Hello anaonimous, I ask you to sign the petition for Bradley Manning. He was a whistleblower, who sent a video of collateral murder of civilsts by us-soldiers, but these murderers are still free and he went in prison for speakinig about their crime. It schould be changed.
Now there is a petition in internet, which asks to pardon him, and when the petition get 100 thousands signatures, white house must give response to it. Petition is online since 14 November and is activ until 14 December. Now it got 49 thousand signatures and 51 thousands are still needed. Not only US-sitizens but everybody can sign. I hope anonimous helps a whistleblower.
Free Bradley Manning
Other urls found in this thread:
He deserves nothing short of a public execution.
Mudslimes do not have civilians; all of them are targets of opportunity
Id choose our live soldiers over some dead Muslims any day
>dude who prevented or at least slowed down the bombings of shitskins
>implying shitskins are human
You disgust me not only because you think of them as human, but also because you do not wish for "chelsea" bradley manning to be executed.
You pathetic cuck
Who's this beautiful woman?
He is innocent and undangerous. He dont will serve for army again and will not be able to tell more secrets. Murders get smaller punishment and he just told the truth.
"Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Kommunist. Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat. Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten, habe ich geschwiegen, ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter. Als sie mich holten, gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte."
a man
fucking civilsts
Dman, that is a great pic of Bailey Jay.
>tfw intesively attracted to Bailey
>but almost every video s/he takes the panties off too fast
>can't fap to it once the cock is out, just lose all attraction bottom down
It's strange, I like the cock bulge, it's hot. But once it's out? Nah. I wish he'd do more videos just lounging around in panties and doing cute things.
HD gravure style vids would be fucking awesome.
bailey jay
Though if Trump pardoned this tranny that would be hilarious.
Also, it's Chelsea Manning now. Get it right you goddamn SHITLORD
I'm not signing that because our government has done much worse.
I don`t understand yout logic. It`s bad too and here we can do something now. It don`t takes a lot of time.
>General Assange fearless leader of the Meme War
>Bradley Manning traitor
Pick one.
Congratulations, you are now gay.
>Hello anaonimous
Yep, you lost me there.