What's Somalia's number 1 export? Serious answers only, please.
What's Somalia's number 1 export? Serious answers only, please
Dark skinned pirates
radical islamic terrorism
Drugs and arms
Drone Strikes
>Somalia's number 1 export?
The top exports of Somalia are Sheep and Goats ($94.7M)
that's really more of an import is it not?
They're sheepfuckers like those welshniggers
the number one job in Somalia used to be grave digger, but not enough people are dieing now
You cannot make this shit up, typical stereotypical exports
The half dozen fish that foreign trainers have not yet stolen from the coast.
Minnesota citizens
>burgerland calls niggers qts
>Sven calls niggers subhumans
Wew lad
I love Somalia its much better than this shit country also they are not like niggers from other parts of africa we are almost white we integrate well
Bullshit hahahahaha you're a detriment to this planet and you should murder yourself before your inevitable radicalization.
>not liking based somalis
Camel milk.
Not joking.
Im here already and i have fucked white pussy, how does that make you fell racist?
Also why the hate, People back home are whiter than americans
Violent Rape Niggers
this here
Sexual emergencies.
would spread my white seed to make cannon fodder
not sure what it currently is but i know they discovered massive amounts of oil just a couple of years ago. it's gonna soon be that as soon as we can put in a puppet government.
That video killed my hope for humanity. Fucking normalfags. Now I understand why those crazy fuckers do honour killings.
Looks like it's livestock.
Used to be fish, but non-Somali fishing companies just decimated the fish population along the Somali coast after the government fell apart and couldn't enforce its territorial waters.
Enjoy your Finnish equivalent to trailer trash. There are girls like that all over the world you see, who want to rebel against daddy. It'll pass and yo'll still be a lonely nigger with nothing but your dick to play with, at least until you decide to blow up a school bus or urn down your migrant camp because they didn't have enough animal crackers. People "back home" wear clothes donated by American citizens, eat food paid for by American citizens, and fire guns made by American citizens. We own you niggers and we can take you out of this world.
idk their #1 export, but they export a shit load of fine frankincense with their biggest customer being the Roman Catholic Church.
>We own you niggers and we can take you out of this world.
wew lad
Look at the brave mayn behind the computer screen, irl i woyld knockyou the fuckout racist scum! Also i hate your country you raped my country we would be first world if the usa just stopped stealing our resources
Why are we so superior to closet racists who masturbate to japanese cartoons?
>my country we would be first world if the usa just stopped stealing our resources
Oh man good to see nigger victimhood isn't exclusive to African Americans. You are a joke, your country is a joke. Your country has barely enough resources to justify its existence so you're llucky we didn't let your ruthless warlords ethnically purify your tribe or however the fuck Somalian politics works. Just curious: How many of your nigger friends would you bring if we ever did fight? I know you nigs can't fight fair unless there's a $100,000 prize involved and even then you would inject bullshark testosterone into your scrotum in order to gain an advantage.
Its called standing up and taking back the right to live. Also you woyld bring friends too, you just dont have any. Also those warlords are paid by the usa because they our power and strentgh
I would not want this in my country
Yeah man. I wish I could be more like niggers. Fuck my 96m2 flat I bought at 27
ITS NOT SOMALIANS ITS JUST SOMALIS. Anyways, do they even export anything?
I dont need testos to beat your ass, i have superior black genes
Muh dkic ngigia
Its allright white man, you will get rid of yoyr virginity at some point
>Its called standing up and taking back the right to live.
Taking up space in a prosperous nation who doesn't want you is "taking back the right to live"? You're a burden and so are your dozen or so cousins that likely came on the barge with you. I'm not even Finnish and I am disgusted by the level of entitlement you have. Your people ruined your country and now you want to ruin a good one. THanks for admitting that you would actually bring "backup" like a true cowardly nigger muslim who only attacks with the herd and not as an individual. The Finnish equivalent to "yse sir" or "thank you sir". Those are your most used phrases probably. I know what you really think. The only "taking back" you're gonna do is taking back your benefits card to the welfare office in order to refill it with taxpayer money.
All those women's clits have been cut up and their vaginas are sewn up
Those are west Africans who are jacked. Somalians are hideous lanky subhumans.
Role playing
You're grammar is fake in all the wrong places
Also niggers can't read.
irish people...
>More than 82% of the product comes from Somalia, with some frankincense also gathered in adjacent Southern Arabia and Ethiopia, Sudan, and other central African countries.
In ancient times, this stuff was literally worth it's weight in gold. Alexander and Rome even tried to take over this trade, and failed. It was serious fucking business.
Finland isnt so good the weather sucks and everything is expensive also people are ugly and the language difficult. Also we are not ruining this place they need workforce and we are many, we are young and strong
Also we ruined nothing, it was evil america
Their problems.
Want me to timestamp my hand once i get home? I was taught english in school
Oh my god she's like the perfect woman
Evil America who literally brought the world to the most prosperous its ever been, with the most modern comfort available to the largest amount of people. It's not America's fault that certain countries (Somalia, to name one) are so utterly corrupt that they sell out the majority of their people for peanuts. Truthfully, you don't have the mandate to change shit because a lot of your citizens are gun crazy lunatics thanks to your nigger Muslim genes. Hey you seem to have cogent thoughts and can use a computer pretty well so good for you, but since your basic ideology includes deception than I kinda have to take all of that back. I don't care how much the Fins need proletariat workers, they could take them from a dozen or so other nations that are much better than fucking Somalia. And complaining about the weather, the prices of goods, and the people is honestly not helping the "refugees aren't entitled scum" argument.
>going to heaven
Is she baiting or does she actually believe this?
How did you help the world, invading?
Also my gened are fine my father was a surgeon. You are obese and stupid, somalia is full of people who actually want to work for a better world. Slowly we will become majority in europe and everyone will bow to M'shlallah
>How did you help the world, invading?
>my father was a surgeon
What's his specialty? Is it hacking off limbs at breakneck speed when someone insults Mohammad?
>somalia is full of people who actually want to work for a better world.
Too bad they can't make Somalia a better world huh?
>Slowly we will become majority in europe and everyone will bow to M'shlallah
Everyone's getting wise to your bullshit, Abdul. Sorry you may actually have to work to enact change in your nation rather than coming to a prosperous nation and ruining it.
I had fun, but now i got to go
Dont believe everything you see in in the internet, user.
>t.white uni student who hates niggers
I had fun too, thank you for letting me.
Mayby also had something to do with this
The 'Ndrangheta, a criminal organization from Calabria (Italy) has been involved in radioactive waste dumping since the 1980s. Ships with toxic and radioactive waste were sunk off the Italian coast. In addition, vessels were allegedly sent to Somalia