So, Sup Forums... is he gonna fry for this?
Oakland Ghost Ship Fire Landlord Interview
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Wow didn't do a good job not looking bad during the interview.
Is his wife lowkey just as bad as him or got caught up in the mess?
This isnt an apologetic face
he is a psychopath who feels no remorse for any of the people that died and that interview will probably be used against him at his trial
In a more civilized time, he would
The whole "art" angle is shit. All that his life's work created was a fire hazard, whiched ended up killing a couple score of people.
If Oakland DA even brings charges
Bay Area is unbelievably cucked
> I didn't do anything ever in my life that would lead me to this moment
Holy fucking shit, the utter denial. Literally every single thing you did in your life led you to this moment, you sack of shit.
Looks like cops were there recently and did nothing
Complete delusion. Hope he gets some time in the Big House for this.
>implying he wasnt sacrificing the hipsters to moloch to appease him after hillarys loss
all these droopy eared faggots trying to look like they aren't degenerates by taking out their ear gauges before being interviewed
I mean it does seem like they were going to try and steamroll him by asking him about profiting and knowing the building was unsafe and all that
so at least he stood up to the (((media))) and refused to let them do that
What else should they have asked? He built a deathtrap out of kindling and invited everyone over for a bonfire
This is pizzagate/illuminati related. He won't be ten miles near a prison.
>din du nuffin
He actually sound sincere. He's probably just a dumb leftist who has no concept of buildings and electrical grids/set ups
Typical leftist who's totally out or touch with the real world.
He looks like hes completely faking all emotion to me. Sociopath stuff
they could definitely ask about the safety and things like that
what they didn't need to do was suggest he was purposely cutting corners for profit and misusing funds for personal vices
And didn't spend any of the money on improvements. He wasn't even paying for electricity, he was stealing it from a nearby pole.
I like how he is trying to play the victim. Asshole.
What "interview" did you watch? He cut the lady off halfway through her first question and didnt let the hosts talk again at all until Matt Lauer said "ok this interview is over" cause he couldnt get a word in edgewise
>The modern degenerate
>Playing the victim
Ya don't say
Negligence is still a crime.
>is he gonna fry?
but should get charged with man slaughter
5 to 10 years, and he'll be out in 3 to 6 with good behavior. that's pretty lenient as well.
even more dead fags
2016 what a year
Friends of he and his wife claim they were terrible parents to their three children and would leave the children with babysitters for up to a week while they went to "transcend nature" or some bullshit. They were selfish and hedonistic.
I hope he gets locked up for a long time. He looks pathetic trying to feign being distraught. He didn't want to incriminate himself on camera.
There are reports there was a lot of statues and satanic looking shit inside that place.
No way dude.
If they can they'll throw the book at this motherfucker.
Kali won't save him from the devastation about to drop on him
Either the city will fry him to differ blame or theyll let the whole thing blow over. There is no rule of law in the Bay Area. Whatever is politically correct rules
>ignore fire safety protocols for buildings
>people die as a result
dudes going to prison and knows it.
They let their kids chew used condoms off the floor after hosting orgies at the ghost ship
i stand corrected they were being sacrificed to kali not moloch
They'd set up multiple alters to different demons there, so I'm sure moloch claimed a few
that wetback had a pretty gf
How Derek treated his kids
Faking emotion is a prerequisite for being a leftist.
One Finn died there in the fire.
Ribs in spices sweet prince ;__;
He's a rich lefty living on the coast, he can't comprehend his actions having consequences, like the idea that this is in some way his fault just doesn't compute.
i bet he didnt want sprinklers cause his art would get twet if there was a fire
he caused the death ofa 17 year old his kids are going to get taken away lool
Soulless eyes of a beast. This is very typical of urbanite leftist scum - they drink deeply of the poison that is total selfishness.
If you've ever lived in an "artsy" area you've seen this kind of shit go unchecked. The cops can't do anything, if cops or the fire marshal try to write these people up for living in a death trap shanty they'll get a bunch of shit from the city government, no enforcement of the issue at hand, and a settlement for the lawsuit the hippies will undoubtedly file because the city has a left wing attorney who feels bad for them and doesn't give a shit about letting the taxpayer have the bill.
It's spooky as fuck seeing a place that you know dozens of people burned to death in.
Look at those pictures and imagine what it must have been like to be there as all that wooden bric a brac burned.....
He ain't rich, he's a tweaker. He never has extra money.
white Oakland resident here ama. This guy is fucked.
did the ghost ship have a dance this halloween?
Come on now, does this look like the face of a guy that would do you wrong?
He looks like a fucking Gypo
These idiots trying to live in some perpetual BURNING Man enviro, well got burned.
Why nobody is calling it the Rhost Ship is beyond me.
Fuck'em if your dumb enough to live in that shit and "get burned" more than once it seems
Club fires and crowd crushes are some fucked up ways to go.
Yeah..... thats a shame so many great upcoming contributors to the degeneracy of man kind were burned up!!
Is this guy Jewish?
>Balinese masks
what an edgy faggot
less of a demonic shrine and more of an acid trip of a 23 year old hipster white woman who "loves traveling"
Ride on into the sunset cowboy
Jesus fucking christ, talk about hyperbole
>that banana
CPS forced his kids to stay in a hotel. Only reason they are still alive.
Might be repost
Do you people ever fucking leave the house.
Literally infowars tier bullshit. Satanic craze tier bullshit. There's tons of cheesy places that advertise their bars and/or parties like this.
no. they are not related.
the other one didn't sell their soul to the devil.
There's a strong nexus to Eastern demonology/pagan idolatry with these low-tier hippy scum.
All false religions are demonic in origin and purpose. Even within their own theological frameworks of Hinduism & Buddhism, these idols and beings that were venerated at the ghostship are demonic.
Consort with demons at your own peril
>pagan idolatry
You do realize that was the Nazis, too?
They're just hipsters who lionized an eastern religion and muh oppressed races after traveling there when productive people were still at Uni or something.
Fuck this tweaker burner.
Burners are the worst kind of scum of the earth. Burners are one step above Oogles. At least oogles will sometimes be into good music.
I know Sup Forums is kek'ing at the dead but to green text it:
> make underground electronic music
> no place to play, techbros caused the rents to skyrocket
> some burner bedbug colony will let us use the upstairs
This is why Rexism/Clerical Fascism is the only way.
Is he on the lamb? Or just sitting in a hotel waiting for the wraith of the justice system to rain down on him?
This is you
Based yugo
I've been to some solid squats in Europe, always felt safe there. They fix up the abandoned buildings into livable spaces that don't feel like I'm in a giant flop house.
Only time I ever got bedbugs was when I lived with a burner. Disgusting creatures.
I think they wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for their entitled attitude.
Like having white guy dreadlocks and date raping belly dancer fire spinners some how makes you more enlightened.
Stop roleplaying.
This. It was a ritual pyre.
Say what you what about burners, but they have one great thing going for them which is overlooked:
Burners provide young people an alternative to the niggerfied mainstream culture. a retarded alternative perhaps, but at least one where they can create their own realities instead of (((popular culture))).
Do burners "burn the coal" ?
typically not. i live near a big group of them, and the parties are very white/insulated from outside societal pressures and shitskins. similar, in a sense, to what the alt-right is trying to achieve with its immigration policies.
The nigger is going to jail.