Is not having kids the final red pill?

Is not having kids the final red pill?

Why the fuck would you have children? What benefit is their to it?




It's what normies do to fit in and give their lives "meaning"

Being celebrate to pursue science or as a monk is sometimes acceptable, but other than that no.

If you want to live for yourself, yes, which is a blue pill.


Yes goy, don't have kids. Your middle and old age will be so much better alone and purposeless.

edgy faggot
you are biologically programmed to enjoy having kids

Only if you're a woman.

Get out.

No. it's the antithesis of all life on earth.
Your entire being is made to survive and reproduce, if it wasn't, our species would be dead.

final indeed you genetic dead-end

Geez, thanks for the feels user...

>Is white genocide the final red pill
Absolutely not. Also I have a kid already, and parenting isn't bad at all.

Not having kids is degenerate, selfish, and antithetical to the survival of your nation, your lineage/ancestry, and your race.


Of course not. Have a kid, have a son, raise him right and continue your bloodline. What's more "redpilled" than that? Think you're confused and mixing it up with the mig taus

It's the ultimate blue pill

no. the point of being red pilled is to understand the world through clear eyes because it is advantageous because it improves the world. improvement. if you are red pilled, your kids, in time, will learn thus improving the world. having kids while red pilled is a conscious sacrifice.

Also biologically programed to enjoy sex and coke. Both are more abundant without kids.

>appeal to nature fallacy

You're worse then people who say being gay is okay because animals do it too

Being a breeder bull is better

Alternate title: Hedonism and Future Regret

if you're white, it's the ultimate blue pill

I'll need at least two because my gf has planned to commit suicide after giving birth

There are plenty of people who have kids and regret it though.

He's right. Get your shit together, establish your kingdom under the rules you create, protect your family, when you're too old to protect yourself your family will. Or you can continue to checked for stds every 6 mos for the rest of your life and complain to your closest friends how lonely you actually are.

Wow, never new nignogs were so redpilled.
Truly enlightened.
BTW you failed. At logic.

>There are plenty of people who have kids and regret it though.

That's why you don't have kids with a nigger, silly!


nope. can't see anything suspicious here.

Animals aren't intelligent and aware like Humans are.

Next time a fag says it's ok to be gay because some animals do it, ask him if he wants to go to the glue factory.

I don't care if it's Red Pilled or not. I'm not having kids cause my dumbfuck siblings don't know what birth control is so I have 15 nieces and nephews and one Great Nephew on the way. My Mothers dead and my dead isn't around so there's no pressure to give there's literally no reason to need to feel guilty about not giving them more grandkids.

yeah but desu, you're the one standing by letting idiots pass on their genes while you, the intelligent one, don't

I know a girl, let's call her Melissa. She's dating an old pal of mine named, oh let's call him Kevin.

Melissa had a convo on normiebook once with a friend of hers about going "Child Free".

Surprise, she is a Jew, while Kevin is your standard White Catholic normie dipshit.

Jews push this child free nonsense.

If you don't have children what is your investment in the future, why do politics even matter to you, if you're in your 20s nothing will change so drastically before you die that politics should concern you.

BTW you failed at spelling "knew"
Probably a good thing you won't be having children

Who cares when we're all going to die anyway.

I have my faith and doggo, so I am never truly alone
I have my vidya

Naw, I'm the last of 5. My sister already gave birth to a genius. The majority of my Nieces and nephews come from my white trash brother. He has 8 kids. They literally don't need me to procreate.

That's approaching politics from a strictly individualist perspective, instead of a racial perspective. Why shouldn't I want my people to succeed? Why should I think of myself as an island? I personally don't want kids, but I love my family, and so I want them and their kids to thrive, so I'll probably end up being the rich uncle who pays for them to go to university in 20 years or so.

I feel like I shouldn't have kids because I'm a manlet

>muh spelling
Nice derail. Would hate to not address the argument
Protip: you cant
Seeya poof.

No. Do you want the white race to die? Then get to fuckin

because I do not want to give fruits of my work to some fucks who did nothing but procreated

>when the media shows me a picture of a happy couple it's invariably a mixed race couple

>when the media shows me a picture of a childree couple it's a white couple

Oh vey, I wonder how that's possible?

>pisses in the ocean and thinks the ocean is now piss
You are going to have to try harder than that mate. Something big has to happen. Polygamy, war, genocide, meritocratic breeding... Choose one.
What can we do?

>tfw 19, married with a child
>tfw supporting my homogenous white family

Feels good tbqh

Maybe, but not getting married is definitely a red pill. Yeah... I'm going to bet that this marriage works (when something like 1/3 don't - yes I know 50% is inflated, it is actually like 1/3) and if it doesn't (for any reason whatsoever) I lose half my shit and am required to pay this bitch a monthly sum and also never see my kids (because even abusive moms are treated better in family court than men)... that sound's like an intelligent decision (heavy sarcasm).

No you dumbass kike shill, being child free is what Normie's do because the Jews have made having children too expensive and they don't want to give up their childish hobbies


burgerbro, living beings being dead or alive, being born or dying is natural process over which we ultimately have no control
I plan on living my life the way I want
If I will have kids at some point, so be it, but I do not want nor need to jump some hoops just so I can put benis in vagoo

That's niggerthink, are you a man or an animal?

I just want to be able travel and basically enjoy my money and develop a good career. And I want my wife to be as attractive as possible for as long as possible.

I see this slide thread every day.



Not having white kids is making niggers have more kids. There's nothing more redpilled than having white kids. If we want whites to be the majority in burgerland we make more of them.

>getting your genetic material purged from the face of this planet and the universe
>red pilled

Bluest of blue pills you cuck faggot.

Mfw I'm not even white and I've got to spell out to you selfish degenerates that you white wankstains are the pinnacle of civilisation.

Kill yourself, leaf

That fact that this is now an epidemic proves that white people don't deserve to endure as a major player on this planet
>I'm white no bully plz

can't afford kids, can't even afford my own house yet

Better than feeding another goy to the (((globalists))) thinking it won't happen to your kids is delusional, arrogant special snowflake-ism.

Enjoy seeing your child kicked out of the school system for "badthink" because he asked a question in history class.



Overpopulation is the real epidemic.

Not for white folk it isn't western replacement rates are way bellow.

You should encourage your kids to do that. Schools are so shit on this cuck island that it would be an improvement. Stay at home and raise them right.

The birth rate is just fine in white countries.

The problem is that shitskins are breeding WAY too much compared to white people. Just give them free birth control or something.

>my dead isn't around

The real red-pill is to not have children.
They are disgusting, noisy and your life is over as soon as the piece of shit is born.
Enjoy your life and don't make this mistake.

>What benefit is their to it?


Wow, I agree. Morons shouldn't have children.

Yes Goyim, don't reproduce, ehehehe

Failure or refusal to reproduce will ultimately lead to the destruction of the white race.

It's good to enjoy the childfree life for a while. My GF and I both have a good situation and we make good money, so we enjoy life and save for later. But we will sure have kids in like 3 or 4 years. I know older people that never had kid, I can see there is some kind of void in their life.

100% agree. children have zero purpose beyond a woman's entertainment.

>not wanting to see how much of your genes dominate someone else's
>not wanting to make a god forsaken concoction of your gene pool with someone else

OP's a faggot: confirmed.
>Why wouldn't you want to pass your genes on to a future generation?
>2 reasons:
>You believe Jew lies that "having a family is inconvenient and bad goys!"
>You like fucking men in the ass, which scientifically speaking, leaves you unable to have kids.

its actually one of the initial bluepills...

except these days normies are the ones not having children

>What benefit is their to it?
You've been conditioned your whole life not to see or appreciate them.

forcing someone into this meat grinder we call a world to work and pay bills until they die is bluepilled.

It's blue pulled as fuck, kill yourself op.

No. Because you'll end up a 30 something like me in a loveless relationship wondering who will fill your big extravagant house during the holidays. Who will love you when the folks pass away? And who will I bestow all that ive learned upon? It eats at you, something is truly missing

Just fucking live your lives while you're young, you fucking faggots. You'll naturally WANT to be parents later in life.

I'd love to have a child but I probably wouldn't be a good father and I doubt I can ever find a woman who I can trust enough to marry.

At this point, why would anyone even want to bring kids into this shitty hellhole of a world? Everything is pointing towards an absolute economic, societal and environmental disaster within this century.

I hate myself and I hate my family. My genes and my name are cancerous and I don't want to put anyone else through the travesty of having them, so I won't pass them on. My family's lineage, which is quite and of which my grandparents are quite proud, ends with me and I fucking love it.

This is a shill thread. The total purpose of evolution is to have kids.

oy vey who can have kids in this awful world unlike in the 1930s.

I'll marry and have children when I see the world taking a positive turn. Right now darkness is looming.

You can, but the future doesn't look bright for them. At all.

Thankfully I suffer from medical conditions which provide me with an excuse to avoid the rose-tinted children/family fantasy in the first place. That and personal experiences within my own family or the families of other friends would've swayed me from it otherwise.

>Convince white people to not have kids
> Other races are too stupid to even use condoms
> Birthrates drop
> White couples have shit ton of monye because no kids
> Grow old
> Uh-oh
> We need labour to pay for our pensions and social security
> I know, lets invite shitskins to pay for us
> Shitskins come in
> Country gone

If you dont have kids as a white person, you are destryoing the Western World

at least 2/3 of the marriages/serious relationships I have seen in my family and with my close friends have either ended in disaster or continued miserably only due to having a child
it's just math

Not everyone's physically or mentally qualified to have kids. That goes for all races.

If people would not have to many sexual partners and instead focus on the relationship we would have less divorces. This would lead to a better and safer society.

Also, if people with genetic diseases and IQ

I think another thing stopping me from wanting a kid is the fact that I'm pro life but if I were to have a kid born with downs or autism or some shit I really don't know what I'd do with myself

>you are biologically programmed to enjoy having kids
No, just the process of impregnating women

No. Instead of having children I'm building a robot army to usher in a new age of enlightenment.

All you're doing is creating more bugs to kill.