Americans will defend this

>Americans will defend this


lmao if you don't just shoot the diseases off your body

the fuck is wrong with you leafs?

I don't use taxdollars to pay for my guns. We can do the same for healthcare.

Google positive rights vs negative rights, stupid leaf.

Nothing in the constitution says you can't have healthcare.

Tax dollars go into scraping people off of the streets after they've been murdered.

There is a genocide going on in America.

Why would you have the right to make someone else take care of you? Geez; rapist liberal logic.

Health is a service. Owning something is not a service.



who do people from other countries not understand liberty?

Being a stupid leaf, you leave out important facts. Most gun deaths are either suicide or niggers killing niggers. Outside of the ghetto, gun violence is lower than most European countries.

Which amendment is "The Right to Bear Healthcare"

I'm entitled to hand-picked cotton. Now get back into my field, Morontoposter.

canada has roughly 300 million people less than america. the number is probably lower as a percentage if you did the math. it get's more damning as you go through that list. fuck off cuck.

>muh safety
You have the right to buy and carry a gun. The government will not pay for your weapon.

You have the right to buy healthcare.

I paid for the bullet that you got shot wit for acting like a nigger. I'm not paying to get it out of you.

>other people paying for me is a right
>being able to buy things for myself is a privilege

waahhh wahhh kys

>Canadians will spam this

Third post best post

No one is saying the government should subsidize citizens' guns or ammunition.

>That said, if a UHC debate is to be had,either side can bring forth merits on practical bases

That's a nigger problem, not a gun problem.

What's your point cuck?

>Implying this is a bad thing
It needs less gun control if anything. Criminals get the vast majority of their gun illegally since they're already barred from legal means of acquisition. Even ignoring that there are more uses of legal self defense involving firearms, an outright ban with neither remove the illegally held guns (even assuming non-criminal owners completely turned them in), nor will it remove the violence in the hearts and minds of the criminals who use them to commit violence. This is shown in Canada and Australia, where gun violence decreased but other rates of violence increased, resulting in no net change in both homicide and general violence rates attributable to gun control laws.

Hell yea buddy! God bless

I don't recall the government giving guns to the people for free, or am I wrong? last time I checked, you needed to PAY money at a privately-owned store in order to get one.

Friendly reminder: it's a fucking leaf.

Isn't it the very most basic form of healthcare to be able to effectively protect yourself?


When you post drivel like this, you embarrass the rest of the leafs, faggot.

Hope you enjoy your first Canadian winter though.

Owning a gun to be able to defend your property instead of having to escape and call the cops seems way better. Seriously Swedens laws agains self defence sucks.

Be courteous and repost this not more than once per day, faggot.

You have to pay for a gun.

You have to pay for Healthcare

What's the difference?

only thing wrong with it is that you lefties and the rest of the world don't fucking get it

That infograph actually uses murders though, not the 33,000 "gun deaths".

No one will ever love you or care what you have to say.

Der Ewige Kanadier.

OP has it all backwards and is letting his feelz get the best of him. The only thing I can tell wimps scared of guns is to quit supporting them and don't buy video games where the characters use guns and also boycott movies that show them and also don't defend yourself if you get mugged or raped by some AIDS infested nigger. You'll be the coolest SJW of all time and the other SJW's will honor you (for one facebook/Tumblr news cycle at least)

>Australians will defend this


>the freedom to own something = taxpayers funding a service

Remember leaves if you kill your enemy they win.

there's around 247.5mm people in all the non-US countries in that list

what i'd be interested in knowing is the difference in nigger populations and how many of the US "murders" are leftists lying about legal self-defence and police kills

Knocking off suicides, police shooting criminals, and justified homicide/self defense, there are only about 8000-8500 firearm deaths (read homicides) a year.

Please explain to me, in detail, how healthcare will act as a deterrent to tyrannical government.

What % of those are commited by nignogs

Don't know offhand, but probably about 80% or so of them, which is the percentage of all crimes I recall as being attributed to gangs.

Guns don't murder people.

People murder people.

>forcing other people to pay for your health problems is a human right!
>self defense is not a human right!

saged because obvious bait but this still triggered me
also all canucks should be gassed

>owning a gun is protecting your well being.

Yeah, you defend yourself using the most wildly available and efficient tool for it the human race has ever devised.

I didnt know they were giving FREE guns in america

I really want Trudeau to block Sup Forums in Canada. We need to convince Trudeau that Sup Forums is a disgusting racist hate website that needs to be completely closed to the Canadian public.

Both those things are good to have.

How the fuck is that wrong?
In medieval age you could have a sword to defend your shit and your family, but had to travel to town and pay the doc a good sum to cure your plague.
Seems like the only sensible way to go.

Wir müssen die Blätter ausrotten!

You would think that defending and taking care of yourself could prevent you from needing to seek healthcare in the first place.....................................................................................

Nig nogs commit 40% or more of all murder, rape, and armed robbery in the US.

Americans get 'free' guns paid for by the taxpayer? Holy crap sign me up!


A-americans get free guns handed to them?

This isn't fait

Smh senpai

This, Leaf getting BTFO


The gun is the ultimate equalizer, idk why liberals only want the racist police to have guns.

>There is a genocide going on in America.

Yeah there is, from globalist bolshevik cocksuckers like you, who insist on eliminating borders and increasing immigration all the while urging white citizens not to own guns. Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit. I don't care if you're trolling, or a shill - in the end you are going to pay with your life - you will suffer at that. I swear to you, you will end your miserable existence in this world screaming in agony.

Hell what a cuck OP is.

they think they can control the police, so those cunts will be used to do their bidding

This thread again? Oh, I see. A fucking leaf.

It's pathetic that you think I should pay for your healthcare.

I don't give a fuck if you die. Fuck you, you're a worthless drain on society.

>paying someone for a service
>being able to defend yourself
its a bad analogy taxpayers dont buy my guns for me and I dont expect them to cover the bill for my antibiotics or the doctor giving me a checkup

If you shot all the sick people this wouldn't be a problem.

Funny how you only used White countries.

Now show nigger countries, and show overall murders....

And THAT'S why the USA needs guns.


Tim Horton's doesn't even recycle their cups. You're a cuck and your entire society is a lie

Where in our constitution does it say we have a right to healthcare, pham?

Because they don't have freedom nor liberty. Only the United States of America does. The other countries have privs granted to them by their Queen, King, Vatican, etc etc etc.

Seriously, most countries are built on the principle: our citizens are fuckwits and we can never trust them with anything more than tieing their shoes. America is founded on the principle: our citizens are fuckwits but so fucking what! American, Hell Yeah!

Our country has that idea because North America is so huge and if you didn't like the people around you, you could just head west a bit until there were no people around. Other places have had been crowded with people since humans started walking around. Only a few places in the world didn't have a few humans behind every bush or over every hill. So they've all been controlled from the top down since the first bully boys beat everyone else up and made them suck his dick every day. You don't trust the underlings and idiot subjects when you are trying to keep yourself and your children in charge until the end of time.

Niggers. Remove the niggers (who are involved in 80% of all shootings according to the FBI in the US), and American gun crimes and homicides involving guns drops to EUROPEAN rates.


Why are you jealous leaf?

>White countries


I thought it was pro 2A and then realized that is was backwards from that.

Guns are not given for fucking free here leaf. You have the same rights to healthcare that you have to a gun in that you need to pay for it instead of leeching off others for it.

>>Americans will defend this
Swissfags as well.

so yeah theres the problem

didnt you guys just crack down on gun rights

They are both a right you dumb idiot
>nobody can stop you from buying healthcare with your money
>nobody can stop you from buying a gun with your money
Leaf should be banned

>the australian is chinese