He's right you know

He's right you know.

Other urls found in this thread:


About what

Then go grope your secretary at work, lie about it and see what happens.


>caring about a subhuman's opinion



Not when they are so obviously bullshit

Literally who?

Considering all of the people accusing him backtracked, it's not really relevant.

Maybe if charges had been pressed, people would have believed.

>groping secretary instead of outright fucking her.

where was this concern during the Clinton years?

>Sexual Allegations Destroys a Man's Reputation

So it's an admission that they were trying to smear him out of a presidency?

Baseless accusations SHOULD NOT destroy a person's reputation in a just world. In this case, justice prevailed.


Person of the year doesn't necessarily mean a good thing though.


OP's allegedly straight, but the evidence says otherwise.


>it's a millennials misinterpret "person of the year" to mean 'morally superiror' instead of 'having the most global impact' episode

Most of the time they do because the public doesn't really have anything to lose by believing the woman, this time if we believed the women we were getting a Hillary presidency, so they got scrutinized a bit more than usual and turned out to be bullshit.

Pic related was from the first thread on Trump in the primaries, about him announcing his campaign. Cant Stump The Trump was started by a Canadian, in the same thread.

>predicts bogus sex assault claims
>like a full year before they were made up

Why the fuck should allegations destroy a man's reputation? Lots of peoples' lives are destroyed after being falsely accused of something like rape and here's this piece of human shit acting like it's a good thing to destroy a person's reputation over a baseless accusation. Fuck him, fuck this guy.

Trump raped many women and ADMITTED to entering the beauty pagent women's changing rooms while they were naked

Theres a video of one cunt retracting her case after the election was over, and pretty much begging "dont counter sue me, Im sorry"


>the beauty pagent women's changing rooms while they were naked
absolute madman

it's not rape if the girl likes it

I love how the media's attempt to Cosby him failed so miserably. It was so obvious a bunch of random cunts were just paid the cry rape and now they have all disappeared.

>Media headline some bitch with curly hair as one of the main women
>Later turns out she was on the Apprentice
>She was fired in the usual way where Trump insults them before firing them for a TV audience in the millions
>Lying bitch quietly withdraws her accusations later

I only need to provide one example because that's how many you did.

I wanna know what happened to those women? Like, they just disappeared days before the election, and no one has heard from them since.


it makes a huge difference whether or not you have a platform from which to defend yourself

Donald Trump is a hugely persuasive person with a lot of popular support—he is good at steering the narrative away from such accusations, and his supporters will acquit him of any wrongdoing.

Average Joe Schmoe facing a false allegation could be totally fucked

It also didn't help that they all magically sprung up a month before the election despite Trump being a very public figure for over 30 years. Cosby's shit had been known for years. For some reason Hannibal Buress was able to get everyone to give a shit about it.

When does this hit the shelves?

>allegations are now convictions

yeah, sure, whatever, dudebro.

>seen all I need to see here!

Move along now!

Because they were pretty obviously false.

Being a croatian he knows all about falsely accusing people of rape for political purposes

grab em by the pussy

*sips tea*

>"DIVIDED States of America"...


Kek'd and checked.

the chair Trump is sitting on is old and worn out, yet in its day was very valuable. Time is attempting to denigrate Trump in this photo.

Donald Trump is not a normal man

>divided states of america
wait wat

>Trump did something I have no proof of plus he admitted to something that isnt illegal!


Is this accurate? First time I've heard about this.

One of them put on a fake show of literally shaking and had her lawyer say don't sue pls, otherwise there will be "consequences" for Trump.


Right about what ?

>Bigly Satan Confirmed

I checked out both the father's statements stuff and the Michelle Dauber stuff and everything made sense. I think it is accurate. At minimum, the media lied about Brock Turner and his father and Michelle Dauber is shady as fuck. I lean towards believing the whole sentencing thing was a set up: the letter was planned before hand, the victim told the court arbitrator she didn't want Brock punished more (per his lawyer on the radio), then when the Judge did what Dauber wanted, they released the pre-planned letter.

This isn't covered in that post, but I also don't trust the Swedes who found Brock and the girl: they said Brock didn't seem drunk but sobreiety tests that night showed he was wasted as fuck. How does that work? Blood tests say one thing, the star witnesses say something completely different, and somehow we trust the dipshits who were complete wrong about Brock's sobriety?


go suck some more dog dick justin.

10 different women accusers came out against Trump across various media outlets on the same day. Like wtf.

They weren't even being subtle with that.

What about this guy? He actually DID assault women. Why didnt it destroy his career? Hmmm really makes you think

Fuck.. forgot pic

how will he ever recover

Trump-Sama kawaii ^__^

>regular everyday guy gets falsely labeled as rapist
>life ruined, gets disowned by family, friends will avoid him, will never get a job, will forever be known as "that guy who got away with rape"

>millionaire superstar celebrity get falsely labeled as rapist
>was already on top, gets ten new false rape accusations every day because people are after his money



Both are sitting

He didn't assault anybody, though.

>I can grab her pussy (because she'd want it)


>I can grab her pussy (because I'm good friends with the police commissioner and district attorney, and would suffer no consequences for sexual harassment)

You want to know what people are really tired of? Man-hating Marxists being triggered by men having a sex drive, and trying to police what men are and are not allowed to say.

I feel bad for the men who didn't understand that.

>president of the divided states
they can't go one second without insulting and smearing the guy?

Tell me why people aren't in jail or being sued for making false rape allegations on behalf of hillary

O wait -- that's coming

He lost
No one forgot that he's a scummy rapist

If every man accused of rape had access to a multi-million dollar legal team I'm sure they'd fare better in court

>Hitler pointed left looking right
>Trump pointed right looking left
What does it mean???

>Trump has more money invested in lawyers than you will ever make in your entire life.

No, he's not.