Why does Sup Forums hate strong women?
Why does Sup Forums hate strong women?
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what makes her strong? she doesn't even look like she can bench half of her bodyweight
what determines the strength of any human is its will to proceed
when the whole world is against you, when you see all odds against your favor, when you're facing something that you have no chance of winning and you still won't back down
then that's real strength
go read a book user
She is a strong woman. That's why game of thrones is in the "fiction and fantasy" aisle
The only strength a woman ever has is given to her by a man.
she's an actor user
not talking about her specifically, just what strength is in general, dudester
>what makes her strong?
>Strength is what I say not what you say
Fuck off
look at the post you originally replied to and tell yourself that
/pol doesn't meet many girls OP. So they don't know how to act! Notice all the nude pics on here that's the only ones they can handle! Fuck if a girl ever talks to /pol the are gonna cum in there pants
While shiting themselves.bless em,
>strong women
no such thing
as for Daenerys Cuckborn from Symphony of Faggotry and Gayness, let me recap how strong she is
>useless orphan
>sold into slavery
>cling to biggest guy in the bunch
>things go bad
>switch to other guy, solve problems
>other problems occur
>other guy
>ohmyohmy I have dragons now
>lol I suck too much, dragons must go away
>I have great expertise as queen
>I need constant council of dwarf, 2 guys without cocks, and negress
this thread is retarded and you made me feel retarded for replying
I don't. I guess I should've voted for Hillary.
I don't care.
It's annoying when it's used as propaganda, in the least truthful way possible.
The above don't make a strong women they mean a women can't find happiness in herself so she adopts bullshit views to cover up the hate she harbors for herself. These seem to be the things that women who portray themselves as strong push thats why I bring them up.
Oh look I guess strong women do exist after all.
Can you imagine how easy she would destroy the kids on /pol.
Would be fun to watch tho
in physical battle, she would get beaten up and probably raped by some shitskins
in verbal confrontation, she would become irrelevant the moment she claimed that she is a women, which would inevitably happen
they remind me of my first grade teacher who used to yell at me for having dirty finger nails. Now I can't masturbate without youtube compilations of funny sound effects playing while I do so
>strong woman
literally had men pulling strings behind the scenes to get her an army and a fleet, and her dragons were gifted to her by a man, another man sacrificed his soul to give birth to her dragons, her nephew YUN SNUH will clear the north for her unless he dies again and is reborn as the night's king
aren't you teh same OP from the star wars rogue thread?
hello Satan, this time you are right
Cmon pal never go full retard! Did you really think OP meant girls that can beat you in a arm wrestle? You dopey fuck.
She toke on ussr, Europe and Labour Party as well as her own backstabbing MPs and I can't remember hearing her scream stop it am a girl ever!
Son your clearly not used to strong women are you ?
'Strong' is how women describe themselves when they behave like selfish arrogant cunts.
There is nothing appealing about that sort of strength.
MRA beta virgins don't want to work for the prize.
And yet the left fucking hate her, she's not strong in their eyes if they disagree with policy.
Its funny women who think themselves 'strong' always hate somebody like thatcher.
While men who 'hate strong women' usually have no problem with her at all.
Suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
fuck off crooked teeth anglo
>She toke on USSR
everybody and their father fought USSR at the time
bunch of cucks then and now
>labour party
internal struggle counts, but counts less
I consider her important person in history, but ammount of strong men > ammount of "strong'" women
call me again when women builds empire that makes people living in it happy
I guess a lot of immature young men can't handle strong women.
Some girls pull it off way better than others. Miss my moody domineering spontaneous brilliant latina gf
I don't.
I actually don't.
But i don't define a strong woman as a woman who acts like a man.
The empire was kept ,saved and grow under her rule.
Her character gets everything handed to her by males. Everything she has done was possible because men were willing to do it for her because she's hot. She hasn't lifted a finger. It's not hard to proceed when proceeding means having a bunch of men do really hard shit for you while you enjoy a life of comfort at their expense.
but i don't
They cut in a bunch of scenes for the show where she acts like a badass (burning those guys to death for example).
The books weren't so much like that but she was still obnoxious.
3DPD get out! This is 2D territory!
A "strong" woman is a woman who is so fucking stubborn and rebellious that she's terrible to live with, never trusts her man's guidance, and never becomes submissive. She is rarely helpful, but often good in bed. Fuck strong women, user.
I wish this wasn't so true.
>She depended heavily on a group of trusted advisers, led by William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley
I do not accept this one, but nice try
What is it boys? Why all the hate for women?
Or does it upset you to know that they can be better leaders then you will ever be?
I just don't understand the pure hate you seem to have for them
>what determines the strength of any human is its will to proceed
nice opinion you got there.
A smart leader knows to relay on expert and experience. But you would lead yourself right?
>marries warrior rapist who burned down a continent for her
>get him killed because as it turns out the village medicine woman harbored something of a grudge after your army raped and murdered all her friends and family
>second husband is a slave merchant
>get him killed because you outlaw slavery
>fuck a mercenary/assassin on the side
>omg Euron Greyjoy is a pirate! Danaerys could never marry him!
you just know she's going to fuck him and then ban piracy or some BS, her entire character arc is her fucking powerful men and then ruining their lives over some ridiculous moral point
Strong women are not the problem, the nu-males and feminists that write them are. Give any Sup Forums user with basic writing skills the pen and I'm sure they'd be able to write a far better respectable, strong woman.
Could you at least have posted a pic of a woman who fits the bill?
Literally Seth MacFarlane's slampiece.
This, liberals are the most disingenuous people on the fucking planet. I'm so glad society has finally called them on their bullshit. "YOU DISAGREE WITH ME THAT MAKES YOU RACIST SEXIST REEEEEEEEEEEE!"
You know who else argues like that? Goddamn children.
That's what liberals are. Entitled, sociopathic children.
This. For a leaf you're alright.
See pic related. MRA and MGTOW are very different things but the point stands. Also
My sides are in orbit. Please, tell me what amounts to a "prize" in your eyes?
This is also very true. PROTIP: strong people, men and women, don't need to constantly tell other people how strong they are.
This, pretty much. It's why WGTOW will never be a thing; women can't go their own way, even if they want to, because literally every aspect of society caters to them.
>implying i hate this
you fuckin wot m8
>1 post by this ID
>strong women
>post fantasy feminism power trip
Undertale the post
I would not lead, I have no desire in taking responsibility for anybody else that is not me nor part of my family, but we are not talking about me, it is about "stronk womyn"
This girl is so fucking insanely hot in Game Of Thrones.
Too bad the actress looks notably worse in real life and doesn't have blonde hair.
Well is she?
>rely completely in 3 dragons that were giving to her by chance
>have contacts and influence only thanks to her heritage
>make the most shitty alliance with shitskin who help to nothing but to give them her virginity
>end slavery, rule over years and end up fucking up the city even more
How is she strong? She haven't achieve anything with her own merits.
no shit
my question still stands ! Does a strong leader use experts and experience or do they dismiss it and just roll the dice? You see she was surrounded by experience and she used it ! Isn't that what a strong leader does?
In real life, her male "friend" who does everything for her, would rape her, kill her, and take over commanding the army.
>strong women
no such thing. there is only cucks who empower women to the point they are being disrespected from the same women that they put on a pedestal. a womans place is in bed or in the kitchen and thats that.
>I-I can't get laid who needs women anyways I have my lolis
Enjoy not reproducing I guess, retards.
op you are a bit of a dipshit for useing fictional character for this question,you kinda of loaded the dice didn't you? Never mind. Still fun debating
I hate it but I have to give justice to your words and agree.
>Yes, strong leader use experts and experience to a limit
but I still do not agree she was stronk womyn just in spite
Because they aren't feminine.
If I wanted a strong partner I'd be a fag
You know that Game of Femenism is fantasy, right?
I don't know man,never read the books but what I can tell from the show I don't like her.Personally I think there are better female roles in the series and also in general.It's just that she gets handed everything in the show,she never gets punished in any way.She is the almighty "dragon mother" and she can do what ever she wants...I mean she has to have some flaws,she kind be always right or get her way.But that is just now how she is portrayed.It's I have "dragons and I am the choosen one" you loose.
Snow and the Dwarf are better hereos.And I am not saying this because they are male.
Stop pulling apart fictional characters and try real life strong female leaders
Aung San Suu Kyi
she's nothing if illyrio never gave her those dragon eggs
>oh shit, my khal died and i'm gonna get killed
>oh wait, the dragon eggs hatched, cool
>oh shit, we're lost in the desert
>oh wait, qarth invited me because i'm the mother of dragons
>oh shit, warlock tries to fuck my shit up
>oh wait, dracarys
>oh shit, i have no army
>oh wait, i'll use one of my dragons as leverage
>oh shit, i'm surrounded by sandniggers
>oh wait, my dragon is here to save the day
>oh shit sandniggers are attacking again
>oh wait, dragons are here to save the day
I personaly dont hate strong women,funy thing os that in todays society this breed of women has gone extinct(if it ever existed in the first place).That is why we have to use fictinal characters.
"If it ever existed in the first place?" Pfft wow
When were you guys born?
Haven't you ever meet a strong female in your life? I just don't believe that
What qualities would a Sup Forums approved fictional female leader have? Other than obviously being a Chinese cartoon.
Aung San Suu Kyi , don't you think she is strong!? One of many traits was her loyalty to her people and staying in Burma while her husband she loved was die of cancer in the uk? Can't you see that's strength
What about Violette Szabo? Am looking at you pols! Read about her or watch Carve Her Name with Pride! And tell me you would be half as brave
I can get laid just fine, but here's the thing: you can totally get laid without pandering to female narcissism or putting women on a pedestal.
>Enjoy not reproducing I guess
Maybe some day, but I'd honestly like to spend my life doing things that matter. Don't worry, plenty of ugly, dumbass people having ugly, dumbass kids. Trash reproduce out of boredom, so the human species ain't going anywhere.
Also, you never told me what constitutes a "prize." Being some dumb bitch's meal ticket now that she's hit the big 3-oh and feels the wall approaching after spending her 20s riding the cock carousel?
Say it with me, now: "no hymen, no diamond."
Has to be badass like pic related