucking dipshit and don't become the human scum awash in the streets of LA. If you do go to LA you'll likely end up on meth or heroin because everyone else is.
I visited the Inland Empire area when my brother graduated from vet school. It's a desert with a bunch of purple trees and Mexicans. Traffic is God awful and LA is an absolute shit hole. The ocean and the wildlife is cool though. Fun to visit for a few days but I could never live there.
>I might as well swallow my mistake instead of spit and try again
>After all STEM pays more
>but muh 40k
At least be consistent.
You can either pick between having a job and being a respected but disadvantaged person or being an unemployed cocksucking faggot. Pick right now.
Spoiler: I have three degrees in History, Philosophy, and Political Science. Graduated Top 20% in my class in a respected school. I make $28k after 2 years of graduation, and my first job was $8/hr
Be a faggot or enjoy the climb. Those are LITERALLY your only two options.
Why would I pay tens of thousands of dollars to do shit I hate for 4 years so I can be a slave from 9-5 for Mr. Goldberg? All that shit you bothered to type and youre a total loser. Why are you trying to give advice?
learn spanish
You can either be a "loser" and right, or financially stable.
You don't have a third choice.
Pick, you faggot.
>dropping out
>moving to LA
You're fucked.
You won't make many friends in LA by despising Mr. Goldberg.
>It's when the underbelly of the city rises
Sounds cool TBQH
These guys are being fags. Of course, everything they said is true, but being that its filled with liberal cucktards you can easily skate over them by practicing good business sense and just taking care of yourself.
Don't want to drive so much? Get a job near where you live. I lived in Chinatown and could walk around at any time of night with no problem, just tons of elderly Chinese people saying hello and walking their dogs before they eat them. Walk a mile into town, make money, tell homeless people to fuck off, and walk home.
You've got to live in a big metropolis at least once if you want to know what speed you can operate at. LA is fast, but its incredibly hedonistic and lethargic.
LA is disgusting. Went there for work, couldn't wait to leave. Polluted, congested, awful.
this is a great thread
studiofag here. ama
OP, don't listen to pol, most of them live in shitty small towns with nothing but internet connection. LA has anything that'll interest you and everything that can be offered is offered in LA. Perfect weather, nice women(don't listen to pol about women), and companies are hiring at the moment
You will hate it. Place is a cesspool. Stay away
Ok, what neighborhood are you moving into? Not trying to dox you, don't even answer, but recognize it's an important question when moving into LA. If your a model, your gonna have to live somewhere centrally located, so you can even get where-ever your shoot is in under 2 hours. I'd suggest West Hollywood to K-town to Silverlake, to North Hollywood square as high tier (for modelling) Anywhere 7+ miles outside is medium tier. Beyond that low tier. Your life is going to involve a lot of driving.
>OP posing a question about something he doesn't know shit about and then arguing with absolutely everyone who actually does
Just another day on Sup Forums
ultimate redpill:
get into STEM. lots of tech companies are leaving SF and coming down here for the cheaper real estate and weather, and overall larger economic base aka $$$
once Trump stops funding to sanctuary cities, L.A. and S.D. are going to uncuck themselves of debt and more businesses will move back here from red states like Texas
Why do you faggots pretend you're too busy to read emails in a reasonable fashion when every time I take a meeting all you dumb shits do is check your phone?
It's a power play, stupidity, laziness, or some combination of all 3.
Execs are stupid, nigga.
Its shit
t. Riverside county resident
Worst part of being a writer is dealing with those subhumans.
How is uber in LA? I dont drive so I dont have to pay for insurance
the trick is to pitch at the beginning of the year when studio has money again
>but you already know this
do writers do anything but eat? it doesn't seem like it
it will never, ever look like the picture you posted.
it's 60% beaners and 45% self hating liberal scum
It's pretty great, one of the few good things. I use it all the time.
>Adds to 105%
Unless you're suggesting that 5% of the Mexican population is also self-hating and liberal?
Yeah it sucks because you're at the mercy of their availability. By the time they schedule, cancel, schedule again, cancel last minute etc. you're meeting in November.
I feel like I'm always out to lunch meeting some moron who has this guaranteed blockbuster he knows I'll want to be a part of about anthropomorphic cows who get sent into space. That's probably why it seems that way. If I'm not pitching, I'm hustling for a pitch. Food/coffee is the universal "first date" out here.
That is one of the worst ideas for a life plan I've ever heard. I'm from SoCal born and raised and it's gone to fucking shit in the last 20 years.
There's almost no opportunities here if you have no college degree, prepare to work for $12 an hour and pay $1500 a month for an apartment and live in squalor among the riff raff in some shitty neighborhood.
To top it off, your plan involves moving to LA which is hands-down the WORST city in SoCal to move to, possibly the entire country, excluding San Fran and NYC.
People move to SoCal for the weather but since everyone and their mom wants to move there, there's less job opportunities and rent and generally everything is unaffordable if you can't find a decent job.
Just don't do it, I can't think of one good reason to become a transplant in SoCal that isn't a complete joke of a reason.
It's not the 80's anymore user, don't do it!
Sometimes I wonder if execs just want writers to pitch to them for their lunchtime entertainment , kinda like streeet theater.
I'm just a TV schlub.
Might jump to movies if someone brings me along with him.
Yawn. Big day tomorrow. Well met, user. All the best.
Same to you, keep hustling!