White Hispanic

Is the 14 year old boy who got shot confirmed a full white? Because he could be a White Hispanic. In my book if you want to be considered a white at all you must be full white.

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That's an Italian flag you dip

Don't make yourself look this stupid.
>Wearing Italian flag
Oh so the White Hispanic that was wearing a german flag at my school is german right? Oh ok that makes sense.


Robert Barragan

Wheres my prize Sup Forums this faggot isn't full white.

>He can't be "full white" because the language he talks is Spanish
>American education


You have never been to North America then.

He's dressed like a chav or any other metrosexual European

I've never seen anyone besides Mexicans and low class Europeans who look like that

>Hispanic descent
>Uruguay education

Ok maybe he is white but he is not of European descent. Case closed


We all know that this kid only hangs around mexicans and latinos. Calling this kid a white is like calling Justin Beiber a pussy slayer. We all know he is but, is he really?

he's wearing an italy shirt, so he's most likely of italian heritage and not hispanic.


Shut the fuck up. You're trying to bait me like the first guy did. Or you're just retarded, who knows.
Goodnight Sup Forums

Ergo not white.

dude the only people wearing italy shirts are italians. Especially those that dont live there..


>White Hispanic

there are almost no actual spanish people in the US

no one born south of the US to a white family lives in the US

>white hispanic
Lmao you burgers are retarded.




You are the baby here dumb fuck, and an autistic one at that. That kid was no lethal threat and could have been secured without the use of a gun by any man who isn't a worthless wad of shit.

Stop blaming the crimes of the Spaniard on the Mestizo man.

Did he died

Fom the MSM, he is in critical condition.


Would you have said that if the kid was black?

Well he goes to Hug High so chances are hes a beaner.

Hug is known in Reno as the ghetto school (overwhelming black and Mexican demographic).

Did he file his petition of acceptance to White Heritage Foundation? How else could he even be considered white?

Actual Spanish people aren't white either though.

It doesn't matter

I'm embarrassed for your country.

Are you b8ing me or are you calling him a non white?

>In my book if you want to be considered a white at all you must be full white.

Me 2 m8

All you half breed mongrels need to leave Sup Forums

why is this tard having a knife ?

Thank you, finally someone with common sense.

he just wants to make a sandwich nobody gives him bread

Not another white school attacker. When will whitey wake up and fix their community.

Is this even a case to bully a black kid? He would bring to school his ghetto friends and they'd beaten to death the offenders.

On the OP pic there's a blood on kids' face. He got punched by blacks and decided to berserk them.

Probably got fed up with niggers harassing him and he snapped

I got builled and brought a knife to school. This makes me sad I got suspended for. Week this kid died

Hello, I go to school with this guy.

He was indoctrinated by the alt-right after watching videos from an alt-right Nazi named Sam Hyde. He bought Sam's book and started watching Holocaust denial videos and browsing a racist forum called Sup Forums. I spoke to him the day before this happened and he mentioned taking too many "redpills" and he kept referring to me as a normie. He also said I was alright and not to come to school the next day.

Very sad this happened, please pray for him and his family. We are all in shock.

Thank you for proving my point that calling him white sounds retarded.

when will it stop!!

Reno: Kid gets shot, when he is acting like a crazy beaner kid. Any capable adult could stop this kid. Nothing happens, so I am assuming he was shot by a cop.

Las Vegas: Man shoots kid, fearing for his life, when a group of three in masks steal shit from his store. Faces Murder charges. Father of dead kid even thinks this charge is wrong.

Why in the fuck are police, who we grant the use of lawful lethal force, held to a lower standard than a citizen protecting himself?

dude..stfu. youre not funny.

nobody is highkey white anymore.

we have learned all the liberal's tricks.

>black guy gets shot
>blacks chimpout

>muslim gets shot
>muslims chimp out

>white kid gets shot
>W-well his great grandma visited Mexico once, s-so he is not really white

This is why you are losing

Nice try, Caleb.

Cops are like niggers. They think they're tough when they gang up on the weak and helpless, just like niggers; they become mouthy and arrogant when they outnumber a lone citizen going about his business, just like niggers; they victimize innocent citizens and wonder why everyone hates them, just like niggers; they look out for each other and cover up for each other's crimes, just like niggers; they support white genocide and encourage discrimination against whites, just like niggers.

Yeah you're not funny. We all know no one would pray for Hispanics, you don't have to make a joke about it though.

Sorry about the reconquista ahmed. Germans look eager though.


here is the link niggers

>0.00000001% white population
>100% speak Spanish
Muy buen!

Stupid divide and conquer bait. Shill, go home. You are likely JIDF or CTR or both.

W-well, I kinda already called him a white B-but his whole fucking family is Hispanic and disgusting he's basically a Beaner with white skin.k-kill yourself?

I used to live in the same school district

There is not a single Italian in a 100 mile radius of that school. It's 100% Mexican school. Listen to the video, the kids speak English in a Spanish accent.

White Americans don't watch soccer, only Mexicans and foreigners. He's Mexican, he probably got the shirt at a thrift store.

I said this in the last thread.

Nice b8

Your white woman are taking the BKC.

Mad whitey?

The flag means nothing, other than his shirt was probably on the clearance rack at Ross, which infers other issues/provocations.

This boy took that ISIS tutorial video too seriously.

So is he white or what?

Oh and they consistently vote democrat fo dem unions just like niggers

I bet he's considered "white" in your country.

That kid is Mexican lol.

>A teenager was shot by a campus police officer at a Nevada high school after threatening classmates with a knife.

>Reno Police said that they were called late Wednesday morning to Hug High School, where a 14-year-old student was shot.

What are your thoughts on this pol?
Was it justified to shoot him?


I seriously doubt it.

White kids don't go to that school. He doesn't even look white. He looks like a mestizo.

The kids speak English like Mexicans.

No, he's just called a white.

alright, well I guess it's different in the US then. But in Europe you can always always count on the flag tshirt rule

>bringing a knife to a gun fight

This is a ralph lauren shirt, confirmed to be white

Yes, the Ralph Lauren logo is white good job buddy.

Once she saw I went to Ross she gave me the ane. Straight Citizen, Ross.

I remember people used to wear those shirts a long time ago. I had one but never wore it.

>pulls a knife
>pretends to be italian
>stupid looking

Is he a Gypsy?

Wow with that built and his impressive intimidatory skills shoting him was the only option left! Damn cant you even down this potato without a gun cucks

He's Hispanic with some clear dominant Caucasian features taken a hold.

There are often times very complex nuclear families in Hispanic units due to their massive amounts of admixture over a significant period of time.

You can literally have a whole family of people who look nothing like one another.

It's Soro's vision of the world IRL.

I love how the amerilards just stand there 5 meters from him in a crowd, watching it like some super fun exciting show. I bet most of them were hoping he will get shot so they can make exciting posts on facebook.

I almost feel bad for the kid.
>go to school
>ass kicked by group of others
>one day decide to retaliate
>albeit, not in the best of ways
>get shot and possibly killed

In no way was he justified in bringing knives, but fuckin A.
Funny thing is, this kid will get demonized along with all the other shooters, stabbers, and violent retaliators. And still, to this very day, everyone remains blind as to why this shit happens.
These kinds of kids should be punished, yes. But demonizing them is equivalent to victim blaming.
Fuck this gay earth


Yeah you can thank mexico for that. Mexico is such a shitty neighbor they ruined an entire language


00s of truth. Spanish went from a european language to a shitskin language on par with arabic.

mestizos were a mistake

Really makes you think. The kid's mistake was taking a weapon to school. Fight the bullies, get your ass kicked and move on.

I like carne asada tacos though.

>be American
>get shot

So Cameron Diaz ain't white user?

not even memeing, the cop could have pushed this fucking kid over.

im all for fasicm and what not, but ffs

that was a weak, untrained teen with a fucking knife - that cop has shown amazing level of skill.

Meanwhile in Italy.


This desu

Shes hot. But not white yeah ma nigga

>be romanian
>get bitten by a feral gypsy


brazil did the same thing with Portuguese

there's something wrong with melanin

I agree the kid fucked up.
I guess I know the feel all too well of being hopeless like there is no way ut. Fortunately, I wasn't stupid enough to brandish a weapon.

plus he never even got his money worth, if he decides to bring a knife, he should keep it hidden, approach the bully and take him out before the panics starts because after that everyone will start runing and cops will come and he will be throwing his life away like he did with no pay off, he never even gotten his revenge

>be American
>get shot