The rebirth of Cummunism and it's poster cuck Asher Lev.
Tonight we explore the radicalising of the left and pure idiocy via the journal entries of one of it's loudest cheerleaders.
The rebirth of Cummunism and it's poster cuck Asher Lev.
Tonight we explore the radicalising of the left and pure idiocy via the journal entries of one of it's loudest cheerleaders.
I invite you Sup Forums on a journey through the tightly wound post-History degree mind of Yung Lev
Yung Lev has had a hard life, being a virgin until the ripe age of 24.
The longevity of his virgin years are said to have been the bedrock on which his erection of Marx-fanboyism grew
He had felt the oppressive rainbow of liberalism forced upon him throughout tertiary education and had grown wary of the moderates
Yung Lev had seen enough and felt 'twas the hour of revolt from the ways of old
So straight to his MacBook Pro, Yung Lev took his rage. "Tell the world of Facebook, my comrades join arms!"
"Why won't they listen?" Yung Lev thought to himself. "Hmmm, I'll have to be louder and seize the means of production, this KY won't make itself!"
For his penor was calloused having read 'Das Kapital', "Mao, Stalin, and Castro shall not pass in vain! Viva La Revolucion, I'm cumming again!"
With his back to the West and it's 'damn white wimen' his attention was turned to the LGBTQRUSE community and was welcomed with mouths wide open
Never had he received such a welcome before, two men at once and only one of them gay!
This has potential. Go on, Australia.
If this winds up being a shitpost though...never again
Even his own Party could not evade his conviction. "How dare they like what I don't like" his muttering twisted, "what was that?" asked the tattooist etching 'Reparation Preparation' onto his soft lower back
After restocking his wall will memes from 'Crimes of Great Britain' he vowed to leave this colonially-orchestrated country the moment he received congratulations for his Phd thesis on Gender Liquidity and it's acceptance in the Soviet Union
Yung Lev laid his head to his pillow, rubbed the itch from his anus and slowly began to drift back to his desired Eutopia
Part II: Yung Lev's Utopia
A place full of grey and state run decisions,
white wimen in chains and straights go to prison,
Yung Lev's in charge of the Department of Labour,
But heaven forbid you call him a dictator
The Muslims are gay but the Nazi's are gayer,
get out now if it's too much,
for this is just the first layer
Race-mixing's a must or you'll most likely perish,
Independence from state a distant memory you may no longer cherish,
The proletariat have spoken, you're going into the zoo
Don't worry my comrade, you get free lobotomy too!
Part III: The very next day you gave it away
Awoken by the wet patch in his bed, Yung Lev took to his desk. Quill in hand and Manifesto in mind "Apologising to the oppressed people of the world by allowing refugees to rape my neighbours" he wrote the first line
fixated on relinquishing the conquests of his four-fathers (this is a heavily debated issue stemming to the probability that they were brought along for public jest) he scrawled the second line "Neighbours offered MONEY for their release, sent the filthy capitalist pigs to home made Gulag"
Yung Lev packed his knapsack,
through the streets he did stroll,
until the vibration of his iPhone 5 informed him it was time to ridicule another right-wing 'troll'
>British empire kills people = murder
>USSR kills their own people = sacrifice
The Mental gymnastics
To the forrest he headed to train his militia
He updates his Facebook status "Not regularly performing bank account transactions is anti-semitic. Also fuck you mum I asked for halal meat" before leaving reception provided by privatised infrastructure companies. "Curses! now my daily outreach is limited"
He arrived to the sides of his comrades. Three 'Nigger-hating colonial supporting bigots' from the administrative board of the local social benefits program are tied and gagged awaiting Yung 'brutally murder innocent westerners' Lev's arrival.
I assume Lev is short for (((Levi)))?
"For what crimes do we stand trial for?" pleads one of the men after being untied by Yung 'Supreme' Lev. "STAND TRAIL?!" Lev turns red with rage before skinning the man and executing his peers. "Pronoun-fluid comrades, these traitors of the uprising have only begun to repay their debt to us working-class revolushinaries" His eyes darting towards government house on the distant horizon.
Yung Lev's mother being violently rape by 4 over-quota refugees, father furiously pokey-bum wanking in corner draped in a Palestinian flag
On the way back to his stronghold (paid for by his government subsidised student loan + additional living costs + student allowance + Che Guevara iPhone case sales) he updates his status: "Winston Peters is a misinformed nazi bigot, the open movement of oppressed peoples raises our country's wealth. Foolish"
He passes a Gay Pride event on his journey home but quickly hurries as he doesn't want to be photographed near 'progressives neo-liberals'.
Far too moderate in rhetoric and too vast in numbers for a lone Yung Lev to make enough impact.
what the hell is this
"Oh-no, I'm missing the polling results!"
He hurries home
"I wish I could convince more people through deep intellectual argument that communism via socialist reform is the only way to revive peace and prosperity in western cultures. The after effect would most definitely increase the living standards in nations economically deprived by western imperialist colonisation" He thinks as he spreads Nutella on his wholemeal bread.
Updates status: "John Key and Obama playing golf together is reminiscent of Hitler and Goebbels. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a literal Nazi"
Communism good Capitalism bad, it says so in these pro-communist articles
I am angry.
The majority of the Berlin Wall was destroyed by West Germany, although East Germany was more willing of its demise, the West had bulldozers
being cucked is socially liberating. Micro-reparations.
Yung Lev goes for his nightly power-walk while revising his local representative critique.
Updates status: "Stalin wanted the best for 'his' people, unfortunately because of 'his' lack of knowledge on gender fluidity many of his public announcements were lost on the ever-popular Soviet-Pansexuals
1. 2. 3. Capitalism doesn't work for me. Asian sweatshops are my go-to for all my yeezus and Apple products.
"Maybe if I radicalise my belief system women will find me mysterious"