What does Sup Forums think of him?

cancerous nigger-loving kike faggot

He fell out of fame with the rise of everyone claiming to be an Alt-right leader.

Great to bring normies to our side.


Fucking faggot like op for starting this thread. Sage you dumb nigger

i personally know of a normie that has become more right wing because of Milo. Same can be said about PJW

We need these people. Alt Light is great. I just wish they would stop attacking Alt-Right so hard and start discussing race on a more Molyneux level at least. Just acknowledge it at least.

he trolled college lefties, which I liked, but he's a bit of an attention whore.

He needs more sleep

I like him quite a bit. I wish him and Benji would make friends, then have a threesome with Dave Rubin, resulting in the salvation of free speech.

It's fun to watch him trigger college students but I am hoping that Richard Spencer becomes more popular than him.

Can't sleep away the aids

Not bad, solid propagandist even though his net goals do not match up perfectly with my own.

I heard he's gay

Helpful for now. He converts a few normies, is safe because gay and isn't interested in going full tinfoil because he'd lose his shekels if he did. The only problem is when people rally to "leaders" because that changes the "alt right" from being a bunch of disparate ideologues that have been forced out of mainstream politics, to a controllable opposition.

If we're libertarians, neo-nazis, oldschool natsocs, true conservatives or classic liberals it's pretty hard to label us as any one thing, and that's the way it should be. This isolate, polarize and eliminate technique has worked too well for too long and if we rally behind any tard claiming leadership we'll go the way of the Tea Party.


He's an attention seeking degenerate faggot.
But he's a nice entry level red pill for normies so he's fine by me.

milo plz go

Hes a jew and we love jews. Hes a fag and we love fags. He also loves having sex with niggers so of course Sup Forums loves him. He is Sup Forums

Useful idiot.

You can't take the full dosage of redpill at once, Kanye west did, and look what happened to him.
He is a good start off for the normies, and has actually contributed to the youth vote for trump.
He is needed, not liked, but needed.

He's a faggot and you wouldn't have to rely on a fucking jew who sucks black cock to play his immunity card to make your fucking opinion heard if you wouldn't have stopped us in WW2 and those opinions would actually have been socially acceptable.


Love him or hate him, he's an important ally in the fight for free speech and against Cultural Marxism. Seen a lot of my friends on kikebook follow him, even ones who are moderate-liberals.

I also agree with this, the Tea Party could have been a great force for positive change until it go pigeon holed and stuffed to the brim with religious zealots rather than anti-tax Republicans.

He's a literal weaboo faggot

This. He's not a white nationalist, but by constantly being called one despite furious disowning from neo-Nazis he makes clear the obvious anti-White bias. He makes the left and minorities look like logic-immune, petulant idiots.

He's a big guy

He trolls like a champion and probably sucks dick better than my gf

Molyneux is legitimately one of the most useful people on earth right now simply for discussing IQ the way he does in a respectable manner.

Bless this man

I'd suck his dick
He's done wonders with normies pre-election for trumo

I don't think Milo has ever punched right, but fuck Mainstream Meteor is pure cancer.

very dangerous faggot

I agree with a decent amount of what he says but he's only in it for recognition and fame

fleeting moments of genius being in the fact that he understands he has the defense from typical liberal arguments. He can't be racist because he loves black men, he can't be a typical macho sexist because he's a flaming gay man, and he also has a decent pace of public speaking.
He is however, a giant annoying, flaming fag who's begging for attention and drama because he loves it. He's self aware about it though. I think the only area he has is base level social commentary, not politics.


Yes goyim, you are following the right (((paths))) set before you...

I like him, and as others have said here, good for getting normies into entry level right wing shit.

My only complaint is that he's such a flamboyant faggot sometimes. He needs to tone that down a bit.

He just caused Michigan State students to lose their minds

I watched his speech. He just got new fans. His speech actually made intelligent cultural points.

The West will win the cultural war with people like him redpilling college normies

Useful idiot for distracting the right from the real issue.... The Jews.


I think his campus triggering is funny.

I only listened to his Jack Donovan interview.

>lefties at MSU so brain-dead they use Green Day's cringe tier chant

Nailed it

I was his boyfriend a few years ago

ask me anything


Sup Forums will go on about how he's a faggot because of the hivemind here is as bad as reddit. But it's pretty funny to watch him trigger SJWs and leftists


fake and gay

Why do you faggots ask this here almost everyday?

chokes on semen and blames Obama for it

are you the big black guy he keeps talking about?

how come he talks while leaning and looking at the ether?

You cry about Reddit then have a Reddit opinion? You need to fuck off back there you dumb cunt.

He is an attention whore, Jewish, Black cock sucking dickhead who wrote an article about cut dicks being better than non cut dicks. if that doesn't raise alarm bells nothing will. Now fuck off.

Never trust a derivative.

ha ha! got em I sure showed those retarded college students who's smarter xd !!

user... you forgot to say the "no homo" bit.

>hur dur useful idiot
Sup Forums was this guys useful idiot, I still hate him btw but hate how people act like he's part of their master plan

I'm no homo
I like dicks

He redpills normies, hes ok i guess

nah I'm white, we did share a black man at one point though.