Ohio legislature has passed a bill that will ban abortion 6 weeks after conception - before most women know they are pregnant
Ohio Passes Law To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks
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The US needs population control, and to enforce it, harshly.
The bible says NOTHING about abortions.
by banning abortion you are just increasing the population of ghetto niglets, why do you want more niglets? Are you a cuckold?
Start kicking people out.
Execute more murderers faster. Use a fucking firing line.
Close the borders and then let the rest of the world starve.
Anyone on this board who is pro-life needs to google "black birth rates"
All human life is sacred.
Doesn't say shit about sentience only life and however developed it may be it's still alive.
Fucking leaf.
THE BIBLE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT STOPING A BUNCH OF GHETTO CRIMINAL RAPIST DEGENERATE NIGLETS FROM GENOCIDING THEMSELVES. I'm black and pro abortion cause it keeps the population of ghetto niggers, who will plague society with crime and welfare usage, from reproducing at high rates.
idea: forced abortion for non-whites
god kills a guy for pulling out
pretty sure he dont like fetus killing
doesn't matter if they're niggers. niggers aren't animals
This, I personally think abortion is disgusting but niggers are more disgusting and I want my own children to have a decent life
They should have free abortion clinics on every corner in the ghetto
i hope you don't actually believe that you fucking retard
abortion is the only thing preventing the nigger population of america from doubling every 20 years
why would anyone in their right mind want more niggers?
you people lose your shit every time a nigger kills a white man but you love it when they kill each other
you idiots have no right to complain.
This law is a good start but abortion should be illegal at any period after conception and it should be treated like a serious criminal offense such as manslaughter.
>Being a whore is dangerous in Ohio
Well looks like i'm buying property over there
>I don't know anything about Christian teachings or theology so I'm just gonna repeat THE BIBLE over and over again
Bibles on 1 of 3 sources of teaching for Christians. (All of which are interconnected and can't contradict).
republicans wanna control all the pussy
I'd rather leave the world overrun by niggers than go to judgment with allowing abortion on my hands.
Great so Ohio is about to become 40% Black in the next 10 years
actually they wanna control the sex.
they wanna punish women for sex
Stop being autistic. Every think they actually do care about the life of the unborn?
Or are you gonna say nah uh they don't want welfare. As if welfare is the only means of helping peoole.
Pretty fucking based.
Guess im not moving to Ohio. Good luck anons as the pro nigger baby laws shoot up around the country.
>democrat women are the most likely to get abortions
>lets ban abortions so that there are more democrats being born that wouldn't have been born
Executions are meant to take a while in order for the defendant to have a reasonable amount of time to appeal their case. I'd rather the justice system be sluggish but trustworthy than fast and corrupt.
what other proof is there that they care about kids?
Based Kasich
Contrary to popular australian belief, children are not born with a political alignment. Rather than being born with it, they are being taught to think in a certain way once they enter schools.
So unless you have a brilliant idea how to prevent schools to teach kids to be left leaning instead of making them critical thinkers. Abortions wont help much.
>moralfags ruining everything
What else is new?
Black women can't afford abortions
What is you're proof they don't care?
Can you see into there hearts?
Abortion won't solve the black problem
Be pro-life it will keep white women out of politics.
no actions speak louder than words
show me some evidence they care about pregnant women.
how much time off do they get after having a kid?
Not true. Your political beliefs are more likely to lean the way of your parents. If you study the brain of a liberal vs a conservative, there are general differences. Not only that, but we need to promote abortions because only whores and nignogs really get them
>how much time off work do they get after having a kid?
Women are out of control
We just need to ban abortion.
fuck off. morals is the only thing keeping civilization from collapsing on itself
abortions don't just kill babies they can also destroy the lives of the women who have them
women will kill their baby, cry about it for a week, and they deal with the guilt by projecting their feminist bullshit on people and institutions, and you FUCKING TOOLS ARE CHEERING IT ON.
Time to go lesbian
it's all about control isn't it
Women become Democrats because they are Allways protesting and getting abortions.
Women should be changing diapers not getting enough involved in politics.
Ugly ass virgins can't handle the idea that women are free
Yes abortion is a horrible thing, the destruction of a forming baby, just because you can't be responsible and abstain from sex. If you're having sex, you need to be aware that a pregnancy is possible.
The whole it's black women getting abortions is a myth they can't afford them.
It's white college girls getting abortions.
they're not free. they're the most passive kind of slave because they don't even realize they're in bondage.
Hmm I wonder why people don't respect feminism
republicans claim to be pro family but look at their actions for the last 30 years
wages at about a 1968 level
1 person used to be able to support a family
union busting
medical care?
cut snap/food stamps
Women are not meant to be independent thinkers,it's why abortion must be banned.
Women are meant to be mothers not politicians and protesters
It's also hurting the white population...
>trying to frame the issue with your false paradigm
there's plenty of republican and democrats that find abortion abhorrent
Why shouldn't they be punished for being so irresponsible.
Condoms don't fucking bust as much as people say they do and contraception will stop absolutely anything.
It's lazy fuck heads that want that skin to skin and end up with YALL KEEDS and then act fucking surprised when they have to live with a mistake that could have been so easily avoided with a 25 cent rubber.
>non spicspanic whites
This is good, plus it's stops sinning
This makes abortion illegal after 6 weeks. Most women don't know they are pregnant until 10+ weeks. As a woman who is pro life but still wanting to protect the health of women,this law kinda sucks
yeah, but republicans say they need a gun at all times in case they need to abort one of those little brats after he grows up
It says nothing about gigamurder genocide with neutronium cluster bombs in the year 90,000 CE. Come to think of it, it doesn't really say a whole lot about killing jews with pesticide either.
we get it, you hate republicans and fetuses.
When we calculate the failure rate for condoms, we look at the pregnancy rate per year that occurs in couples who use condoms. For latex condoms, the typical failure rate is about 12%.
I think most forms of birth control that women take have a 2% failure rate.
nope just republicans
>it's stops sinning
While I'm glad for the law being passed, you are being naive if you think this will have any effect on human behavior.
then why do you think it's okay to kill them?
...hmmm why are there so retarded fucks here lately? Why the fuck should we care a whore or her kid?
republicans are their own worst enemy
if you want to kill republicans I'd like to hear an explanation of that too though
cause if you just leave them on their own they'd end up in jail anyway
trying to force women to have kids they don't want has never worked
as far as I can tell it's worked all throughout human history
Or we could just let her kill the kid. Whores always abort when they can. Making it harder for them to kill their kids will just make the US into Brazil
why do people who will tell you they don't give a fuck about anyone else and don't any responsibility for the rest of society
so determined to force women they don't care about to have kids no one wants?
fuck off he's right
although morality is subjective and doesn't exist
We need to follow MY morals, not his
>be me
>ohio fag
>always had egalitarian views so made plenty of Liberal friends
>although against bigotry I'm also not a dumb shit
>I gradually take more red pills while liberal friends slowly turn into SJW twats with 53 genders to their name
>still hang out with them cause they're cool when they're not being unbearable and having oppression Olympics
>their friends are even more SJW then my friends are
>example from Kikebook "yo gals, if you ladies need advice on abortions hit us up" 'NOT JUST WOMEN CAN GET PREGNANT TRIGGERED.jpeg'
>either slowly let power levels leak out when everyone is drunk and they start to agree little by little
>"I mean yeah Trump broke our usual stance with Taiwan but don't you think a marginalized group has the right to stand up and govern themselves should they choose" "wow user, we never thought of it that way"
>or silently sit and die a little inside when they talk
>2K16 comes around and my patients for these cucks is thinner than an Ethiopian kid on slim fast
>they're all acting cocky cause they think Hill Dog is going to the White House instead of the dog pound
>"yeah user fuck Trump, we totally know you'll vote for Hillary cause you were a total Bernie 'Sand Man' Sanders bro. So good luck voting for the obvious winner of Madam President"
>Guess again fuck heads
>press the "Trump" button at my voting station harder than John Podesta's dick at a Chuck E Cheese
>they all freak out and cry in disbelief as results poor in and don't even get the comfort statement of "at least my state wasn't part of why he won"
>"my god user can you believe this bullshit"
>nod head but stay quiet to avoid my power level being revealed
>lips are sealed tighter than a Jew's wallet on Christmas
>ff a few weeks
>Ohio bans all abortions further along then 6 weeks
>friends meltdown
>The bible says NOTHING about abortions.
Numbers 5:11-31
Go read it. God had no issues with abortions if it was unfaithful. I think another verse allows it for incest as well.
fuck the (((bible))). abortions are institutionalized moloch (saturn) worship, abortion doctors AND the worthless baby killing whores should all get life in prison, breaking rocks 24/7/365 until they die.
That just seems like a sneaky money laundry scheme
Maybe they'll actually take pregnancy tests earlier than six weeks later
the bible
>Money laundry
>the bible teaches that all life is sacred
the fuck are you on about mate?
it teaches that all JEWISH life is sacred
it teaches all non jewish life is worth fuckall
read the OT NT is based on it still
It's unconstitutional, so it'll only last until the ACLU or a few lawyers get ahold of it.
Planned parenthood are temples to Moloch.
Ban abortion.
oh shit
Not for long.
stop being retarded on purpose, in the beginning. you want evidence they care about the kid, then it's the woman
stop moving the goal posts.
first of all, they aren't killing the fucking kid. I'm not sure how you can advocate for the death of unborn children,
and then go question another person's lack of care for those unborn children. what a stupid fucking thing to think
>how much time off do they get after having a kid?
you're making it seem like the time off is a vacation for the mother, which is ridiculous and
you would think that decent and respectable mothers wouldn't first think about their vacation from work
but about their new child?
someone tell me this is a namefag shitposting
you want evidence they care about the kid
you have that?
you're making it seem like the time off is a vacation for the mother?
pro family?
>being this retarded
There they are, mentally ill until the end. You can pretend you are right wing as much as you want you can't just resist the allure of having a fresh supply of black bucks.
White people, everyone
Laws like these have been struck down all over the place for essentially being Jim Crow for reproductive rights. Backdoor attempts to get around Roe v Wade are pretty transparent.
> dont go alone, take this.
more like kill anythign that is not white,
then yeah what you said.