How does it feel to be White?
How does it feel to be White?
p good desu
Do you remember how you felt when mexican intellectuals kept saying that they will own america in 30-40 years or so?
Kind of like that.
comfy as fuck
Looking forward to marrying a blonde and having 6 children
no possible way to describe how it feels to be white, you should envy us tho
im not white
>only 6
you have to make her pop out as many white babies as possible
you mean chicanos brainwashed by the joos?
A lot of my whitest friends lack balls or let greed get in the way of their character.
There are some thing today's whites should learn from darker skinned people.
Not sure man. You should develop a video game where you play as a white person. Then maybe I could get a sense of what it's like.
Like what grape drink and welfare? And being a fucking sad faggot our entire life?
Naw we will remain the master race and you faggots can stay the way you degenerates like it.
Max Payne.
I'm Caucasian. Not SJW white... some I'm trash to the most arrogant whites.
Feeling white is the same feeling as Caucasian.
The next level is "white man."
White is below "The White Man."
The whole point to being a white or Caucasian male is to ascend to "The White Man." Then to ascend to "White Man Elite."
And then once there, mantle "Elite White Man" and become the Ubermensch.
It's the only thing that matters.
i love being white
How does it feel to be Mestizo?
Awful, I can't look PoC in the eyes from guilt.
It's alright I guess. Now let us go to more relevant topics, like how we should prepare our vegetables.
Stop smoking meth and posting your dipshittery. What the hell are you even trying to "logic" here? You sound KANGZ level retarded.
I am actually get an albino. Does this count as me being white? I moved to America when I was 8 and now 22 I'm completely whitewashed and Western culture
feels mostly like it would for another race but you are born in a country with better opportunity and generally forced to compete with other ethnicities for stuff more
It feels so normal that some white people wish they were black, or Mexican which is why sometimes you get wiggers because they see themselves as the counter-culture of their own race. Then you get white upper-middle class Marxists that can't possibly be black so attempt to marginalise themselves into an oppression group by claiming their sexual identity as Thomas the Tank engine. The Marxists are race apologists, the wiggers just think they're sub/counter culture but the lines do blur. Since it's really unacceptable to have pride in your race if you're white (which by itself doesn't make you racist), white people are abandoning their identities in order to fit themselves into some sub-group minority where ever they can find it, and if they can't find it, then they create it. They themselves can't deny their whiteness which is why they still claim that blacks and Hispanics are more oppressed.
its like bieng sick and having an unknown disease that no one can identify, knowing there is no hope for a cure
the only known effective treatment is to surround yourself with culturally diverse non-whites
thankfully i live in a country that has diversity in spades, so i feel ok most days
i just have to be careful not to overdose
Kind of sad considering that you, individually, can do almost nothing to stop the flood of cultural enrichment.
you feel like an empowered monkey beaner?
I feel like the main character where ever I go.
Powerful and intellectually dominating. Especially over the Negro.
It's suprisingly easy to handle the cold, hay fever sucks, and for some reason most of the girls who have found me attractive enough to date were minorities. Also, I got dealt a pretty good hand as far as stature goes, I am 6' 1" with broad shoulders, I don't gain weight very quickly. Otherwise it's pretty average, other white people like to make fun of me sometimes because my parents and grandparents are from Germany, and I catch black people constantly talking about white people when I am the only white guy in the room. It's pretty surreal.
AND genetically superior
>tfw white man living in Asia
there is a difference between "white" and "The White Man."
Don't pretend.
THe "White Man" gets the privilege, the white does not.
There are different layers of white. Why do you think white SJWs hate conservative whites?
Why do you think white women hate white males?
Because white males can ascend to the "white man" and they can't.
Dick Cheney... "The White Man."
White truck driver, wage slave, white SJW... "white male."
I feel like I'm surrounded by retards, so probably just like every other race feels like, except the most deluded ones.
Do you at least speak Japanese?
what's with all these people thinking "white" is homogeneous.
Being white don't mean shit.
It's all about the "type" of white you are.
I like it because I think Mexican women are hot and my family is like the stereotypical Mexican family that always hosts parties and enjoys each others' company and all that stuff. Really funny too. I don't like it because although I do well in school and dress well, etc. I have to prove I'm of average intelligence every time I have to work with people of other races. Like I have to do better than most in order to impress with my first impression.
Yep, and it opens up so many doors.
If you're a young white guy in Japan that doesn't speak Japanese, you can very easily get laid from "gaijin Hunter" girls who studied abroad in a white country for a year and now fuck everything Caucasian with a pulse. It's pretty fun.
But if you're a white young white guy in Japan who actually speaks decent Japanese: welcome to heaven.
Interesting. How fluent are you?
Fucking incredible, we also have the ability to talk telepathically with other whites.
Europeans are very very closely related.
Studied for 5 years so I can hold advanced conversations fairly well. I still can't watch TV or movies, though. I also can't really understand old people or dialects
>Joseph Smith
I used to not think about it much, but now that liberals hate everything about white people now I am very proud to be white.
I love being white gay
A white SJW and a redpilled white see the world differently.
A white SJW might as well be a nigger or a chink because the redpilled white and SJW white won't be on the same page. The SJW white may even be brainwashed enough to hate whites more than a black.
So how does it feel to be "white?"
What kind of "white" are you talking about?
Cool, thanks. I've been studying for about two, and it feels like I have a long way to go. Considering an internal work transfer to Tokyo though, so this is helpful info.
Are half-breeds allowed
3rd generation German and French reporting in.
I like being white, but I feel like I get passed over for jobs by Mexicans and nigs.
>mfw my mom is from a family of 9
>mfw I'm about to make 9 more of me
Since I woke up racially I feel a greater duty to my fellow Whites, unless they are shitlibs.
Yeah I still feel like I have a long way too go as well, but don't worry. Most girls (and Japanese in general) really appreciate it if you at least make an effort to speak Japanese, even if it's as simple as "ごめんなさい、私の名前はケンさまです" if you come here your proficiency is going to skyrocket. Good luck user
It's good on paper I guess
It's OK. I come from good stock and everything about my upbringing and early trajectory in life pointed towards a highly successful life with a college degree and a good career and all that. Like all of my cousins and siblings. But I dropped out and got hooked on drugs instead. So even though I've got a job and a gf and a good body and a bunch of things that I should be proud of, I still feel like a failure.
My grandfather was a war hero of considerable rank and decoration. My family has been in this city since before the revolutionary war. My family can be very class conscious and cold at times. I've always felt like a black sheep. A disappointment.
Sometimes I wish I was just a stupid happy nigger. Proud of his Honda civic and his sneakers. Nothing expected but to hopefully stay out of jail.
It feels like everyone want me to die, even other white people.
I'm white on paper but middle eastern in real life. Feels bad man.
you have to go back6
>mexican intellectuals
What? Come on, that's not a thing.
To Sweden?
Lemme ask you something
How easily can a white man that can speak conversational Japanese become very wealthy in Japan? I was reading some wealth reports and Japan had SIGNIFICANTLY more "new millionaires" this year compared to the world.
I figured if I spoke Japanese as well as already having some technical skills, I could make a killing.
The fuck is wrong with their proportions? This looks like a terrible airbrush or something.
Weak traps from lack of shrugs. Two guys on the sides look like bench press addicts judging by those huge chests. Strangely small Adonis belts on all three, considering all the core work they obviously do, and how low their bf% is. Could be computer wizardry, the guy on the far let's ab insertions look a little too perfect and his hip flexors look too smooth.
Guy on the left is the winner regardless. Mirin pec striations, forearms, and overall mass. Also looks like the least airbrushed. Guy in the middle is dyel.
It really is, just the best.
Like catching the golden age of Saturday morning cartoons- '89 to '97. That good of a feeling.
Doesnt really feel like anything.