/fascist/ general


A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
Juan Perón

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Other urls found in this thread:


"Capitalism is . . . a method of industrial production. To employ the most comprehensive definition: Capitalism is a method of mass production for mass consumption, financed en masse by the emission of private, national and international capital. Capitalism is therefore industrial and has not had in the field of agriculture any manifestation of great bearing.

I would mark in the history of capitalism three periods: the dynamic period, the static period and the period of decline. The dynamic period was that from 1830 to 1870. It coincided with the introduction of weaving by machinery and with the appearance of the locomotive. Manufacturing, the typical manifestation of industrial capitalism, expanded. This was the epoch of great expansion and hence of the law of free competition ; the struggle of all against all had full play. In this period there were crises, but they were cyclical crises, neither long nor universal. Capitalism still had such vitality and such power of recovery that it could brilliantly pravail.

There were also wars. They cannot be compared with the World War. They were brief. Even the War of 1870, with its tragic days at Sedan, took no more than a couple of seasons.

the theorists of liberalism could say: "You, the State, have a single duty. It is to see to it that your administration does not in the least turn toward the economic sector. The better you govern the less you will occupy yourself with the problems of the economic realm." We find, therefore, that economy in all its forms was limited only by the penal and commercial codes. But after 1870, this epoch underwent a change. There was no longer the struggle for life, free competition, the selection of the strongest. There became manifest the first symptoms of the fatigue and the devolution of the capitalistic method. There began to be agreements, syndicates, corporations, trusts. One may say that there was not a sector of economic life in the countries of Europe and America where these forces which characterize capitalism did not appear.

What was the result? The end of free competition. Restricted as to its borders, capitalistic enterprise found that, rather than fight, it was better to concede, to ally, to unite by dividing the markets and sharing the profits. The very law of demand and supply was now no longer a dogma, because through the combines and the trusts it was possible to control demand and supply.

"If today I am better off practically, I owe it to the institutions which the Fascist revolution has created."

We want the Italian workers, those who are interested in their status as Italians, as workers, as Fascists, to feel that we have not created institutions solely to give form to our doctrinal schemes, but in order, at a certain moment, to give positive, concrete, practical and tangible results.

Our State is not an absolute State. Still less is it an absolutory State,remote from men and armed only with inflexible laws, as laws ought to be. Our State is one organic, human State which wishes to adhere to the realities of life. . .

Today we bury economic liberalism. The corporation plays on the economic terrain just as the Grand Council and the militia play on the political terrain. Corporationism is disciplined economy, and from that comes control, because one cannot imagine a discipline without a director.

Corporationism is above socialism and above liberalism. A new synthesis is created. It is a symptomatic fact that the decadence of capitalism coincides with the decadence of socialism. All the Socialist parties of Europe are in fragments.

We have rejected the theory of the economic man, the Liberal theory, and we are, at the same time, emancipated from what we have heard said about work being a business. The economic man does not exist; the integral man, who is political, who is economic, who is religious, who is holy, who is combative, does exist

Let us ask a final question: Can corporationism be applied to other countries? We are obliged to ask this question because it will be asked in all countries where people are studying and trying to understand us. There is no doubt that, given the general crisis of capitalism, corporative solutions can be applied anywhere. But in order to make corporationism full and complete, integral, revolutionary, certain conditions are required.

There must be a single party through which, aside from economic discipline, enters into action also political discipline, which shall serve as a chain to bind the opposing factions together, and a common faith.

But this is not enough. There must be the supremacy of the State, so that the State may absorb, transform and embody all the energy, all the interests, all the hopes of a people.

Still, not enough. The third and last and the most important condition is that there must be lived a period of the highest ideal tension.

We are now living in this period of high, ideal tension. It is because step by step we give force and consistency to all our acts; we translate in part all our doctrine. How can we deny that this, our Fascista, is a period of exalted, ideal tension?

No one can deny it. This is the time in which arms are crowned with victory. Institutions are remade, the land is redeemed, cities are founded.

Corporatism was invented for fascism by National Syndicalists. Corporatism is the main economic system a facist society will use. The goal of corporatism is to bring every major interest group or "corporate group" into working towards a common goal for the state. This allows for the state to easily regulate every corporate group and decide what is "good" and what is "harmful" for the state, anything deemed harmful will be banned by the state.


what's this supposed to be?
no one wanted to reply to your naziboo thread so you made a fascist one?

No, nsgs get quite the amount of replies. This general is for information and literature pertaining only to fascism, not national socialism.

oh that's clever, having a natsoc circlejerk and calling it something else.

Mate I'm I really going to have to explain to you the difference between national socialism and regular socialism? You should know the difference by now, and the purpose of these threads isnt meant to be a circlejerk.

are you a fucking italian then?

What? What would being Italian have to do with any of this? You don't have to be Italian to be a fascist.

Sup Forums is a capitalist board, and all i see is some bullshit against capitalism. tell me again how you aren't a dirty kike socialist

> inb4 you can't because you are

>pol is a capitalist board
Got any evidence of that?

>dirty kike socialist
Well for starters socialists in nazi germany and fascist Italy were beaten and liquidated.

> Natsoc for ethnically distinct countries
> Fascism for mixed race countries like Canada, U.S., Italy etc.
Is this right? What differentiates fascism from neoliberal democracy other than a right wing culture?

>Got any evidence of that?
Sup Forums is a capitlist, nationalist, libertarian board

everything else is /leftypol

>ocialists in nazi germany and fascist Italy were beaten and liquidated
yeah that's why they called themselves (((SOCIALIST)))

also, tell em how fascism isn't socialism, because its corporatism, which is extreme statism, which is fucking socialism/

are you fucking retarded m8

Australian poster, worst poster

t. a meme futurist

go write a letter to Commander Breivik faggot, the men are trying to have a talk here

Fascism could work for mixed countries like the US, but it racism or other discriminatory feelings can be added into it. National Socialisms policies can change, so yes it would worn better in a European country. However fascism would also work in any European country, as well as any other country. The thing with fascism is it can be molded and crafted to fit whatever environment it is going to be used in.

Check the recent poal.me for the board m8. Nationalist is in first place while national socialist is right under. Fascism just can't be socialism, how fucking dense must you be to consider one of the most staunchly physically right parties anywhere near socialism? Socialism is economically left wing, economics of fascism are more center right.

>Nationalist is in first place
yeah, pol is a nationalist board, not (((socialist)))

Fuck off AnClap.


Your capitalist does not belong there then, if I recall correctly then it would Nationalist, national socialist, and then libertarian? Although libertarian might have been farther down, I can't remember for sure


>rigs the fucking polls and calls it an argument
the nationalists and libertarians btfo your fake numbers

You clearly don't understand the difference between (((Marxism))) and Corporatism/National-Syndicalism.

Oops I'm on mobile atm, that should say national socialisms policies cant change* not can.



You're genuinely autistic m8, can you provide any proof whatsoever that we rigged those polls? Threads were simply made asking the board to vote.

ebin friend :^)

>any proof whatsoever that we rigged those polls?
your naziboo threads are shit and no one likes them? if this was a socialist board you wouldn't have to hide in a Richard Spencer general like this to get replies



How am I hiding? And Richard Spencer? I can tell you m8 most of us here don't associate ourselves with that sperg fuck.

should I resort to your level and call you the infamous buzzword now? A cuck?

>Richard Spencer
>fucks turkroaches
>leaves her to go fuck fashist stormweenies
all your heros are fucking race mixers and faggots

Very informative video but I feel it also explained why fascism just would rarely work. If a nation was run by a very good leader like Adolf hitler then yes Fascism works remarkably well. but more often than not leaders are shit and shit leaders ultimately lead to a nation failing or worse.

>the shitposting is real

But Richard Spencer is not my hero.

Fascism creates strong men, any upcoming fascist leader you could be sure would be strong and wanting the best for the people, as the people make the state.

Maybe if Adolf hitler had a few generations to test that hypothesis but sadly that is not the case. Very few leaders I'd consider to be strong enough and uncorruptable.

prove me wrong
>you cant

Well to out it this way m8, every facist leader thay has risen has been a powerful and strong leader for their country, the reason why they fell in the end? Well my friend, I think you know the answer to that question.

Prove me wrong.
Pro tip:
>you can't

Of coarse I know the jews always the jews. Until people start waking up to the fact that the jews are the mankind humanity will continue to degenerate until western civilization falls like the romans.

To me I think we are in the midst of a resurrection. Brexit has set in a chain of events, a dominoe effect. Each one falls after another, I believe if France can uncuck themselves we walk truly be in the waking of a new world. But most likely we would have to through another war to get to that point, and this war, we would have to win no matter the costs. Now do I see national socialism or fascism coming back as exact as they were back then? Not really, but I do see something extremely similar that could come.


A corporation under fascism is more like a guild or syndicate.

Is there anything more devilish than being a fashy goy? What a lot of butthurt it causes.

Agreed I think a very terrible war will break out in the next 5-10 years. Western civilization will either uncuck themselves and emerge victorious or the jews will have won and whoever is left will witness the forced extinction of the western civilization.

All those in the thread interested in further helping us create these generals by adding literature and more information. I've created a discord server to make it easier to collaborate.


People do know. They're just still fucking retards and call them the "Illuminati". Swap "Illuminati" for "Jew" in Illuminati conspiracy and you suddenly have all the facts and can stop chasing shadows. That's all they need to do to start uncucking themselves.

Please end this retarded Corporatism = Big Business meme.

Hey guys, I was thinking in the shower this morning about how a society can nurture competitiveness without it inevitably turning into the usual shit we see these days like high school rivalries, states "hating" other states and stuff.

It's important to have friendly competition, to promote strong healthy values, but how do we prevent it from becoming TOO competitive within the nation? We want a unified nation, and those small sort of rivalries and jokes about other states or people from another town seem to put a wedge in that, no?

Indeed, we can only hope for that greater option. As Mussolini said there can not be peace without violence. Proves right time and time again.


To me the key to this is remaining an isolationist, if the whole world werr to turn fascist every country would need to remain an isolationist. I'm still not sure how trade would work out and all that stuff, but if we remained isolationist, keeping our interests to whichever country we are in, having heavily restricted immigration, I think for the most part we'd all get along.

hmmmmmmmmmmm didnt really answer my question tho

is this shit thrad still up, saged

Oh shit, I'm sorry I misread that. You meant only within the nation. Everyone would be treated as neighbor within the state, you'd go over to the next town seeing they believe in the same things you do. Sure there would be friendly rivalries but I doubt it would go more than that, to the point where it actually creates divisions within the state. And besides, the state would most definitely get involved before anything extreme erupted. But in a fascist society the chances of the state having to take action against the people would be nearly slim to none.

Corporatism can be defined as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organized into a limited number of singular, compulsory, noncompetitive, hierarchically ordered and functionally differentiated categories, recognized or licensed (if not created) by the state and granted a deliberate representational monopoly within their respective categories in exchange for observing certain controls on their selection of leaders and articulation of demands and supports. Corporatism places the worker's guild within it while relatively retaining the autonomy of the workers and placing them in collaboration rather than conflict with their bosses. In forcing the workers and the bosses to cooperate and allowing the councils to represent themselves in arbitration via the labor courts, the class struggle is alleviated without the need for general strikes and demonstrations. Furthermore, the place of state becomes one of oversight, deciding for instance which goods are considered harmful to the nation and banning their production.


>15 shitposts by this ID

wtf i hate Australia now

They're getting worse than Canucks.

Not all of us are cucks.

I think this level of togetherness within the State would take a long while, generations even. That or a truly traumatic nation-wide experience that brings all peoples together.

You are ridiculous.

Fascism is long dead and gone, and it only lived a short life anyway.

A concept made by Benito Mussolini, first conceptualized in the 20s, first carried out in the early 30's and did not exist past 45'

It was ultimately Mussolinis affinity for the Roman Empire and trying to emulate the romans that fascism came about, based off the Latin word for fasces, the axe wrapped in a bundle of sticks used for corporal punishment and also a symbol of Roman authority was the root, and also a symbol in mussolinis italy, was in reality just Mussolini making his neo-Italian version of an autocratic dictatorship with imperial Roman overtones (see attempted conquest of North Africa)

And then the recent ruins found underneath Rome left by Mussolini, it's only further reinforced.


Fascism was an ephemeral movement created by Mussolini, and died with Mussolini, and you're being a LARPing faggot.

Pic related, Benito "Helicopter Hands" Mussolini himself.

>And then the recent ruins found underneath Rome left by Mussolini, it's only further reinforced.




American education


You're OK.

>Fascism is long dead and gone, and it only lived a short life anyway
It's been alive since the French revolution, haven't you read De Maistre?


>John the Baptist of Italian fascism isn't fascist
Get off that proxy, Australia


Are you for real?
It's like saying Crowley is a modern satanist.

>It's like saying Crowley is a modern satanist.
>this pathetic damage control
please stop humiliating yourself

You just proved me right user.

lol, faggot, you're bTFO so hard you're delusional

No, I'm just Italian.
Please teach me about our history, politics and heroes, mr Korean!

>I'm Italian, therefore, the Father of Fascism, whom not Fascist ever disagreed with, who only differed with Fascism over who was leading the movement filled with his ideas, techniques, theories of economics and government, and ultimately became the realization of those things, was somehow "not fascist"
Please shove your semantic faggotry back up the pasta hole you shat it out of

And yet D'Annunzio wasn't a fascist.

and yet, fascism was 100% D'Annunzio
checkmate spaghetti nigger

Sure. Just like modern satanism inherited most of what Crowley established.
Yet he wasn't a modern satanist.
Really not that hard

>muh satanism, muh crowley, muh analogy
yes, Crowly is the father of all modern new agey bullshits, we know; D'Annunzio was the father of Fascism, its not a hard concept to grasp. Please tip your fedora on reddit instead

Ok then

I know how most of this stuff is seen as an ideology from the outside. Communism, fascism, national socialism etc are perceived as belief systems from the places that never actually had them.

Sure, they imply strong philosophies and moral codes, but don't forget they were in fact politics.
For example, we stopped having an actual communist party a few years ago; that's why if you talk about communists to adults here, they won't think about liberal hippie students, they'll think about old people in suits trying to get to run the government.

Fascism was also a party (PNF), and D'Annunzio was never part of it. He was already a national hero, one of the highest literates in Italy (other than really famous; basically a proto-rockstar of its times, always banging ladies and partying with high class people).
That's why fascists started celebrating him really early, he was an alpha man and the morals from his works were strong, already positively perceived from the people, something the Fascist Party really needed at the time.
D'Annunzio always loved fame and attention, so he started to get along with fascists at first, trying to get an even larger audience for its works. He even signed the Manifesto of the Fascist Intellectuals, but he always wanted his independence from the party.
At some point, he basically stopped supporting fascism altogether. Mussolini wasn't happy: Italians loved D'Annunzio, and having such a strong personality talk shit about fascism was extremely dangerous. So he made him president of the Royal Academy of Italy, even if D'Annunzio didn't want it.
Mussolini tried everything to get D'Annunzio support, giving him countless medals and awards for his works. It didn't work, but it doesn't matter: D'Annunzio got old and his rockstar life started to show its consequences. He was full of debts, so Mussolini saw a chance: he covered him in gold, basically asking him to stay quiet about his views.

At this point, D'Annunzio fully hated fascism. Mussolini didn't really trusted him, so he tried to get him killed (he almost died falling from a window, but it's not confirmed it was a conspiracy) and the whole episode got an awful reception from the people. D'Annunzio was still a writer, he was still from a "creative" environment that don't like censorship; many of his friends were considered "dangerous", so Mussolini started to constantly spy on him. Germany went full Third Reich, and Mussolini got along with the Führer; at that point, D'Annunzio started to heavily shit on both, calling Hitler a "fierce clown".
He started promoting the idea of a new revolution against fascism, but he was really old, and Mussolini simply didn't let him. He put guards around his house, preventing him to actually get shit done.

D'Annunzio then said "fuck it", he was old as shit and he spent his last years banging young ladies and snorting coke (but he had great pride and wasn't happy about his old body, so he waited for his lovers in the full dark of the night, fucking them without any light)

D'Annunzio wasn't a fascist

look, my Aspergers friend, we get that you look down on Mussolini's movement, and want to see D'Annunzio as somehow existing in a vacuum from it. THat's a very common sort of pedantic obsessive thing that spergs do. We understand. I know about the caveats you mention, it's all there to read and you know I'm familiar with all these sources.

But all that is ever argued is that D'Annunzio was the father of the movement that lead all of Italy. It doesn't matter that one went by a different name, or that there were squabbles over who should lead it. D'Annunzio gave birth to what became fascism, he's it's father, its his child, it's his philosophy and vision.

Similarly natsoc wasn't fascism, but in practice, it was identical to corporatism, which is fascism. The same with falangism, or other 3rd position movements -- they different often in superficial name and location only, but shared a common set of core values and beliefs. Thus, they were all "fascistic", but yet, not technically "Fascism".

This is semantics, though, which spergs obsess over as being more meaningful than its is. The meaning is in substantial difference, not appearance or name.

It was already pointed out to you that your semantic argument is just that, semantics. John the Baptists is still a catholic saint, even though he was never officially a Catholic, you comprehend how that makes sense, correct?

That's why D'Annunzio is called "John the Baptist of Fascism", and no matter how hard you sperg about the name and the technicality, you might as well be throwing a tantrum that natsoc "had socialism in the name" -- it doesn't matter, because they redefined the word to mean something else. No matter what you called it, it still wasn't Marxism.

Go get treatment for your Autism, friend.


There's literally nothing wrong with fascism.
The commies made it a dirty word, because they are scared of it.