>he fell for the trade school meme
Only retarded liberals or Appalachian troglodytes go to trade school.
>he fell for the trade school meme
Only retarded liberals or Appalachian troglodytes go to trade school.
What exactly happened here?
That really grinds my gears.
bait. I kek'd tho
he was operating a lathe when things took a turn for the worse
Is he okay?
Only elitist leftists ignore the fact that tradespeople provide them with the shit they use every day to complain about the same people who make their products.
No wonder leftists are now considered to be more retarded than actual people with Down's Syndrome.
The destiny of all wretched souls whom attend trade school.
Yeah. Hes taller now
They told him not to touch it but he touched it anyway.
Pulled into the lathe chuck during operation. Machines don't have feelings, and sometimes not even good brakes despite safety regulations.
But hey, less regulation means more money and those factory jobs coming home are gonna be great eh?
T. A Machinist
Did his shirt get tangled up in it? Horrible way to go. F
underrated post
In australia tradespeople make fucking heaps of money, you're the retard op.
I failed trade school because the safety nazi instructors kept being preachy. Really fucked my mark. In hindsight, what a bullet I dodged. Goes back to the adage, "when God closes a door he opens a window"
I make more as a security guard than I ever did working in a corporate office when I was trying to be a good goy normie, and I didn't even have to go to trade school to be qualified for the job lulz
You'll be next to be dragged into the eternal jaws that swallow all retards who dare to attend trade school. From dust to dust. Live by the lathe, die by the lathe.
Tldr you'll die by lathe soon
he or she
A. was alone
B. was wearing loose clothing
C. reached over the machine
D. got their hair stuck in the chuck
E. all of the above
Ignore OP. He's just trying to troll. We all know that there is nothing wrong with the people going to trade school.
There should be a law that anything involved with that should be disposed of. How gross is capitalism when some people see this and go "get jimbo in here on quadruple overtime". I don't care what kind of equipment it was. Burn it all. After proper burial. After the real people show up to do their things. No need for jimbo. Machine goes in garbage now
Please go to trade school and die like this OP
I make 16 bucks an hour as a security guard.
Something he was wearing or his hand caught the lathe and it royally fucked his day up
>there is nothing wrong with the people going to trade school
Ok come on. Sometimes things are too much man. Imma be sick
Colleges are infested with liberals. Trade schools tend to be less liberal.
Looks like his clothes got caught up?
fucking lathes I tell you what man
The thing about trades as opposed to shit you could be doing with a degree is that while it's cheaper and often faster to get into them and start making money, you need to be a hands-on kind of person and not a spaz or you'll end up like the guy in that pic if you even manage to complete your schooling. Trades aren't for everyone even if they can seem like an attractive alternative to the college scam.
it wasn't the machines fault. You wanna pay for a new machine because bubba got stuck in it?
Yeah and you're on the 8th floor.
You know, I was about five seconds away from ending up like this once.
I'm glad I quit that job.
For those who don't like college or trade school, I propose the 3rd way. Gulag.
Ah working on a lathe, truly a worth while job.
Occasionally I see someone, usually a female, sail by on a scooter, long scarf flapping. Aye caramba.
I'm fucked up for finding it funny.
Trade jobs are going to pay very well soon, they're in huge demand for workers and it's only going to get worse.
Did he live?
And people wonder why nobody likes the trades anymore.
You can see his neck go in the webm, so probably not.
Ya he only had his spine snapped in half.
>trade school
What about physiotherapy?
but did he died?
Look at the way his head is angled when he's on the ground. Look at the way it passes under the chuck.
I don't think he walked away, man.
Yes. His shirt got caught in the rotation of the drill and it took him along for a spin. Might have hurt, though.
Go to>>Sup Forums laughs a plenty!
If trades people were smarter they'd get more money from the middle man class (yes Trump is apart of this class)
>trade school
He's still in better shape than the nation of Sweden
snapped neck?
There are a lot of scary machines. Lathes I don't find so intimidating. Don't lean over them with a tie on etc. Sometime you hear about people being caught up in industrial size food processors. Fucking machines. Where are you unabomber?
Is this the anger stage of your NEETdom?
>Ping was lathe to rest today after a tragic turn of events
>samefagging this hard
I bet your wife got banged by a nigger welder.
I think best case for him was a shit ton of broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder
Been hearing this meme for years. Sister works at rubbermian sayind "we can't find any engineers! we ndesperately need people!" while I'm a mechanical engineer from GATech with good grades sent out probably 300 apps overs the past 5 years and still not so much as 1 interview. Right now I make minimum wage doing CAD/CAM work for a mom and pop.
nah, it's funny. but it's funny because of the context OP is presenting it in.
Hope he got workmans comp
You only need 5 years work experience for an entry level job these days.
You probably aren't trying hard enough.
You should work menial jobs that don't apply to your field until you have enough experience for an entry level job...
Footage like this is useful. You see that. You go, mental note, don't play fingers along huge rotating drum thingys. Once more you have escaped a potential death.
I have a feel more than his day was fucked up brother
He was operating a lathe and something got caught in it like his clothes so he was dragged into it. Always wear shorts sleeves.
you could at least work as an air conditioner repair man. Or did you already forgot any practical things you learned?
Why the fuck were they massaging the machine?
>being stupid around moving mechinary
He was going to die a horrible death sooner or later
The Hungry Bridgeport
Are you baiting? You made a thread about some guy not following safety precautions, and now bitched about how they wouldn't stop preaching safety.
I fucking hate Canadians. Don't fuck up the coffee tomorrow morning.
what's trade school? i did an apprenticeship
I made really good money with my welding cert from school. Then i got tired of working like that and breaking my back. So i joined the military and broke my back even more and now im going to college all paid for. I think trades are a great way to go. They make dumb money. Now going to school for comp sci since i dont want to work in places with bad working conditions.
Toughen up faggot.
Much worse has been shown here.
>implying he didn't have it coming to him for going to trade school
Sorry kid, that's just desserts.
I've been working menial jobs since 16. Most I've ever been paid was $8.50 an hour and that was only because it was night shift.
"try to keep your hands away from this part here."
So no open casket funeral then
This is underrated.
The thing is those machines are going to be out of date soon. The future belongs to CNC.
Yeah that sucks
He was using a file to remove burs from the machine part, he was using a blouse with long sleeves, the sleeves got entangled between the spinning part and dragged him towards the chuck which crushed his head killing him instantly.
In 3rd year studying mining engineering.
Ppl keep whining how there aren't enough students studying mineENG, yet I can't even find a summer job working at a mine.
btw, I have a 3.9/4.0 GPA. Top Rank in Class.
IDK anymore
I skipped trade school and learned from experience, I'm immune.
Still have all 10 fingers took. I'll never let the iron beast takem. As for the bastard shaped parts that get thrown at me.... well they've missed so far.
He could've followed those "safety precautions" to the goddamm letter, wouldn't have made a single difference.
Machines are a metaphor for fate. Fate doesn't second guess itself. It simply is. Same with a machine. It is just the fate of those who go to trade school that they will be eaten alive by the jaws of the animal they attempt to tame, be it a welding thing, lathe, etc. Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust.
what state do you live in currently, GA i assume?
Western NY and PA are hiring like crazy, some places hiring at 80k +...
All the older machinists are retiring.
I joined a temp agency and got several $12+ easy office jobs in a row. It's to the point where I hate my job because of how dull it is, but I get paid for almost nothing.
I want to go into HVAC or something desu
I like the way you spun that phrase, really wrapped up the situation
Need a license for that friend.
Welcome to the Western World. We wanna do something? Get a cert or ticket or license.
Fuck Boomers. These ppl rail against protectionism yet implement these bullshit policies.
Fate does not fail it's own prerogative. See
A. Why didn't the guy on left say hey don't do that beforehand
B. Why would the man on the right do this in the first place
My head is spinning with this stupidity
This looks like the guy in white was showing a new guy around and explaining stuff to him, the new guy then copies his actions or does what he tells him.
What is the fate of a roofer?
give up, just hang a sign outside your house that says, "we repair refrigerators"
How did his head get obliterated? Did it get pulled through something? I'm guessing he got pulled around the lathe a few times? I have no idea how this happens.
Still have all ten of mine, one is just a little crooked. I've got good luck with near misses and narrow escapes, which keeps me alive but gives me ulcers and a drinking problem.