How do we fix the single motherhood problem?
How do we fix the single motherhood problem?
you're a real eat shit faggot
Gas niggers
what did this hot single baby moma mean by this
>if you are looking to hook up, please don't bother messaging me. I want long term because you mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post. Reading this text negates all of your immunities.
Simple really, shame whores, kick women out of the economy, and end female suffrage. Ban no-fault divorce and end gibmedats for single women.
404 in 3...
Kill niggers
this is dumb.
Fucking nigger
god damn it
Fucking fagott.
How does this bullshit always end up on my front page FUCKING CHRIST DAS:LKJHFDSHJFGN:DSJOFHSNDLKV M>
Immunity cat cannot be negated
Hope you get banned
I love this new meme
Start murdering judges that award custody to mothers.
feck off
Dude weak
ill giv ye gabber a good lickin u bloody slag
Ive tested this multiples times by not replying and nothing ever happened
You retards are either retarded for believing in this type of superstition or you actually like this shit and want to feed the trolls
Strong family values
You fuck
Go back to not so long ago, when the kids stayed with the father.
Surprisingly this meant that families where stable and there was almost no divorce. Along came the "it's better for the kid to be with the mother" that combined with child support makes marriage mathematically a terrible deal for women.
I know this image. Gets posted everyday. I always stop reading at that specific part so you can fuck off niggerfaggot. Get raped by a pack of niggers that prolapse your anus