Police are out of control, white student shot, we are now forced to do something about police violence.
Police officer shoots a white 14 you student in Nevada
what did he do?
kid should have not been a faggot
slut deserved it
He was white
This, waving a knife around like some kind of Turk. What did he expect?
>be faggot
>dont post link
smells of a deep sage
He was a good lad. He didn't do anything.
[picture related]
Thats what he gets. I can tell he was. BEing a faggot.
Probably a kony protestor
he was acting black
Guys can we stage a fake white lives matter protest about this and chimp out like niggers do?
Unlike niggers none of care about criminals being shot.
The cops shooting more PoC, so sad.
of Italian origin
He was white, the same reason 30 or so white kids are shot each year by police when playing with toy guns.
any videos? kid's obviously a psychopath
>Traditional Italian manlet knife dance
>That filename
>Retarded wog gets btfo
Wtf I love pigs now
>Italian & Gay
>White & Person
False alarm guys. Just a dead faggot pasta nigger.
ah i see, he was being a nigger
You dumb niggers, someone ask the OP what caused him to sperge out with knives. Maybe a nigger was asking for you, you dont know why he was holding knives. Maybe he was about to cut a cake, it could be anything.
Happy faggot?
But he was white
Fucking dumbass pulls a knife on cops, what did he think was gonna happen?
He was brandishing and swinging knives at students. Threw one at a group of students. Threw officer acted accordingly, quit being retarded.
>0/10 for making me reply
>be american
>get a little loopy with a knife
>get shot 12 times
Meanwhile in Germany pic related.
Well /pol?
Dont cops carry tasers for situations like this?
I kekked out loud
Someone post the video. I need a laugh.
Im tired of hearing about knife wielders beheading some poor girl or priest
>On school campus
>Brandishing weapons
>Threatening other students
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He deserved what was coming to him.
But the left will still make this about (((them))) by saying that it's racist that Tommy was only shot once while the cop would have emptied the magazine on Tyrone.
>Dance of my people
>shooting a white person
Niggers get upset when a guy with a criminal history 10 pages long gets shot, while holding a gun, and on drugs.. I think were justified in saying he wuz a gud boi, dindu nuffin wrong, wuz gettin ready to go off to college n sheeit, etc.
>not killing niggers and faggots every chance you get
no wonder Germany is overrun with them
doesnt matter if he is white or not if you have a weapon and you dont drop it the police will shoot you
He was a gud boi on his way to college and the evil police shot him execution style while he was on his way to pickup his little sister from daycare.
>we could unironically say this if he was a nog and people would actually believe it
Thr German cop is soft, he hasnt seen what the NY cops have, had the guy been high on something, he would have easily closed the distance and cut open his german sausage casing
>Training your officers to miss with a lethal weapon
>Implying German police have to deal with the shit American police deal with
>Implying being shot in the leg can't kill you
you people need to learn to search for shit
( iwas gonna make a webm but nothing worth it in the video (i could find))
I suspect he was being bullied because he was white or supported Trump. He decided he couldnt take it anymore and fought back.
It's all obvious from the pics.
Pull a knife lose your life.
How hard is that to understand?
Teach me how to Dougie
Can someone post an edit of the Indiana Jones scene where Indy shoots the sword guy with this cucklette and the cop?
you faggots need to post the video or delete the thread
America is in an undercover class war; they are being ordered to kill as opposed to rack on more medical debt into the system; given these people who get shot are generally extremely poor and are arguably kamikaze-ing.
>wanted school book
>got magazine
nah, they're doing it right
cops may be dicks, but if you wanna live, don't threaten/attack a police officer
>shooting them in the leg
yeah no. Everytime a cop shoots and doesn't kill the city ends up having to pay an absolute shitload of money, cause that fucker is going to sue whether he has a case or not.
wat gaem
Shoulda been shot.
Do you expect a fat fuckin' "campus officer" to do anything less? The guy's a fuckin' retard.
What's funny is the kid with the knives was surrounded by people when he was shot. If that fat fuck police officer had MISSED his target it could've killed someone.
The fat fuck should've used a TASER gun to subdue the suspect, but again, this was some fat fuckin' loser in life and you can't expect professionalism from someone like that.
((((((((mentally ill))))))))) man
If you have a gun and someone is attacking with a weapon, you can either:
Shoot to injure and hope he doesn't have enough strength to kill you or anyone else afterwards
Shoot to kill and be sure he doesn't have enough strength to kill you or anyone else afterwards.
Put that fat Kraut on the mean streets of Baltimore, Detroit, or Chicongo and he will learn quickly to shoot to kill.
>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
retard alert.
American cops are trained to only shoot to kill. This prevents someone becoming a fucking vegetable and suing.
Cops will kill you if you show intent on harming / killing them
Would you really want a mentally ill psycho or a drunkard who can't control his violent temper around your family?
Offing them is better for society since the state won't have to waste money supporting their useless asses in prison.
So...white people can polarbear-out burn down san francisco?
>America=greatest nation in the history of the world
>Germany=two-time loser to all-time, global champ
Naw, we're sweet bruh
I live in Reno and the school where it happened is a fucking shithole. There isn't many blacks here but all of them live in the neighborhood that feeds that school along with a ton of spics. I was surprised to see that white kids still went there.
If I was in highschool again and was forced to go to that shit show I'd carry a knife too.
My guess is he was getting culturally enriched by several gentlemen of color and tried to defend himself and then Barny put a round through his shoulder protecting the dindus or wetbacks from getting their just deserved.
idk how many times i watched that
you never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Where's the fucking video? These are clearly stills from a video
Where is the #BlacksLivesMatter outrage over this poc being slaughtered needlessly?
If the German cop missed he would have died. I wouldn't ask law enforcement to risk their lives to save someone who is a tracking them with deadly force, that's just fucking autistic.
He was a good boy who didn't do anything wrong. :/
He was turning his life around. Getting better grades. He was going to go to college. ;~;
Love this game
could someone please just post the damn video
he probably did something that made the cops actions reasonable, the same way i feel when i hear this story for any other race. i will reserve judgement until i hear the actual case, however.
So, school segregation again?
Isn't that just like a Wop? Brings a knife to a gunfight!
All he wanted was to buy gf for 5k
Has the MSM claimed the kid was a special ed student for maximum outrages? Honestly, he looks kid of retarded in the face. Sorta Britishy.
Play stupid games...
In a typical kid watches too much tv/believed his karate instructor's nonsense response.
Why does he look like the turkroach meme guy
She's cute. Looks like fun. Source?
Fancy boots
lmao what? HERO COP
Whats not obvious is who was bullying him.
>bullied for being white
Absolutely disgusting, justified in putting the fucking monkeys down.
>bullied for not being white enough
Tough shit kiddo, better luck next time.
>When you go into the wildy thinking you're tough and a lvl 200 NEET kills you and steals all your shit
Can we riot in the streets now, user?
I-I-I mean, uhhhh, peacefully protest.
School demographics.
Needs a pepe edit
a white kid who dresses like a swagfag supporting trump? not in my america.
Something tells me this facebook meme isn't telling the whole story
Snownigger down.