George Carlin general thread

What does Sup Forums think of the based George Carlin?

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Only christcucks and muzzies would hate him
He was god-tier

He was a liberal faggot, but I liked him except for the last 5 years of his life, when he went fucking crazy with stupid liberal bullshit dementia. He did hate political correctness though.

explain to me how he was a liberal faggot

Explain to me how on earth you never noticed?

based. him Richard Prior and Lenny Bruce are my 3 favs.

Cringey liberal

he wanted humanity to die off because humans are diseased

he never fucked a 10

but one night he fucked 5 2s

unfunny preachy liberal, just lived too early for political correctness to be trendy

Most based man in comedy. Fags on here talk shit about him but in his later years he was ripping feminism, political correctness and Islam to fucking pieces. He was virtually the only voice shitting on SJWers and cultural marxism.

It irritates me when fags on here talk shit about him. The man was a prophet and one of the most brilliant men of our time.

Leaf what the fuck is your nigger ass talking about? Carlin was at war with political correctness.

>but in his later years
No, those weren't his "later" years. He did that back in the 90s. His later years were crazy liberal diatribe. He was always a short sighted liberal, but he went full retard in the end.

Bullshit faggot.

because political correctness at the time meant white christian values and it was trendy to rebel against them

if he was alive today he'd be another faggot roasting people for being islamophobic

Bullshit faggot.

George Carlin would have ripped apart millennials. I miss him so god damn much.

first 60 seconds
>men are stupid
>99% of everything bad in the world is because of men
>men are stupid
>women bear greater burdens
>men are stupid

kind of sounds like a fucking feminist to me

Carlin should be the patron saint of Sup Forums. These retarded young fags are brain dead.

That's because your faggot Leaf ass can't handle something longer than 60 seconds because you're probably the son of a single mom and you have ADD and are fucked for life. Go blow a Muslim faggot.

he hated George Bush.

He is all over the place, he was purple-pilled but I am certain that he didn't go the extra mile to figure out how the media bullshits people. I think he kinda got blue pulled by mass media corruption. I am sure he'd hate Steward since that asshole interviewed him on 40 years anniversary and he's gone full PC lately.

carlin was aware of the big club
if he was a liberal, wouldnt he know that the path would lead to (((them))) and not to entropy?

What president did he actually like?

He talked about how the media were fucking terrible you fucking idiot

Unfunny pinko hack

That's kind of...fortuitous...

He's a fucking comedian, commies use him for their shitty propaganda, it makes me laugh every time, what a bunch of clowns.

This. He called out whatever was going on at the time. It was his job.

He was funny, but hes in hell right now.

WBC are assholes. The Mormons could save him if they wanted.

This. Liberal faggot who claimed he wasn't a feminist, but still supported all of the most extreme feminists talking points.
He certainly had a talent for comedy and did have some good points, particularly when attacking PC culture, but overall, he was a hypocrite who believed in a lot of politically correct bullshit himself.

he lik ked of the one with the feminine bussy. You know the one.

Carlin was a feminist. If you go look him on youtube, you'll find several videos of his on some feminist channel, where he basically preaches about feminism for 30 minutes, while still claiming he's not a feminist.

Bush was a faggot shill

I'll give you that but the vast majority of comedians tend to be liberals. If you're politics don't conform, then you are done. A lot of them probably play along, you never know who someones voting for in the booth. Tons of "hollywood liberals" probably vote republican but never say so.

Bush-Clinton family years are fucking done.
At least Clint is still a conservative.
Funny how people seem to think feminism in government and the media is new, yet here we have Clint in 1976, fighting against feminists and female quotas.

your burger ass is probably circumsized like a good little goy and loves falling for Jewish tricks, the whole thing is just feminist talking points but trying to bypass your defense mechanisms by calling women crazy


bush was of the gud. No far sprayer since has made different.

>Men are stupid
>Woman are crazy
>Because men are stupid
""""Comedian intellectual's"""" actually believe the retarded shit they spout out of their enriched L.A cum stained mouths and millennials eat all of this shit up.
What's new nigger?

confirmed uninformed nignog

i believe he was smart as shit but the liberal principles from the 60s to the 90s were different back then. their was no internet.

Typical "Muuuuuuuuh I am smart cause I am atheist guy". Thanks to him Sup Forumstards write his quotes on a black background and put it on their shitty tumblr profile.

if he had internet i bet he would have been redpilled

He died just in time to miss the cesspool of degeneracy the left would become.

He was the last leftie intellectual commedian.
In most cases he was libertarian though.

>femineminems in the future use dead comedian's jokes to support their cause
>Must be a feminist
Plz. Guys can laugh at themselves and jokes about them, the easiest jokes a guy can come up with are about other guys because he is a guy, womens cannot do any of the above because they're fucking insane i.e. feminism

he was for killing people, also he talked abought women making babies like retards, he talked shit on fat people. he was a druggy his whole life, i dont know . also remember it was 90s education level



If he saw everyone turn into half shaved head blue haired weirdos with cat ears on their heads...he would've made a joke about it.

This. The man would have a fucking field day in this current year if he were still alive

not really a lefty more like a liberal. he really did not agree with any lefty bulshit, he talked shit on women a lot too

Of course he did, but a geezer like him doesn't have much info to get besides the news.

he was pretty good

George Carlin on liberal political correctness disguised as "tolerance".

Except it's him and people like him that gave the far-left SJWs power. And no, you can't really say the so-called intellectuals couldn't predict this. I'm a bit older than the average Sup Forums user, but the reason I was never a liberal to begin with, even back in the 90s, was because I saw them for what they were. Despite what people think, there's very little difference between liberals today and liberals 20 years ago.

He was blackpilled.

he was funny and knew how to poke at fucktards, what is there to think about...

isnt carlin just a living shitposter
when did he ever say anything good

saying muslims have an ideological advantage doesnt mean that he has giving them some kind of blessing

talking trash on men doesnt mean women are suddenly amazing

trump isnt going to play softball

trying to use his words and spin them for a political good will not lead to people looking to join your cause
the only good he brought was the ability for us to laugh at ourselves