Name ONE thing a jew has personally done to you to cause your hatred for them
Jew Stories
Other urls found in this thread:
fabricate the holocaust
Thanks, now everyone is gonna go
>hurrr fbpb
for utter garbage
Ahm.... /thread
Entitled to lie and steal. They think theyre god tier. Theyre buttmad that they cant dominate Jesus
As if the second poster didn't get it, the point is to describe PERSONAL stories. Like times you have interacted with a jew.
My dad went into business with one and the guy outright stole 200k then we fought the jew in court for 4 years and finally won. No one on this board is as capable of being ad redpilled as i am on the matter. My family was united in jew hate.
Being too awesome.
i saw the blm riots on tv and it caused me mild discomfort and unrest. The jews caused this, I want payback NOW
21 years of life experience is my personal story
Income tax.
this post is really funny
jews never did anything to me personally
Taking photo of a site for work, catch a passing merchant by accident in the shot (like 20m away). 10 minute later I'm approached by another Jewish guy he sent to tail me and make me delete it. Was an absolute prick about it, would gas/10
Mutilated my penis.
My foreskin didn't just cut itself off.
OP, you seem to be a bit upset, buddy.
Put this filth on air for our children.
Super lucky Larry
waited on a bus in Thailand that was hot as a sauna for half hour while a chic argued about paying the air condition bus fee 70 baht vs the non air condition bus fee 60 baht, talking about 10 baht which would be like 25 cents.
I was a total lib shit at the time but some thing in me told me she was a jew, when I walked by, sure as fuck she was wearing the star of david.
This thread
We are being slammed because a major Obama supporter has been outed as a pedophile and because Clinton is losing in multiple states in the recount due to fraud.
so are you saying the thread has been "shut down"?
>cut my foreskin off
>i have to take a holocaust class to get my business degree
How many likes?
People on Sup Forums said that they control the world and are the ones responsible for leftism because Jews want to wipe out white people. I've never met any Jews myself, but there's no way Sup Forums could be wrong about anything so fuck the kikes.
I think you are missing the point
are you Chris chan, was your father Bob chandler and was the Jew Michael Snyder?
What it's this, jewry for ants?
My whole life as much as someone identified as a Jew the more he hated me for being or at least looking like a goy.
Also Holocaust brainwash, paranoia from constant war threat, etc..
There is a jew temple very near where I live. They are peaceful.
this poster's comment effectively ends thread
My sides lmao
Nothing, I don't hate the Jews as a group. I have four friends who are Jewish and we all get along really well.
With that being said, I am a fan of David Duke and his work and I've talked to them about the (((coincidences))) that we see everyday. I see it, they see it, we all recognize that their are a lot of Jews who do shitty things and we continue to be friends.
I was at Schlotski's sandwich shop on my lunch break and the Jew in front of me tried ordering a pizza off the kids menu. He spent ten minutes arguing about it, so I was late getting back to work and got fired.
>be me
>just got an MBA major
>apply for a job at a bank
>get a better position than what i applied for, no idea why
>6 months later
>realize something's wrong with my salary
>some of my coworkers are buying luxury cars and whatnot and i can barely afford a new apartment
>start talking to some friends
>find out (((some people))) got paid 3 times what i got while working less
>talk to the bank's (((manager)))
>hey why are shlomo, cohen and goldstein getting paid so much while i do all the work?
>"oy goyim i don't know where you got that information, that's not true!"
>2 months later i'm fired for "inadequate behavior at the workplace"
I'm not sure where you got a majority of those infographs, but disinformation can be sent both ways. Did you read through all of them to make sure they were sourced? Did the ones that were sourced come from a non biased media? Did the information provided by said media happen to be taken literal or was it out of context? Not saying any of it is false, I am just curious.
Off hand. Nothing.
You must be new
My whole life I just thought Jews were pale/mixed Mexicans. That was enough to make me hate them
stole my foreskin and used it to make womens face cream with
Didn't show up to hang out and smoke weed with me and made me walk 1km through the cold. Then made some shitty excuse a week later, he was also a freemason.
>relative to total population
Average Jew has 15 IQ points on the average white. It's not surprising they attend elite schools in higher numbers. If you can do the math (unlikely), that difference means 30% of their population is as intelligent as the top 2% of the white population at large.
Thats interesting
Check out the other column. It shows relative to high ability students. 400% overrepresentation is a little strange, don't you think?
And Jews aren't that smart anymore. They might have been 40+ years ago, but the smart ones have very few kids, often with goyim, and the Orthodox ones literally have normal IQs.
Mutilated my benis.
A Jew once charged me $50 for a 15 minute taxi ride. He was smiling and making small talk and telling me I should visit Tel Aviv then circumcized my wallet. Then when I checked my credit card statement I saw that greasy kike billed me a second time for another $30. I was able to dispute the second charge and got my money back.
And in first grade a Jewish girl friendzoned me. We should glass Israel.
It's also nepotism on a scale you don't get with anyone else because most people don't feel compelled to help others of their ethnicity along the same way jews do.
They win 20% of the nobel prizes for merit in science.
20 million in the roughly 1 billion in the civilised world.
If my math is right, that's a 1000% over representation.
Here. Look at how these jews perform once they are in these schools. They are significantly dumber than whites and asians now. 26% of Harvard, the jews, produces just 9% of its high achieving students. This is dramatically different than 40 years ago, but again, jews aren't nearly as smart as a demographic as they once were.
>Name ONE thing a jew has personally done to you to cause your hatred for them
They didn't do anything to me personally to make me hate them, per se. But I did have an encounter once with a stereotypical looking Jew that made me think they might all just be huge assholes.
>Driving home from work
>in right hand lane
>come to red light and notice that there are cars parked in my lane right ahead of me and realize I need to get over
>a Cadillac with tinted windows pulls up to my left and starts inching forward before the light turns green
>get pissed off because I know this guy is going to try to cut me off
>as soon as the light turns green gun it and jump in front of the guy, pass the parked cars and get back in the other lane
>stop at the next right light
>Cadillac rolls its window down
>its the world's most stereotypical looking Jew
>literally the happy merchant but with less hair
>it's 7pm
>on Saturday
>light turns green and I drive away
In progress of converting my parents to sephardic judaism.
Fucking jews took my parents from me man.
You math is dumb as fuck because you aren't looking at current jews. We can easily estimate how many smart jewish students there are by looking at math competitions or National Merit Scholars. We find about 6% of high achieving students are jews. Although this is significantly higher than their overall population of 2%, it shows that jews are dumber than they used to be. It also shows that jews are getting AA at these schools. This is further confirmed when we look at how jews perform at these schools once they get there . They underperform whites and asians. They underperform previous generations of jews. These are just mathematical facts.
Worked for a self-identified Jew who was a multi-millionaire drug kingpin. I was homeless at the time. He decided to open up his own smoke shop and sell bongs. He called himself the "Bong-Nazi" and thought it was a kind of political humor that he used to advertise himself on social media. He was an all round good guy for a while. We were opening the shop and most of us were working really hard but he would be off to spend money on coke and alcohol and go to strip clubs. He'd come back to the shop and get pissed off at us for not working hard enough. Eventually I couldn't take his bullshit and I threw in the towel and told him to fuck off. Brave move by me since he was really well connected in the drug scene, he could have easily popped me off if he wanted to but didn't. I got another job to get me on my feet at least. He sent me texts a week later saying he was sorry and that he would pay for my university tuition and shit. I just ignored it and moved on with my life.
>Bitch about PC culture
>Use institution infected by PC culture as factual evidence
How can you really be this retarded?
I take you are a jew. You are pathetic for not being bothered about getting affirmative action. That is low. Only a fucking loser would be OK with it.
Jews stole my country., they're just decreasing as a proportion of the US population as a whole.
And due to globalism, all the most intelligent people in the world, including the Canadians, are moving to the US.
That doesn't mean they're getting dumber, it means their competition is getting smarter and more numerous.
What's more, Harvard is a business school. Business has always been a Jewish dominated profession.
High performers such as Chink and Curries don't go to business school, they usually go into high tech, engineering, and occasionally medicine.
>21 years experience
>as a leaf
fate is a bitch.
You're delusional.
European Central Bank.
Got jewed my friend!
Now think about doing this your fatherland and you become a Hiltler!
>He sent me texts a week later saying he was sorry and that he would pay for my university tuition and shit. I just ignored it and moved on with my life.
Yikes. Good move on your part. Don't want to be in debt to someone like that.
Completely ruin entertainment
Let their little spawn run around my shop floor breaking shit and messing shit up. Little kike ends up getting sick and I have to hoover it up will they sit back and laugh. Fucking Jews man
Am I?
Go lookup the C level executives for a financial institution and count the Jews and Indians.
Go lookup the C level executives for a high tech company and count the Jews and Indians.
>Holocaust prevention
Always remember: To the kike, even the slightest loss of money is as the extermination of his race. This is what the Allies so heroically avenged. Thus were our kin deceived.
As for personal stories, one that I used to play games with online fabricated a tale about antisemitic harrassment that I saw through but could not prove wrong. Research into the issue led me to discover a whole string of such deceptions around the world, which took its toll on my mental state at the time - to the point of eventually going full 14/88 in a group chat with liberal "friends" of mine. Now I'm alone. In a perverted way it's actually made me appreciate that fucking Jew, as without them I'd likely not have been able to ever break the conditioning I'd endured in school and throughout my life. But Hell if it's not one shit life that condemned me to.
Funny thing you say that because I know a guy who did and became friends with him during the time I worked there. He'd tell me to not let him pay for anything for you. And this dude had an apartment that the bong nazi was paying for to have him work for basically free.
So I sell Real Estate right? I had these clients looking to buy a house, and they didn't have a lender. My normal guy was going through a divorce and therefore unreliable. So I decided to reluctantly refer them to the lender that frequented our Real Estate office. She happened to be a jewess. So I show the clients a few properties, nothing piques their interest. Then a week later the Jew tells me "Oy vey, congrats on selling them a house." I'm like WTF I didn't sell them a house?! "Sorry goyim I didn't know. I'll be doing their loan for them though. Tough luck on those shekels." Jews.
Nothing. I like jews.
In highschool I paid this jewish kid $25 to paint my skatebord. I paid him upfront and gave him the board, then I never heard from him again.
True story. He even tried avoid talking to me when I saw him in the hallways.