What does Sup Forums think about MKULTRA victim Poppy?

Is this all the elite has to offer these days?

What do you think was done to her?

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That shit is evil.

I'd do some ageplay with Poppy.

I have always loved cute jewish girls

What proof is there that she's a victim of MKULTRA?

literally who? looks like an upgraded version of lady gaga.

Did you think the joke was serious? I don't think you get Poppy.

Are you retarded?

Monster tastes like concentrated piss

This is a boringly self-aware art project by some spoiled rich nepotistic New York art scene faggot who knows how to get it into the press and "make it viral"

Anyone who posts this garbage is playing directly into his talentless hands, it's literally designed to "capture the Reddit audience"

>what is viral marketing
It was debunked to be a 3rd tier musician trying to get his friend famous.

She had her 15 seconds of fame on leddit and it's over.

I'm Poppy

>thinking her YouTube persona is real

Its an art project you tard. There are youtube videos exposing her. She used to be a brunette girl singer, than she decided to get fame by being weird and mocking pop music so she deleted all of her old content and started over as the weird Poppy
There's even an interview of her being normal

Stop spamming this literally who

No one cares.

Keep belittling actual victims of child abuse, poppy. I bet you and that bisexual boyfriend of yours are having loads of fun, it's just a pity it's at the expense of some very unfortunate and confused people.

Reminder that watching poppy, even giving this bitch clicks is enabling this shit. It is degenerate. Kill yourselves for even bumping this thread.

You're a degenerate.

>There's even an interview of her being normal

I love you

so why does she have 3:36 as her ambient album title?
3:36=216 minutes=6*6*6
mark of the beast, satanic subliminal messaging confirmed


What the fuck are you guys talking about

Why is she saying "I love my handlers" in the Charlotte interviews Poppy video?
Why does she wear clothes with the allseeing eye symbol on them?
>Illuminati puppet confirmed

>thinking her acting normal means that she isn´t mindcontrolled

They have to activate the trancestate via codes.
Ever read Fritz Springmeier?

yep, she's tailor made for this thread to exist

too bad it's boring now

Just search on YT, I think it was from beauty con or something like that.
They literally put Satan in music video and blatantly put illuminaty symbols as a joke, people live conspiracy theories and Alex Jones can sell snake oil while talking how satanisnts make frogs gay.

seriously i wonder if its a triple reverse psychology mind trick they are playing like "ohh look how weird this is haha jk its just some hipster weeb, send us your real address tomorrow and all of your money, meet us irl and we will love bomb you and give you your uniform and assignment. say bye to your family."

>Implying that Pizzagate was not about satanic child abuse rituals
>Implying that Satanism isnt real
>Implying that satanic symbols are a joke
>ha ha ha

The Universal Music Group owns island records, Poppys record label.
There is evidence for a direct connection of David Rockefeller to the Universal Music Group.
They decide about what their artists release, noone else.
The record label bosses are probably her MK-handlers, as it was in the case of Lady Gaga, Kesha and many more.

yo holy shit, i Just discovered this bitch a couple days ago, but lowlife is a really good song desu

Not clicking the link, but I know the whore in OP's pic. Lives in El Paso. Met her in a bar and got her out to my truck to 'smoke'. I thought she meant weed (which I hate) but she pulled out a glass pipe and threw a stone in it. She sucked my dick while I fingered her (4) and we went back in and drank until they ran out of Knob Creek.

One of my Top 10 best memories.

note the dorito triangle over the eye in the linked video

let the MKULTRA proceed

yeah ok BITCH

can anyone make a tldw? i don't want to watch this cringefest

I did the exact same thing with Hex once

Either you are drunk
or you are completely serious

I believe you either way

>pic related

Poppy pls leave

bump goddamn it

I dont think she's MK Ultra, but she does the Baphomet pose in her Lowlife music video. Seems like some artist trying to get famous by acting kind of odd in some youtube bideo. The "where is Poppy" robot one was pretty fucked up, so she might have been thru some Hollywood bullshit.

The sound of her speaking voice is angellic

I have a strong urge to cum on her face.

That's just an art project. Night Mind did a good video about this.

There are obvious references to illuminati and satanism in her music videos. It was made to appear like she's brainwashed to become a pop star, hence the name.

Here's music video, there's a huge fucking illuminati triangle and she's sitting in the middle making the baphomet pose.

It's just an art thing.

>what do you think she looks like naked?

>It's just an art thing.

TLDR Performance artist on Youtube makes Ringu style short video clips (and 50 min bible studies) in order to sell Itunes songs and cheap merchandise like plastic rings and pins.

She throws up a doritos triangle in front of one eye. Classic illuminati symbolism
Also to be found on her channel:
- allseeing eye on clothes
- Illuminati triangle ring called Membership ring
- eyeball gloves
- video title: 3:36 which means 216 minutes =
6*6*6 mark of the beast confirmed, also name of her album
- Saying "She loves her handlers" obviously referring to MKULTRA handlers
- Satan in one of her music videos
- "Step 1 & 2" videos with a weird binaural beat where she brainwashes the viewer
- generally a creepy and satanic vibe

Her videos are probably used to brainwash other MKULTRA victims or the viewers

>INB4 art project by Titanic Sinclair, that guy has an illuminati oath on his website

>just an art thing
Spirit cooking was also " an art thing" too

Get a load of this Dad!!


>drunk posting is top tier shitposting

>pic kinda related, bet she has been to one of those parties but she doesnt remember shit as she was in triggered trancestate

Plus Monster energy drink's logo is the Hebre symbol for 6, so it spells out 666 (as the 'claw marks' on the Monster can)


could be roleplaying

Last time I drank a can of that stuff, I got a headache.

Poppy is confirmed redpilled and hater of normies

Hebrew* number symbol thing

Whatever, It's too obvious to me to be serious.

And here's the director's site.

There's literally illuminati sign as a cursor. It's just some gay indie music video director from LA.

He makes identical videos to Poppy's.

What the fuck did I link to.

Here's the correct one.

the gun is the only thing he doesn't hold by the handle. must be on drugs.

"They" is probably referring to her split-personalities which she doesn´t have under control, because they buried the triggers and behaviours there.
>pic related, read the book by Springmeier if you don´t get what i am talking about. should be available as pdf on google. also, watch the manchurian candidate

You are right on the gay part, only that he is the gay counterpart MK-ULTRA sex slave to Poppy.
When was this shit not obvious btw?

I got banned for making a thread about that poppy on Sup Forums but i could tell something is up with her, lowlife is a good song and there is meme energy in her

we should make her a nazi

i want to cum inside her, and i dont say that about alot of women because i know the risks of unprotected sex

You need to rescue her first from illuminati and undo the brainwashing.

Her jew executives probably take turns on her after using secret codeword that makes her a submissive slut.

what did you do to get banned? I´m curious


How could someone that young have been in MKultra you fuck.

I want to knock this bitches teeth out. I don't know why anyone finds this frumpy, autistic, square headed bitch fascinating. Hope she gets killed by a bjork tier stalker.

>implying the government actually closed down their sophisticated mindcontrol-program to create undetectable sleeper agents, sex slaves and celebrities that would always stay in line

>implying they didnt just lie like they always do

top kek

It would have a different code name obvious.

>eating the doritos jew
>drinking the energy jew

>Poppy is confirmed redpilled and hater of normies

Yup, listen to this songs lyrics, she even rips on modern men not being real men anymore. Then you look at the comment section and it's full of the kinds of people she's making fun of in that song.

>admitting blatantly that she sold her soul (to the Devil)
>shallow society criticism
>actually promoting "special snowflake"-behavior and isolation from society
>manipulating the viewer into believing he doesnt want to fit in with society, is better than the rest
>a society that is of integrity and socially connected is harder to divide
> actually helping the divide and conquer plan of the Illuminati
>jewish psyop song confirmed


[citation needed]

Is she our girl?

It's a light redpill, the angst reminds me of Fight Club and Howl.

While critical of modern commercial society, the criticism itself is still commercialized media.

Postmodernist angst will only take her so far.

4/10 at best

Her videos are made by Titanic Sinclair. He looks like a massive faggot but he's pretty red pilled.
As you can see in these videos

Makes fun of Bruce Jenner

Makes fun of people who try to discredit Donald Trump

Makes fun of Black Lives Matter Chimps

I wish he had these kinds messages on Poppy's channel as she gets a lot more views but she's probably scared of the backlash she'd get for it, still he videos are about how shitty society is so just in a more subtle way so whatever.

How bout you peer review your own eyes you genius.

No she browses Sup Forums and she does it for money and attention.

It is satire you fucking retards

Sounds like monotonous inserting of subconscious messages to me


no its not you dunce, just like those satanic symbols plastered all over pizzagate instagram accounts are just satire.

Do you even know what MKultra is?

he doesn´t make fun of them. Its brainwashing. "If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth" for you

he has sanpaku eyes


It's well known that what gets repeated over three times goes into memory, particularly subconscious memory.

They are doing simple word phrases and associations to make people think what they want them to think. Aka memes.

Here they try to associate Trump with a pinata, planting the subconscious idea that he is vulnerable.

These fools wield memes in the blunt way that only corporate hacks can manage.

i think you need to take a break
she's a parody of pop stars and celebrity culture
she and they have no goal to unite or divide anyone
they're just elitists who like to make music and videos

>I should be everything you hate

>Lol so randoooom xDDD

>Look at me im so quirky and randdoom xD

This. Both of them, especially Titanic are using NLP-techniques. Probably they are acting according to behaviour scripts they got in their MKULTRA programming.

Most ignorant thing I heard today.
They are not the elitists. The record label owners that tell them what to do are the elitists, and these people and their groups of bankers, politicians and media moguls have been working all their life to divide and control society and place the power over it fully in the hands of the elite.
Poppy and Titanic show clear signs of mindcontrolled Illuminati puppets. Everything they put out there is carefully planned by their handlers. I highly doubt that they take any part in the creative process.